Triarii wrote:Frankly, I think it makes sense that the Feds and Klings wouldn't have a "super dreadnought" type ship... The Federation isn't in the buisness of the building dreadnoughts for philisohpical reasons (the Prometheus being a possible exception) and the Klingons are generally known to favour smaller ships in larger numbers...
If the Negh'Var goes the same route as the Vor'cha, it might become a mainstream ship soon. Right now, it's main use is to showcase the military might of the empire and serve as a flagship.
Tyler wrote:If the Negh'Var goes the same route as the Vor'cha, it might become a mainstream ship soon. Right now, it's main use is to showcase the military might of the empire and serve as a flagship.
yeah. that's true. for the major part of TNG, the Vorcha was the Kling Flagship class.