Summer Tournament

Here you can arrange online encounters and reminisce over past online battles.
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posted on July 17th, 2010, 3:14 am
Last edited by HalFala on September 21st, 2010, 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ahh yes things have changed.  Blame 3.1.3

Since the format of the tournament has changed I thought it needed its own thread >.> I tried to see if I could close the old one but no such luck.. anyways...

the biggest change to the tournament is the addition of group play.
and this is how it will go.

Each participant must play every other person in their group twice.  The top two players from each group will move into the elimination rounds.  In the event of a tie the two players will face off in a 1 on 1 battle to see who advances

The tournament will officially begin on August 1, 2010

And here are a few rules for group play

1.Every match must be observed by at least one person although two would be prefered.

2. In order for the match to be considered valid both participants must save a log of the battle and email them to me at

And thats it.. at least until the elimination rounds.
Just play how you would normally play any 1v1 and have fun with it!

Good luck to all participants!!!  B)

Group Stage - Complete!

Elimination round of 12

Drrrrr vs Funnystuffpictures  =  Funny advances!
NuclearDude vs Myleswolfers = Myles advances!

Clintsat vs Elim = Clint advances!
NuclearDude vs Blazing-gig = Nuke advances!

Little_timmy vs Yandon = Timmy advances!
Arash8472 vs Butterbread = Butter advances!

Elimination round of 6

Funnystuffpictures vs Myleswolfers = Funny advances!
Clinsat vs NuclearDude = Clint advances!
Butterbread vs Little_timmy = Butter advances!


Funnystuffpictures vs Butterbread = Butter advances!


Clintsat vs Butterbread!!!

Summer Champion

posted on July 17th, 2010, 7:28 am
So each player has to do how many matches? 5 ppl in one group seems quite alot to me. Afaik this are 20 matches in one group. 8 players will fight against each other in the elim which way? Do ppl in the same group play? And the biggest issue is the scoring thing. I mean I could stop finishing the game and start building more ships and frighters to increase my score...Or I could quit once I got sufficient points ... also if I finish my opponent in 20min it would count less than a 60min game between two turtling players.
posted on July 17th, 2010, 7:33 am
Game score should not (and, preemptively, cannot) be used to settle issues - it is inherently inaccurate and entirely based on features that are not comparable between factions. Sure you can use the score to compare between Klingon and Klingon - but it can't be used between factions as the score is based on Armada II coding which does not take into consideration unique tech trees nor resource requirements. I believe it still uses metal (aka, supply) as one of the components for instance, which is why certain factions will ALWAYS get higher scores despite losing. The Admiral's log is merely "pretty" - it does not even record kills properly if you consider fighters, so be very careful what you use it for.
posted on July 17th, 2010, 7:58 am
Maybe we can say that destroying all SBs is the goal of any match. This can be easily proofed. And since SBs are expensive, it will not end in a SB building battle.
posted on July 17th, 2010, 8:24 am
The rules have been changed based on the info received from Dominus and in answer to Drrrrr's question.  Each player in a group will play a total of 8 matches.  Thats two matches against each of the other players.  The top 8 players will play in an elimination style bracket the matches will be decided randomly at that point.
posted on July 17th, 2010, 8:38 am
i may not be on the forum any longer since a failure in communication, but i do keep an active eye every so often. is it too late to register for the tournament?

it strikes me as odd of 5 players per group, every time ive seen a tourney there is always an even player count of 4 players to each group is needed for each group so 2 players go head to head and they go through to the next round, they meet the victor from another match in the same group, fight and win they move out, like this as an example.

posted on July 17th, 2010, 9:45 am
Nice, I'm very excited about that  :thumbsup:
The map is still duel und we decide for a race for the whole tournament? Just want to sort that out.
That's a lot of games, let's hope all have time for this :). I don't know if 2games against everyone are really necessary, though.
See you on the battlefield! :2guns:
posted on July 17th, 2010, 11:25 am
i dont think that race should be noted in advance, thats basicly telling your oponent what tactic should he prepair, if a player wants random, than he can do so. Or any other race he prefers.
And the groups... Isnt group A op maybe?  :rolleyes:
Ok, luck was the decisive factor, group A, group of death :lol:
I agree with the map being duel, its a balanced map, although first pair is not protected by the starbase, so cloaking races will have a small advantage.
Players shouldnt send the log file, u may have a case, when you will miss a log file from certain players, they forget to save it or similar... Observers should do that, and it would be best that they are not participians in the tournament, or they should be from the different group.
And the so called 3rd match, wont be necessary, if we just calculate the number of wins each player got.
So basicly you can have several draws, but still first 2 places decided even before the end of group stage. so every win gives you 1 point. each player plays 8 games, so 8 points maximum. Than you can put 3rd game if needed.
For example first 2 players at the end of the group stage did a draw, but one of them lost a single game from the fourth or whatever, so he will be second and there is no need for another game. He must have one point less than.

You watched the world cup, make use of their group rules :thumbsup:
posted on July 17th, 2010, 4:16 pm
im still waiting for an answer to join this tourney.
posted on July 17th, 2010, 4:19 pm
I'm sure Hal will come on later and give you an answer. Not everybody peruses the forum constantly :)
posted on July 17th, 2010, 4:19 pm
Dominus_Noctis wrote:Not everybody peruses the forum constantly :)

you do :P
posted on July 17th, 2010, 4:23 pm
I made a post in the last topic asking if I could be put in the torny and I didn't get a reply :( And it wasn't massively short notice I thought :/
posted on July 17th, 2010, 4:29 pm
Myles wrote:you do :P

Sadly... yes  :blush:

Unleash Mayhem wrote:I made a post in the last topic asking if I could be put in the torny and I didn't get a reply :( And it wasn't massively short notice I thought :/

I'm certain you'll be noticed :D No reason not to include everybody  :D
posted on July 17th, 2010, 8:10 pm
Both Unleash Mayhem and canny have been added.. welcome to the tournament
posted on July 18th, 2010, 1:37 am

How long for each round?

2 matches? Really? So ten matches?

Also a point for each win?

And finally thanks for having the tourney start in august
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