Unity Station (FO 3.1.3)

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posted on November 10th, 2010, 1:38 pm
Last edited by Tyler on November 11th, 2010, 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A functioning version map unit of the Unity Starbase. It is equipt with a few different Federation and Klingon weapons and is capable of building both Federation and Klingon Starbase units. It also has a long sensor range and modest cloak detection.

A second, crippled version is included that acts like a much weaker, less capable version of the regular Unity Station.

Due to the size of the Textures being too large for this forums pitiful 2MB limit, they will have to be seperate: Rapidshare (Alternate download: Megaupload)


Unity One.JPG
Unity One (Crippled).JPG
Unity Station (FO 3.1.3).rar
(182.33 KiB) Downloaded 384 times
posted on November 10th, 2010, 1:53 pm
awesome but how do i install it ?
posted on November 10th, 2010, 1:55 pm
Mosty copy and paste. Anything that requires a bit more involvement (like tooltips, for example) is described in the download.
posted on November 10th, 2010, 5:39 pm
excellent just made my day.
posted on November 10th, 2010, 6:24 pm
game now crashes upon loading of map editor........
posted on November 10th, 2010, 6:28 pm
After placing the station or loading an existing map?
posted on November 10th, 2010, 6:37 pm
loading an existing map that i had modded to have some ships and unity laying about
posted on November 10th, 2010, 6:45 pm
loaded a clean map as soon as i clicked on unity one boom crash.......  i followed all the instructions...
posted on November 10th, 2010, 8:53 pm
Strange, it works on my end.

Check the weapons, maybe I uploaded the one with weapons misspelt?
posted on November 10th, 2010, 11:24 pm
classlabel = "shipyard"
unitname = "Unity Starbase"
tooltip = "Unity Starbase"
verbosetooltip = "AUTOTOOLTIP-npc_unityone.odf"
race = "unitedfederation"
buildtime = 192
crewcost = 1000
dilithiumcost = 3395
tritancost = 1509
worthxp = 350
recycledilithium = 1018
recycletritanium = 453
recyclesupply = 35
recycletime = 106
maxhealth = 4252
curhealth = 4252
healthrate = 5.884
maxshields = 4252
curshields = 4252
shieldrate = 11.768
shieldgeneratorhitpoints = 1480
engineshitpoints = 0
weaponshitpoints = 1480
lifesupporthitpoints = 1480
sensorshitpoints = 1480
attackpower = 1.000
intrinsicvalue = 1.000
animation = 2
buildanimation = 0
repairanimation = 0
footprintbuffer = 120.0f
builditem0 = "fed_mediterraneanZ"
builditem1 = "fed_mandril"
builditem2 = "fed_venture"
builditem3 = "fed_newtonZ"
builditem4 = "kli_chorZ"
builditem5 = "kli_topmeyZ"
builditem6 = "kli_noqduj"
builditem7 = "kli_qawdujS"
builditem8 = "all_supply_routes1"
builditem8availability = 32
builditem9 = "all_supply_routes2"
builditem9availability = 40
builditem10 = "all_supply_routes3"
builditem10availability = 40
builditem11 = "all_supply_routes4"
builditem11availability = 40
builditem12 = "all_supply_routes5"
builditem12availability = 8
builditem13 = "all_halt"
builditem0availability = 2
builditem1availability = 2
builditem2availability = 2
builditem3availability = 2
builditem4availability = 2
builditem5availability = 2
builditem6availability = 2
builditem7availability = 2
builditem13availability = 2
repairhardpoint = "hp99"
buildhardpoint = "hp99"
repairfacility = 0
decommissionfacility = 0
weapon1 = "kliW_platform1"
weaponhardpoints1 = "hp01" "hp05" "hp09" "hp10"
weapon2 = "kliW_platform2"
weaponhardpoints2 = "hp02" "hp06" "hp10"
weapon3 = "kliW_platform1"
weaponhardpoints3 = "hp03" "hp07"
weapon4 = "kliW_platform2"
weaponhardpoints4 = "hp04" "hp08"
weapon5 = "fedW_platform_phaserZ1"
weaponhardpoints5 = "hp11" "hp12"
weapon6 = "fedW_platform_phaser1"
weaponhardpoints6 = "hp13" "hp14"
weapon7 = "all_tachyon_pingL"
weaponhardpoints7 = "root"
weapon1iconpos = 65 35
weapon2iconpos = 65 65
weapon3iconpos = 85 35
weapon4iconpos = 85 65
weapon5iconpos = 70 50
weapon6iconpos = 80 50
weapon7iconpos = 75 50
enginestargethardpoints = "hp01" "hp02" "hp03" "hp04" "hp05" "hp06" "hp07" "hp08" "hp09" "hp10" "hp11" "hp12" "hp13" "hp14"
lifesupporttargethardpoints = "hp01" "hp02" "hp03" "hp04" "hp05" "hp06" "hp07" "hp08" "hp09" "hp10" "hp11" "hp12" "hp13" "hp14"
weaponstargethardpoints = "hp01" "hp02" "hp03" "hp04" "hp05" "hp06" "hp07" "hp08" "hp09" "hp10" "hp11" "hp12" "hp13" "hp14"
shieldgeneratortargethardpoints = "hp01" "hp02" "hp03" "hp04" "hp05" "hp06" "hp07" "hp08" "hp09" "hp10" "hp11" "hp12" "hp13" "hp14"
sensorstargethardpoints = "hp01" "hp02" "hp03" "hp04" "hp05" "hp06" "hp07" "hp08" "hp09" "hp10" "hp11" "hp12" "hp13" "hp14"
hulltargethardpoints = "hp01" "hp02" "hp03" "hp04" "hp05" "hp06" "hp07" "hp08" "hp09" "hp10" "hp11" "hp12" "hp13" "hp14"
criticaltargethardpoints = "hp01" "hp02" "hp03" "hp04" "hp05" "hp06" "hp07" "hp08" "hp09" "hp10" "hp11" "hp12" "hp13" "hp14"
is_starbase = 1
ainame = "StarbaseProcess"
officercost = 0
shielddelay = 2
damagedscan = 50.0f
avoidanceclass = 9
weldingradius = 1.0
fireball = "x_building_explosion"
repairyellow = 2.0f
repairred = 4.0f
enginesrepairtime = 0.25
lifesupportrepairtime = 0.0625
weaponsrepairtime = 0.25
shieldgeneratorrepairtime = 0.25
sensorsrepairtime = 0.25
enginescrewloss = 5.0f
lifesupportcrewloss = 5.0f
weaponscrewloss = 8.0f
shieldgeneratorcrewloss = 8.0f
sensorscrewloss = 5.0f
lifesupportloss = 0.5
engineshitpercent = 0.0f
lifesupporthitpercent = 7.0f
weaponshitpercent = 7.0f
shieldgeneratorhitpercent = 1.0f
sensorshitpercent = 0
crewhitpercent = 7.0f
hullhitpercent = 78.0f
facility = 1
has_crew = 1
transporter = 1
has_hitpoints = 1
checkvalidresourceinterval = 10.0f
alert = 1
show_sw_autonomy = 1
show_movement_autonomy = 1
combat = 1
can_sandd = 0
eventselect = "StarbaseSelect"
eventacknowledge = "StarbaseAcknowledge"
eventattack = "StarbaseAttack"
eventdecommission = "StarbaseDecommission"
buildablebyownerraceonly = 1
specialenergydisplaymode = 1
rangescan = 3000
shieldhit = "shield_fed_hitXL"
shieldhitcritical = "shield_fed_hitcritXL"
shielddown = "shield_fed_down"
possiblecraftnames =
"Unity 1" "Unity 2" "Unity 3" "Unity 4"
"Earth" "Qo'NoS" "Kahless Station"
posted on November 10th, 2010, 11:26 pm
Seems to be identical to the one I use, and that one works when I try it. I can't imagine what problem is.
posted on November 10th, 2010, 11:38 pm
i cant either i put everything where it supposed to go 

in sprites

gui global

b_fed_galaxy all_interface_buildbuttons02 0 208 96 96 # 1 3
b_npc_unityone all_interface_buildbuttons10 0 0 96 96 # 2 1
b_npc_unityoneD all_interface_buildbuttons10 0 0 96 96 # 2 1

in system background

fed_galaxy_si systembackgrounds2 512 0 512 128
npc_unityone_si systembackgrounds13 0 640 512 128
npc_unityoneD_si systembackgrounds13 512 640 512 128

in miniimages

npc_unityonew1 miniimages4 128  256 128 128
npc_unityoneDw1 miniimages4 256  256 128 128

and in tooltips

"AUTOTOOLTIP-npc_unityone.odf", "
posted on November 10th, 2010, 11:47 pm
I made a new odf by modifying the Outpost instead of the original Unity One. See if it works better like that. I might have accidentally altered something.

Does the crippled Unity also crash?


[The extension has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]

posted on November 11th, 2010, 12:03 am
didnt try the crippled one ill check right now
posted on November 11th, 2010, 12:06 am
Last edited by Anonymous on November 11th, 2010, 12:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
crippled worked did not crash

trying new odf


new odf did not help still instant crash
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