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posted on June 8th, 2012, 1:09 pm
posted on Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:43 am
I think we can all agree on one thing:

nobody likes the french.

the english channel is like a moat to keep them out.

i wouldn't mind living near belgium, for the chocolate.
try having the french (Quebec)trying to leave your country ......that would divide canada in two .......see nobody likes the french lol
posted on June 8th, 2012, 1:15 pm
omg i just realized america to the south, french in the middle ....and the Queen of Britain is our commander 'n chief ....my country is doomed from the start. :'(
posted on June 8th, 2012, 1:42 pm
cyrax88 wrote:omg i just realized america to the south, french in the middle ....and the Queen of Britain is our commander 'n chief ....my country is doomed from the start. :'(

A harsh realization indeed. :o
posted on June 8th, 2012, 2:09 pm
cyrax88 wrote:omg i just realized america to the south, french in the middle ....and the Queen of Britain is our commander 'n chief ....my country is doomed from the start. :'(

commander in chief is a ridiculous term, even though the queen technically holds it in canada, there's no way it'll be used for anything other than pomp and ceremony. she delegates the ceremonial power to the governor general and even they wouldn't use it. canada's military is under the control of canada's government. even in her native UK the queen doesn't get involved, the government has all the power, and if the queen interfered she would probably just be ignored and her remaining ceremonial powers legislated away. your military worries are yours alone.

the idea of commander in chief is ceremonial babble in most countries, the notable exception being the usa who put worryingly large amounts of power in the hands of 1 president, where he has significant, although still not complete executive power over the military.
posted on June 26th, 2012, 6:06 pm
Andre27 wrote:@Warp: I'm sure you folks feel the same about living south of the Netherlands.

Hehee :P xD

I have a girlfriend and she lives in the Netherlands

chocolate is here good and also the beer, but i am not a beer drinker
I prefer wine ect malibu.. and othere

Oyea belgian fries are the best :P
posted on June 26th, 2012, 7:41 pm
warp wrote:
Andre27 wrote:@Warp: I'm sure you folks feel the same about living south of the Netherlands.

Hehee :P xD

I have a girlfriend and she lives in the Netherlands

chocolate is here good and also the beer, but i am not a beer drinker
I prefer wine ect malibu.. and othere

Oyea belgian fries are the best :P

Not that big of a fan of fries to be honest. It's funny though that a culinary country such as Belgium is best known for its fries (and that little guy doing a pee pee in Brussels).
posted on June 26th, 2012, 10:37 pm
Berlin, Germany.
Some day i want to leave. :thumbsup:

just noticed... my first post with this new design ;)
Great work guys just great. ^^
posted on June 27th, 2012, 12:45 am
cyrax88 wrote:omg i just realized america to the south, french in the middle ....and the Queen of Britain is our commander 'n chief ....my country is doomed from the start. :'(

Russians to the west, well, at least the north is okay ('ish)? :ermm:
posted on June 27th, 2012, 9:46 am
beserene wrote:Russians to the west, well, at least the north is okay ('ish)? :ermm:

god damn polar bears to the north. polar bears with lasers. Canada is well and truly screwed from all sides.
posted on June 27th, 2012, 12:43 pm
Andre27 wrote:Not that big of a fan of fries to be honest. It's funny though that a culinary country such as Belgium is best known for its fries (and that little guy doing a pee pee in Brussels).

"Little man pee" or Manneke pies here hahaha xD :lol:
There is also a female version of it
its called Jeanneke pies or "jeanneke pee"
posted on June 27th, 2012, 12:54 pm
warp wrote:
Andre27 wrote:Not that big of a fan of fries to be honest. It's funny though that a culinary country such as Belgium is best known for its fries (and that little guy doing a pee pee in Brussels).

"Little man pee" or Manneke pies here hahaha xD :lol:
There is also a female version of it
its called Jeanneke pies or "jeanneke pee"

I know its "Manneke Pis" but i doubt our english/german brethren know that name so i opted to describe the tiny statue.
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