How IS romulan ale brewed anyway? :S

What's your favourite episode? How is romulan ale brewed? - Star Trek in general :-)
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posted on November 15th, 2009, 12:05 pm
See title.....:(  I need a very strong blue-ish beverage...... Preferably in one of those characteristic bottles....., which I can rightfully call Romulan Ale....

plz help me out... :(  :P
posted on November 15th, 2009, 12:14 pm
Aha i dare say there are instructions out there somewhere.

But this is how I would do it easily and quickly:

Buy a bottle of ale, mix with low ammounts of Vodka and add Blue food dye, and there we go :).

I imagine Ale and Vodka together can't be too nice mind you  :blush:
posted on November 15th, 2009, 12:39 pm
In real life there are some who have made their own "Romulan Ale", for instance a mixture of Bacardi® rum, Everclear® alcohol, and Blue Curaçao liqueur, at equal amounts with no diluting liquid (rated at 134-proof). Another known mix is Blue Curaçao, Creme de Banana and cream soda/ginger ale.

taken from: Romulan ale - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki
posted on November 15th, 2009, 12:56 pm
Last edited by DarthThanatos on November 15th, 2009, 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

I found this after a little googling. It seems that Paramount did license the right to call "Romulan ale" to a South American brewery. The can and the small bottle are the result. It seems, though that it's been stopped producing. In the US it was sold in Las Vegas, in some kind of Star Trek theme park or museum.

From what I've read in beer and ale sites, it qualifies as "cat piss", which is how we call in Spain to a low alcoholic beer with poor or bland taste.

If you want a blue beverage with the kick Romulan ale is supposed to have, better stick to the cocktail recipe. It feels like a photon torpedo. :)

EDIT: I haven't found anything about the other, more stylish, bottle. I'll keep looking.
There is another ST cocktail called "Cloaking device", because after two shots of it, you think you have become invisible.
posted on November 15th, 2009, 5:45 pm
From what I've read in beer and ale sites, it qualifies as "cat piss", which is how we call in Spain to a low alcoholic beer with poor or bland taste.

Same in the US mate :D
posted on November 17th, 2009, 9:54 am
Yay, thanks. I will certainly mix some of that in the near future:D
posted on November 17th, 2009, 2:04 pm
Ha.... I'm sure that to make a realistic Romulan ale you'd need more alcohol in it than whiskey or Brandy... :lol:
posted on November 17th, 2009, 2:16 pm
Is romulan ale that strong?
posted on November 17th, 2009, 8:45 pm
Wasn't it supposed to be pretty strong? Worf certainly thought so :D
posted on November 18th, 2009, 10:18 am
And the crew of the Ent-A :P
posted on November 18th, 2009, 1:13 pm
Last edited by DarthThanatos on November 18th, 2009, 1:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Oh, yeah.

"Have you detected any source of radiation?"

"You mean besides the one emanating from my head?"

EDIT: After posting the quote, I went to IMDB, and discovered that the original English quote is way less funny. The one I posted is from the Spanish version of ST6. Here is the Enlgish as you can read it in IMDB:

Captain Kirk: Checkov you know anything about a radiation surge?
Commander Pavel Chekov: Only the size of my head.
Captain Kirk: I know what you mean.
posted on November 18th, 2009, 5:13 pm
I thought it was hilariously funny, especially in Checkovs wonderful accent.
posted on November 18th, 2009, 6:47 pm
Last edited by Baleful on November 18th, 2009, 6:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
DarthThanatos wrote:
In the US it was sold in Las Vegas, in some kind of Star Trek theme park or museum.

SOME kind of THEME Park or Museum   :o :o :mad: :o

the STAR TREK Hilton, was...  ya know...  if you dont know, i cant explain it to you.

In said establisment,  there was Quarks Bar.  not only did they have Romulan Ale, they also had a "Warp Core Breach"

as for how to make Romulan Ale,  take a vat, heat it to 200 Kelvin, pour in 5 gallons of Ginger Ale, add 3 romulans, simmer for 2 hours, cool and serve  :lol:


posted on November 18th, 2009, 6:59 pm
Last edited by quaddmgtech on November 18th, 2009, 7:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I have had the above mentioned 'Cat - piss' in bottle form and it was indeed terrible. Nothing stylish about the design of the bottle either which was very disappointing...

If Bacardi or some other large 'spirit' manufacturer got their head outta their butt and made a good beverage with a stylish bottle I bet there would be a significant market for it, maybe even amongst non-trekkies.
posted on November 18th, 2009, 10:19 pm
Yeah. nothing stylish to it.

But if you look at the upper left corner of the pic I posted, you will notice there is a very different bottle. It's quite similar to the one that appears in ST2:WoK when Bones gives Kirk the prescription glasses.

I suspect that photo might be the prop from that scene, but it could also be a real drink.

I doubt Barcardi would use the brand. In English "Romulan ale" sounds cool, but in Spanish, "cerveza romulana" is quite a mouthful.

BTW is it true that said beverage (the cat piss) turned your teeth blue?
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