How IS romulan ale brewed anyway? :S

What's your favourite episode? How is romulan ale brewed? - Star Trek in general :-)
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posted on November 18th, 2009, 11:07 pm
That's funny that they made some. They should make a zingy soda for it  :D Anyway, in some Star Trek Tactical assault there is one level where your science officer scans the area and said that he was not detected anything unusual, but there was some Romulan Ale in the mess hall. I would drink it if I were Starfleet officer just because! Nero also brought some bottles of it over the Enterprise in Countdown. If its so popular why don't they just try to replicate it? Maybe it's too complex or illegal but some officers have managed to get away with it if it is.
posted on November 18th, 2009, 11:19 pm
Fralo wrote:That's funny that they made some. They should make a zingy soda for it  :D Anyway, in some Star Trek Tactical assault there is one level where your science officer scans the area and said that he was not detected anything unusual, but there was some Romulan Ale in the mess hall. I would drink it if I were Starfleet officer just because! Nero also brought some bottles of it over the Enterprise in Countdown. If its so popular why don't they just try to replicate it? Maybe it's too complex or illegal but some officers have managed to get away with it if it is.

Several comments have been made throughout TNG and other series' about how much synth-ale sucks compared to the real thing...
posted on November 18th, 2009, 11:40 pm
Yeah, that's cuz "synthehol" does not have any "aberrant" side effects (read: no alcohol). However, we've seen real alcoholic beverages being ordered from the replicators, so I bet it is quite feasible. Afterall, the ban of Romulan Ale is probably due to political reasons. Much as Cuban cigars are banned in the U.S.. Replicating it would be out of the question in either case ;)
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