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posted on May 20th, 2010, 8:37 pm
I never mentioned balance with their lives, I said they don't have deadlines. Others (the companies) often have to get things done in a certain amount of time or games are put out unfinished.

Not a problem the FO developers have, since there is no set date.
posted on May 20th, 2010, 8:38 pm
i doubt donations cover their costs

about deadlines, even though they dont have deadlines they make patches regularly, including plenty of content. i mean look at the latest patch, it made the graphics way better and added ships
posted on May 20th, 2010, 8:47 pm
It's also a different sort of 'deadline' - we've grown to expect quick patches and content that we've requested: if the devsdon't accomplish this then players leave. It's not a set deadline like a company might make in order to generate a profit, but there are quite some reasons why we do not have extraordinarily long waits between versions anymore (like 3.0PR --> 3.0final). So there is still the issue of time constraints and when stuff needs to be finished, it's just not based on a funding aspect.

Ironic that you'd mention unfinished games  :blush: (*cough* A2 *cough*).
posted on May 20th, 2010, 8:53 pm
legacy was worse lol. that should never have been released for pc in that state. the manual was talking about xbox buttons.
posted on May 23rd, 2010, 7:32 am
myleswolfers wrote:legacy was worse lol. that should never have been released for pc in that state. the manual was talking about xbox buttons.

Two words for you.

Soulstorm Hotfix.

But even without such horrible examples, I'd have the utmost respect for the FO dev's skills and commitment.  I'd send them thank-you kittens, but I just can't part with the cute little things.
posted on May 23rd, 2010, 9:59 am
silent93 wrote:Two words for you.

Soulstorm Hotfix.

isnt that for dawn of war?
posted on May 23rd, 2010, 10:22 am
Oh dear the soulstorm hotfix was terrible  :crybaby:
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