Where you live ?

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posted on June 3rd, 2003, 9:50 pm
I am interested in from what country you are ?

I live in Germany , near Stuttgart in Baden-Württenberg
posted on June 3rd, 2003, 10:29 pm
yea, the same like Detektor :-)
posted on June 4th, 2003, 5:38 pm
Geremany is a long way away for me :alien:

I live in Texas, US B)
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posted on June 4th, 2003, 6:50 pm
i live in Northampton England :D
posted on June 4th, 2003, 7:39 pm
North Carolina, US
posted on June 4th, 2003, 8:20 pm
Hey Trekki! I live in Texas too! What city you live in? I live Near Corpus.
posted on June 5th, 2003, 12:42 am
Sweet, :D I live in Nederland.
posted on June 5th, 2003, 8:31 pm
West Yorkshire, UK myself :)

posted on June 5th, 2003, 8:34 pm
I live in Belgium, Burcht :)
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posted on June 5th, 2003, 8:36 pm
hey some one else from the uk!!! :D
posted on June 6th, 2003, 1:24 pm
Sweet, :D I live in Nederland.

Nederland??? WHere is that? I've never heard of it? What's the closest major city?
posted on June 6th, 2003, 4:20 pm
Nederland is Dutch for Holland or 'the Netherlands'
posted on June 6th, 2003, 6:11 pm
Columbus, Ohio, USA
posted on June 6th, 2003, 9:39 pm
Sweet, :D  I live in  Nederland.

Nederland??? WHere is that? I've never heard of it? What's the closest major city?

It's by Boumont 'bout 5-10 mins (depending on traffic and speed)
posted on June 13th, 2003, 2:39 am
Hmmmm...I'll have to look it up on the map.......
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