KA2: Empire at War 1.2 beta

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posted on January 22nd, 2013, 12:55 am
It happens with every faction and the observer. The version of Fleetops is 3.2.7.

Take the time you need. I'll wait patienty with what I have.
posted on February 8th, 2013, 8:20 pm
Was the mod removed from moddb? I'm trying to download it for two days without success....
posted on February 8th, 2013, 8:34 pm
It's still there as far as I am aware. Sometimes the servers are busy etc. Nothing I can do I am afraid.
posted on February 11th, 2013, 9:48 am
Now I managed to downland the installer, but when I try to install it, it aborts at fbase.png because it says the file contains invalid data.
I tired to redownload the installer but it didn't help.
posted on February 11th, 2013, 10:27 am
I can only say that it must be a corrupted download. It has worked fine for others.
posted on February 22nd, 2013, 7:26 pm
Hello, first I want to say love the mod!

I've been having this problem, at first everything is fine but as time goes on it seems like none of my units can stay still. I mean I send them somewhere they then keep flying in circles around the area I sent them to.

I don't know if its me, maybe I screwed something up or what...but as I progress its like they get stir crazy and just can't stop moving.
posted on February 22nd, 2013, 7:32 pm
It's a small bug in the physics files I am afraid. There is some subtle change between A2 and FleetOps that makes ships more sensitive to the settings I have for them, hence the circling etc. The problem gets worse with very large ships.

I hate to say "I'm not fixing it" but short of a major physics rebuild, which takes time, I am not sure what I can do :(
posted on February 22nd, 2013, 11:56 pm
Thank you, nice to know at least I didn't screw up something myself on the install lol. I still love the mod...I loved the old SFC games, want to say thanks for the mod and work to even add more to it!
posted on February 23rd, 2013, 12:18 am
Work has been progressing due to illness and real life (my youngest boy going into hospital for surgery on his throat, and my cat getting badly bit on her back leg, and as any cat owner will tell you, a cat with a cone on it's head and stitches in it's hop is not a happy kitty...) but it is ongoing. I have achieved more than I could ever have hoped to, and I have to give a large thank you to the FleetOps community for giving me the will to continue despite upsetting events that had previously marred my feelings on Armada modding.

Glad you enjoy it. Its nice to know others have enjoyed the fruits of my labour :)
posted on March 7th, 2013, 6:11 am
I re-downloaded and installed and KA2: Empire At War to the FleetOps Mods Directory, I even created the CutDown Folder for STA2_Classic, deleted its Texture Folder and replaced it with your folder. It has less files in it for textures which is alittle confusing since I thought you only deleted the _1 & _2 textures.

Well The mod isn't working now, when i had it before and did my little fix (not talking about it) there were ships in the first Federation mission for example. Now there is nothing at all on the map. There isn't even anything in the objectives in the game. I took screenshots to show both of these problems. You did make new campaign missions did you using the stock game's names?
KA2 EaW Not Working.jpg
KA2 EaW Not Working
KA2 EaW Not Working.jpg (87.53 KiB) Viewed 801 times

KA2 EaW Not Working, Doesn't Even Show Objectives.jpg
KA2 EaW Not Working, Doesn't Even Show Objectives
KA2 EaW Not Working, Doesn't Even Show Objectives.jpg (170.5 KiB) Viewed 801 times

I haven't tried any Instant Action games yet because I'm usually interested in playing the campaigns for mods.

Also I'm not seeing the "Max Buildable Number" coding that you said you have on the Torpedo Cruisers (you mentioned it in my thread for my STA2_Generational Mod) unless I'm looking at the wrong ships (I checked ftcruise.odf and didn't find it).

I did find some coding that I didn't understand about in the listing of the weapons section on this ship (its ODF file) and many of the other ones as well. It was located under weapons names and their hardpoints, one extra line of coding under every weapon.
(I'm going by the ftcruise.odf file this coding question)
Code: Select all
weapon1iconpos = -5    24

Code: Select all
weapon2iconpos = -5    0

Code: Select all
weapon3iconpos = 28    24

Code: Select all
weapon4iconpos = 6    24

Code: Select all
weapon5iconpos = 6    0

Code: Select all
weapon6iconpos = 6    -24

Code: Select all
weapon7iconpos = 17    24

It isn't under the special weapon for Self Destruct, but it is on other special weapons.
Code: Select all
weapon9iconpos = 39    24

Code: Select all
weapon10iconpos = 39    0
posted on March 7th, 2013, 6:20 am
weapon#iconpos is for the little system icons that appear on FO ship backgrounds when you select one ship at a time. :) there is more about it in the guide. :thumbsup:
posted on March 7th, 2013, 6:30 am
@Adm. Zaxxon: where in the guide is it?
And is it really needed for a mod's ships or stations to have that coding?
posted on March 7th, 2013, 6:36 am
Its not necessary at all and generally a pain to use anyway. Unless you really want those icons for aesthetics, don't worry about it.

http://guide.fleetops.net/guide/modding ... onXiconpos
posted on March 7th, 2013, 10:37 am
The Missions don't work in "Empire at War" only in the very first release version ("The General War")

When I decided to enhance KA2, adding new ships, a whole research tree etc, it inevitably broke the campaign missions. Nothing could be done. Hence why my page on moddb says - 2 Years after the release of "Klingon Academy II: The General War" comes a multiplayer/instant action expansion, "Klingon Academy II: Empire at War" -

I am surprised you even got the mission to load. Usually it just conks out. If you are interesting in playing campaigns in mods, you are going to be sorely disappointed. To my knowledge, only my original KA2 release had working campaigns. Some mods work, in a fashion, with the original campaigns, but there are inevitable problems. Only if you build a mod specifically to work with the campaign missions will it work properly. (keeping ODF names the same, mission balance, tech trees)

The texture file is smaller because I cut out everything that wasn't required for KA2 to run. Why include textures for the Sovereign, or the Galaxy, etc if they aren't going to be used? Needless filesize :)

Oh and those little icons you mentioned. I use them as a sort of representation of the weapons display in SFC or KA. So, you can see at a glance what weaponry your ship has and whether its charged and ready, firing, discharged etc. Completely optional, I just chose to take advantage of FleetOps coding in that instance.
posted on March 7th, 2013, 10:59 pm
The Missions don't work in "Empire at War" only in the very first release version ("The General War")

When I decided to enhance KA2, adding new ships, a whole research tree etc, it inevitably broke the campaign missions. Nothing could be done. Hence why my page on moddb says - 2 Years after the release of "Klingon Academy II: The General War" comes a multiplayer/instant action expansion, "Klingon Academy II: Empire at War" -

I am surprised you even got the mission to load. Usually it just conks out. If you are interesting in playing campaigns in mods, you are going to be sorely disappointed. To my knowledge, only my original KA2 release had working campaigns. Some mods work, in a fashion, with the original campaigns, but there are inevitable problems. Only if you build a mod specifically to work with the campaign missions will it work properly. (keeping ODF names the same, mission balance, tech trees)

The texture file is smaller because I cut out everything that wasn't required for KA2 to run. Why include textures for the Sovereign, or the Galaxy, etc if they aren't going to be used? Needless filesize

Oh and those little icons you mentioned. I use them as a sort of representation of the weapons display in SFC or KA. So, you can see at a glance what weaponry your ship has and whether its charged and ready, firing, discharged etc. Completely optional, I just chose to take advantage of FleetOps coding in that instance.

I never noticed anything about the missions not working for KA2:EaW. Since it allowed me to select the option for the campaign and had new menus (except mission names) I just guessed they were there. I don't know why it didn't crash trying to start the missions. I actually ended that attempt to play the mission through the game's ingame menus to do so.

I didn't try Instant Action as I said, but I will next time.

I have played some mods that have new campaigns. Star Trek Armada II Future Wars comes to mind as such a mod right away.

I only thought that you only removed the textures that had _1 & _2, that's why I asked. Just misunderstood. If you're making a mod that totally gets rid of everything stock (like the stock races, stock weapons, and such) would those be the only textures that you'd need in the stock game for a mod like say a Star Wars or stock StarGate or BSG mod? Or would there be others?

Understood about the extra coding for the weapons. I might give it a try with my mod. Thanks for the heads up about that coding SquireJames and Adm. Zaxxon. It sounds interesting to its effect.

I still can't find any ship in your FleetOps version of KA2:EaW that has the "Max Buildable Number" coding. Are you sure you used it in the mod or am I looking at the wrong files?
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