3.2.7 Known Bugs (Table on Page 1)

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posted on April 30th, 2012, 3:06 pm
Yeah, I think AIs get the benefit of both avatars at the moment; pretty sure it's intended, as a partial compensation for their inability to use anything resembling strategy.
posted on April 30th, 2012, 6:52 pm
AI obviously can't chose avatars so yeah thats how it works for now.
posted on May 11th, 2012, 6:57 am
Some noted bugs I discovered playing instant action:
-the Nebula Class-Rigel Type changes its name each time it's special ability is used
-each time cover fire is triggered (or maybe when it wears off?), affected vessels gain a "-A" suffix to their name. Subsequent triggers do not change it back or to "-B"

likely more complaint than bug:
- the D'deridex class and the Sovereign class have collision boxes that seem a bit too large for their size...
- the Federation research ship chassis only applies to their avatar's ships and will not unlock the vessels of their other avatar if a construction ship or shipyard is captured. I.E. if a Mayson Federation player captures a Risner Eraudi-type yard, they cannot construct Phalanx-class vessels because they need to research Risner's Starship Chassis Level 3
- Borg ships captured by a Borg player with a different avatar will not have any of the researched collective features... and the collective features slots are shared.

Hope this isn't terribly confusing...
posted on May 11th, 2012, 7:26 am
Last edited by flopo on May 11th, 2012, 7:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
and three other things i noticed:

-I saw an AI having a D'deridex before it build the upgrade facility
-the Veqlaragh class dont change its offensive value on the tooltip if the special become activated
-a group of ships, a few a little bit faster, sending them to a point on the map, the faster ships will seperate from the slower ships, give the command again and it might happen that the faster ships turn back to wait for the slower ones, i think this is a feature, but while chasing ships this can become frustrating, that the fast ships just turn back, i think holding control while selecting their destination takes care enough that the group stay together, if this feature could be removed i think that would help a lot

And the last, known by everyone, but not mentioned here:
-cloaked ships on red alert decloak if a not cloaked ship nearby become attacked, that way you can loose your whole fleet if only one half of them decloak
posted on May 11th, 2012, 2:20 pm
iforgetwhatweredoing wrote:- the Federation research ship chassis only applies to their avatar's ships and will not unlock the vessels of their other avatar if a construction ship or shipyard is captured. I.E. if a Mayson Federation player captures a Risner Eraudi-type yard, they cannot construct Phalanx-class vessels because they need to research Risner's Starship Chassis Level 3

Yeah, that one's more of an annoyance than a bug. The Risner Chassis has an avatar bonus (25% cost reduction) that requires a seperate research.
posted on May 11th, 2012, 8:17 pm
iforgetwhatweredoing wrote:Some noted bugs I discovered playing instant action:
-the Nebula Class-Rigel Type changes its name each time it's special ability is used
-each time cover fire is triggered (or maybe when it wears off?), affected vessels gain a "-A" suffix to their name. Subsequent triggers do not change it back or to "-B"

tested these and can confirm the first one.

on the second i think it's when cover fire wears off. can anyone confirm when the letter gets added?

big ship collision detection: i've never noticed this, maybe the collision boxes are set big to stop the larger ships getting too close and looking silly.

chassis levels and avatars: this makes sense the way it is, mayson can't build phalanges, so why would he have a research that gives him the ability to build them? maybe starfleet won't give him the blueprints because risner backed the phalanx design and not him.

he can't capture a risner SFE and do chassis 3 either, because researches are controlled by avatar choice.

Ally skipping upgrade facility: are you sure he didn't have it cloaked?

veq tooltip: probably a typo.

movement issues: holding control will make the entire fleet travel at the speed of the slowest ship. when chasing try to control ships of the same speed in groups. also use the k hotkey to tell ships to kill.

decloaking: yeah i've heard about ships decloaking to help friends. this is probably being worked on. i'm not exactly sure on when this happens.
posted on May 11th, 2012, 8:58 pm
Just remembered one:
-the mixed-tech Canaveral class has Probe instead of sensor synergy (with mixed-tech cloaked unit detection), is this a leftover or an undocumented feature?
posted on May 11th, 2012, 9:04 pm
iforgetwhatweredoing wrote:Just remembered one:
-the mixed-tech Canaveral class has Probe instead of sensor synergy (with mixed-tech cloaked unit detection), is this a leftover or an undocumented feature?

This is a left-over from earlier versions. Mixed-tech will be more or less completely redone.
posted on May 12th, 2012, 9:27 am
Last edited by flopo on May 12th, 2012, 1:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Myles wrote:Ally skipping upgrade facility: are you sure he didn't have it cloaked?

he build the upgrade facility a few minutes after i have seen the first D'deridex, and as long as the AI don't build two upgrade facilities and i have not destroyed one I'm sure it wasn't there before

Myles wrote:movement issues: holding control will make the entire fleet travel at the speed of the slowest ship. when chasing try to control ships of the same speed in groups. also use the k hotkey to tell ships to kill.

even ships with the same speed suffer from that problem
posted on May 12th, 2012, 9:32 am
Techtree's don't really work the same way for the AI, the D'deridex actually seems to be in the Romulan AI list several places before the Upgrade Facility it needs.
posted on May 12th, 2012, 4:22 pm
The AI is set to ignore the techtree, this is no bug.

The letter named change issue is a bug, but is fixed in the next patch.

The box collision stuff is set automatically and we have no control over that.

Allies decloaking to help the targeted ship is fixed in the next patch.
posted on May 31st, 2012, 10:16 pm
just had a bizarre one,
for some reason the unit speach wasnt working, dont know how long for. (i was using headphones) then took them out and realised no speech. i went to the menu pausing it, started it again and i got a constant minute or 2 of..

"un assimilated species engaged" 
"un assimilated species engaged"
"un assimilated species engaged"
the collective is under attack"
"un assimilated species engaged"
"un assimilated species engaged"
"the collective is under attack"
"the collective is under attack"
"the collective is under attack"
"invalid location"
"un assimilated species engaged"
"un assimilated species engaged"
"the collective is under attack"

etc etc

posted on May 31st, 2012, 10:20 pm
sounds like they all got queued up and unleashed when you unpaused. why can't funny bugs like that happen more often, that must have been a laugh.

some helpful info would be map, races, time playing etc. also computer specs couldn't hurt.
posted on May 31st, 2012, 10:52 pm
well i was optimized borg
3 dominion AI
1 other borg
1 klingon
(was random races, all hard. all vs all)
not sure how long it was.. 2 hours maybe (looking under the "tally" tab it says my last unit was a probe "1st star date 6907.4" is that based on time within the game? or just representative in some way?)

i got a kill-loss ratio of 145 (437-3 losses) thought id just be a bit smug about that.. lol
posted on May 31st, 2012, 11:46 pm
stardates match with times i believe, although i don't know the formula because i don't often use the admiral's log. it belongs in the toilet with the other logs.
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