Where's the Gorn Confederation/Hegemony???

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posted on April 19th, 2012, 11:39 pm
Last edited by Lost_Spaceship on April 20th, 2012, 3:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
What happened to the Gorn Confederation in Fleet operations time???

They were conquered by the Klingons??? They were conquered by the Romulans??? Or they are Federation members???
Or they were assimilated by the Borg???

In my opinion, the Borg assimilated almost an entire galaxy and only 4 factions resisted the Borg assimilation. The Federation, The Klingons, The Romulans and The Dominion.
As i can see, there aren't Cardassians, there aren't Gorns and Orion Syndicate. The Orion Sindycate now is the member of the Federation and left the pirate career, now the pirate acting is made by a Klingon branch led by TaQ'roja.
The Cardassians were assimilated by the Borg as the Gorns were assimilated.

We can now make an updated map of the empires. The half of the galaxy assimilated by the Borg, a great part of the Gamma Quadrant conquered by the Dominion and the Federation possessing a little part of the Beta Quadrant because the Borg Assimilated almost the Beta Quadrant.
And in the Alpha Quadrant we find the Federation, the Klingon and the Romulans all uniteds.
We can see the Cardassian part assimilated by the Borg too.

The Klingons, Romulans and the Federation formed an alliance and the Dominion operates independently.

This is my vision about the Fleet Operations.
posted on April 20th, 2012, 1:18 am
Gorn Confederacy  ^-^
posted on April 20th, 2012, 2:46 am
There's no on-screen depiction of their fate in TNG and later eras, and secondary source material (games / books) actually conflict, with some suggesting they fight on the side of the Federation in the Dominion War, and others saying they fought with the Dominion.
posted on April 20th, 2012, 4:35 am
I was given the opportunity to make Gorn models for Fleet Ops from Optec, and they are an NPC race in Fleet Ops. To my knowledge though there's no real story plans for them. Based on the tidbits I was told they were absorbed into other larger empires and those that remained independent never really created a stable government. The remnants are generally considered mercenaries and pirates.
posted on April 20th, 2012, 4:40 am
Yep, we don't have a real backstory for them yet, as they don't play a real part in the Fleet Operations story. Yet i would like them to appear as mercenaries or pirates
posted on April 20th, 2012, 5:24 am
wow im lackin on the trek.... i forgot about the gorns, i remember them from the original and from enterprise, and nothing else... fail on my part! but my scotch is soooOOOoo good... neat of course  :innocent:
posted on April 20th, 2012, 11:32 am
well according to sto they were absorbed into the klingon empire along with the orion but its wethr or not fo will use any of sto story as a base or not
posted on April 20th, 2012, 1:12 pm
Nope, FO splits of somewhere at ds9. we integrated most of what happened later, but we are not too happy with the STO stories, so we do not consider them canon. As a rule of thumb, we only consider the shows and movies canon, although we did not integrate everything of the movies and shows into the FO storyline.

I feel its really important to get the historic database up as soon as possible :sweatdrop:
posted on April 20th, 2012, 6:53 pm
Last edited by Lost_Spaceship on April 20th, 2012, 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Undying Nephalim wrote:I was given the opportunity to make Gorn models for Fleet Ops from Optec, and they are an NPC race in Fleet Ops. To my knowledge though there's no real story plans for them. Based on the tidbits I was told they were absorbed into other larger empires and those that remained independent never really created a stable government. The remnants are generally considered mercenaries and pirates.

Understood. They were absorbed by the Klingons or Romulans.
If the Gorns were absorbed by the Klingons or Romulans, can we see Gorns ships in their fleets???
Because a Gorn ship has more Hull Resistance than a Klingon ship.
Or they adapted the Gorn hull into their fleet???

Optec wrote:Yep, we don't have a real backstory for them yet, as they don't play a real part in the Fleet Operations story. Yet i would like them to appear as mercenaries or pirates

Yes, we can see remnants from Gorns, an empire can't be conquered totally and there is a part of the conquered empire that maintain the culture and act against the conquest.
They survive as pirates or mercenaries.
posted on April 21st, 2012, 10:28 am
Lost_Spaceship wrote:In my opinion, the Borg assimilated almost an entire galaxy and only 4 factions resisted the Borg assimilation. The Federation, The Klingons, The Romulans and The Dominion.
As i can see, there aren't Cardassians, there aren't Gorns and Orion Syndicate. The Orion Sindycate now is the member of the Federation and left the pirate career, now the pirate acting is made by a Klingon branch led by TaQ'roja.
The Cardassians were assimilated by the Borg as the Gorns were assimilated.

We can now make an updated map of the empires. The half of the galaxy assimilated by the Borg, a great part of the Gamma Quadrant conquered by the Dominion and the Federation possessing a little part of the Beta Quadrant because the Borg Assimilated almost the Beta Quadrant.
And in the Alpha Quadrant we find the Federation, the Klingon and the Romulans all uniteds.
We can see the Cardassian part assimilated by the Borg too.

The Klingons, Romulans and the Federation formed an alliance and the Dominion operates independently.

This is my vision about the Fleet Operations.

That's quite a pessimist vision, isn't it? Take a look here Non Playable Factions - The Hitchhiker's Guide to Fleet Operations . Luckily the FO galaxy is not as dead/assimilated as you think ;).
posted on April 21st, 2012, 10:40 am
i heard fo's story splits before voyager came home, i'm presuming midway through voyager's run, so if scorpion is included then the borg have already suffered plenty of villain decay. it's perfectly reasonable that they haven't conquered the whole galaxy.
posted on April 21st, 2012, 12:37 pm
why didnt they like the 2nd half of voyagers shows as canon?

are the borg still fighting the borg resistance from those who are no longer connected to the collective?
posted on April 21st, 2012, 1:12 pm
hellodean wrote:why didnt they like the 2nd half of voyagers shows as canon?

well look at it, the borg became pathetic and terrible bad guys, then janeway made them bend over in endgame. she also gave a middle finger to temporal investigations and got fancy new torps and armour which allows a shuttle to laugh at a pair of neghvars.

it sounds like poorly written fanfiction to be honest. nemesis obviously had the new question of 'why doesn't starfleet use the new swag'? obviously they can't keep this stuff as it would make our protagonists OP and hence there'd be no conflict. If voyager made it home in fleetops story then in the decades since then starfleet should have made this tech more common.

similar things happen in the voyage home and first contact. both times they show workable time travel that the ship can do on its own, temporal investigations probably told them to never do it again.

hellodean wrote:are the borg still fighting the borg resistance from those who are no longer connected to the collective?

maybe, the show never expanded on it. they created a very significant faction, then just ignored them. at least they wrapped up 8472 by having janeway talk to them.
posted on April 21st, 2012, 7:51 pm
Regarding the Gorns, i've always figured that they joined the Federation sometime in the "Lost Era". All the SFB and SFC (and other Interplay, such as SFA and KA) material points to the Gorn Confederacy being allied with the Federation, or at least very close and conducting social and technological exchanges. Myself, I kind of like the idea that Gorn technology explains some of the later Starfleet ships, particularly the Defiant. It's so very different to anything Federation, but it's VERY Gorn. (with the exception of manuverability, but the armour, the weapons and the design all scream Gorn)

Politically, it makes sense. They are a rational species, they have a very long running feud with the Romulans (a situation both sides could benefit from, the Romulans always having to look in both directions benefits the Gorn, and Gorn intel from their borders would be invaluable to Starfleet Intelligence) and they are not a naturally aggressive species. STO greatly disapointed me by having the Gorn join the Klingons. It's totally against their nature. The Feds should have gotten the Gorn, and the Klingons should have had the Lyrans. Makes far more sense.

Also, the Federation using Gorn Marines is a perfect counter to Jem'Hadar Warriors in the Dominion War. A 7ft tall, angry (possibly hormonal) female Gorn Marine would make a Jem'Hadar or even a Klingon think twice!
posted on April 21st, 2012, 8:00 pm
The Gorn didn't join the Klingons, they were conquered.
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