Where's the Gorn Confederation/Hegemony???

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posted on April 21st, 2012, 8:48 pm
Well there are Gorn working for the Klingons willingly, S'Ktrass (I think the name is, the Ambassador you meet in the Great Hall and on DS9 in the 2800 missions) for example.

Still sucks either way. The Klingons have always been wary of the Gorn, knowing that they are a formidable opponent. They also don't share a direct border (in most literature) and as such are not a prime interest. In KA, even General Chang in his simulation actively tried to prevent war with the Gorn as there was no hope of winning if they aided the Federation (which he claimed they were sure to do). I know "canon" has none of this, but it makes the most sense to be honest.

It's like the Federation suddenly puppeting (to use a term from Hearts of Iron!) the Cardassians or the Breen. It's not happening, it's just implausible.
posted on April 21st, 2012, 10:30 pm
Last edited by Lost_Spaceship on April 21st, 2012, 11:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
In SFC the Gorns made an alliance with Federation.
I like the SFC history and is a lot better than STO about space battle. It's more complex and strategic. It's very difficult to beat a Battlecruiser or a Heavy Cruiser or Battleship or Dreadnought when a player uses a Light Cruiser for example.
And the Gorns are very very strong in the SFC. I love the SFC Gorn ships.
The Gorns in SFC are more feared than the other games.

Gorn taunt in SFC: "I will use your bones to pick my teeth clean". Best Gorn taunt of all. :D

STO is a good game, has very nice missions, but disappoint in a lot of things.
You can see a Miranda Class Light Cruiser beating a Gorn Zilant Battleship easily, ooh god, this is ridiculous!!!
The Space battle is so simple like an arcade game.
Other thing i don't like in STO is about the Klingons being a conqueror and savage race and recruiting all the villains races to their side. (Orions, Gorns). :(
Orions, Gorns and Klingon aren't villains.  >:(

The STO remember the X-Men, two factions of recruited people fighting each other.

Well, returning to Fleet operations, reading all the posts replies, my deduction about the Gorn is that they made an alliance with the Federation.
The Gorns aren't a savage specie and the most part of them is against the idea to conquer others races.
The Gorns arean't the villains, they want live independently, and races that live independently aren't the bad guys in most cases.

Can we see Gorn ships travelling in FO maps???
posted on April 21st, 2012, 11:14 pm
Hehe I love that quote too. Used it in a voice over for my mod in fact.

Going slightly off topic for a moment, but personally if Cryptic wanted to make a Star Trek game with the Gorn, Klingon as the "bad guys" and TMP era ships, why didn't they just set it in that era (pre-ST VI) and be done with it? Makes far more sense. I suppose they wanted to shoehorn in the Undine/8472 and the Borg though.

Anyways, Gorn wise, yes I think SFB/SFC does them far more justice. Think about it, SFB was/is a paper and pen RPG. One thing I know about people who write and people who play paper and pen RPGs is their need for a deep, realistic and plausible back story. It's really what makes the game, otherwise it's just throwing sums at each other. Ergo, the back story in SFB is FAR better than anything written for a PC game. SFC is heavily based on SFB, hence the pedigree. Ditto SFA and KA. Interplay understood what it is about Star Trek we fans love; the minutia. We love political intriuge, three dimensional characters not black and white "goodies and baddies" (notice that the best Star Trek films and episodes have this, the ones where it's "Monster of the Week" time generally suffer).

But I digress.. as I often do.

I freely admit I haven't played much Fleet Ops. However, I would say that introducing races like the Gorn Confederacy, Tholian Assembly etc is an excellent idea. It adds depth, it adds a link from Star Trek Past (TOS and TMP) to the "Present" (TNG and beyond), they are clearly fan favourites (since they were both "revived" for ENT) and most importantly they are different. As big a fan as I am of Star Trek, it does take a lot to look past the fact that sometimes these "mysterious never encountered before" aliens look exactly like humans except with a wrinkly nose or funny ears. When fleshed out with a proper culture and such (Romulans, Klingons, even Ferengi) then it can be overlooked, but really the best adversaries are those that are truly alien. The Borg, (yes humanoid, but clearly more machine than animal), the Breen, the Undine even "minor" races such as the Sheliak, they all are so different to humanity (or vulcanity? etc) that the Federation struggles to even know how to communicate with them let alone understand their culture, society and so forth. Just watch "Q Who?". Even Picard is completely at a loss at how to deal with the Borg.

Anyway you get my point :) Non-Humanoid or at least non-Mamallian aliens are far more interesting, and i'd argue far more like what we might actual encounter eventually.
posted on April 22nd, 2012, 12:19 am
I agree that I would expect the Gorns to eventually ally and join with the Federation, especially considering the ending of Arena, and of course all the Interplay material. To my understanding in Fleet Ops they did not really join with any organization nor were they conquered; they were culturally assimilated planet by planet by their neighbors (Feds and Klingons), while the remaining independent Gorns fell apart without any infrastructure. The independent Gorns eventually formed well funded pirate organizations, but other then that I don't know too much else other then a story has not really been worked out for them. If I were to make a prediction based on what I know now we can probably expect Gorns participating in raids against the Klingon Empire in the Fleet Ops storyline.
posted on April 22nd, 2012, 1:08 am
Last edited by Lost_Spaceship on April 22nd, 2012, 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
Squire James wrote:Hehe I love that quote too. Used it in a voice over for my mod in fact.

Going slightly off topic for a moment, but personally if Cryptic wanted to make a Star Trek game with the Gorn, Klingon as the "bad guys" and TMP era ships, why didn't they just set it in that era (pre-ST VI) and be done with it? Makes far more sense. I suppose they wanted to shoehorn in the Undine/8472 and the Borg though.


Anyway you get my point :) Non-Humanoid or at least non-Mamallian aliens are far more interesting, and i'd argue far more like what we might actual encounter eventually.

I agree and it was a bad idea of Cryptic and the worst thing made by Cryptic was make the Gorn ships too weak that a Federation Light Cruiser can beat it easily.
The Gorns in STO are so un-Gorn, they are very weak and very irrational to be a Gorn.

Gorn ships have great defense and great attack. A Gorn ship is very feared.

It would be good to see the Gorns in Fleet Operations because they are brutal, agressive when they need to be, very strong, they have strong ships, intelligent and diplomatic race.
They avoid any battle, but when they need to battle, they are extremely savage, bloody and have no mercy.

And i read in the posts that the Gorns helped the Federation in the Dominion War, so the Gorns are important in Fleet Operations Era.

Gorn taunt: "Please, do not cry" - before destroy an enemy ship completely.

The Undying Nephalim wrote:I agree that I would expect the Gorns to eventually ally and join with the Federation, especially considering the ending of Arena, and of course all the Interplay material. To my understanding in Fleet Ops they did not really join with any organization nor were they conquered; they were culturally assimilated planet by planet by their neighbors (Feds and Klingons), while the remaining independent Gorns fell apart without any infrastructure. The independent Gorns eventually formed well funded pirate organizations, but other then that I don't know too much else other then a story has not really been worked out for them. If I were to make a prediction based on what I know now we can probably expect Gorns participating in raids against the Klingon Empire in the Fleet Ops storyline.

This is a logical consequence for the Gorns.
So, we can see Gorn ships in the Fleet Operations maps as a NPC race.

But this conflicts the fact that the Gorns helped the Federation in the Dominion War.
The Gorn Confederacy/Hegemony still exist.
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