Gamespy problems in 3.0.7

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Question: Are you experiencing problems in MP games using Gamespy? (Assuming host has fowarded ports correctly)

Total votes: 18
No, everything works fine for me.4 votes (22%)
I cannot see the games of some mates.2 votes (11%)
I cannot see the games of any mates.2 votes (11%)
I get the message "host has been lost" for some games.4 votes (22%)
I get the message "host has been lost" for any games.0 votes (0%)
I have different problems. (Please describe!)0 votes (0%)
I have several problems with gamespy.(Pleas describe!)3 votes (17%)
I don't play MP, so I don't care!3 votes (17%)
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posted on June 21st, 2009, 1:26 pm
As far as I know there are several useres migrating to hamachi currently, because hosted games cannot be joined any more, as they apprar invisible. As hamachi is rather slow with several players I'm not confident with that solution. I wanted to know how widespread this problem is, so we can eventually ask the mods to slove that problem for us.

Thanks in advance
posted on June 21st, 2009, 3:10 pm
Well, I get multiple of those errors but it is not--and I don't believe ever was--caused by Fleet Operations. Most of the time it is just router issues combined with our networks not being compatible as well as people being way to far away from eachother to get a ping response (aka timing out). I know I have basically been playing Hamachi almost exclussively over the past 2 or more weeks....  :crybaby:
posted on June 21st, 2009, 5:53 pm
Last edited by mimesot on June 21st, 2009, 5:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
And what is your theory about why this problems occur increasingly since 3.0.7? In 3.0.5 i had problems with portforwarding due to my incompetence, which I could resolve, and I didn't change anything since then. I never watched someone disappear into a game that's invisible either up to 3.0.6 and now this is most common experience to me. I don't believe that so many of us changed router latly.

So is it just coincidence, that gamespy doesn't work any more and we have a new patch out there at the same time?
posted on June 21st, 2009, 6:32 pm
Yeah, I get problems with the game crashing, while in the GS lobby, it doesn't seem to find all games, even the ones that are set up right.  Oh, and it has even more problems with latency changing then Hamachi does.  It slows down the game a ton when only some people change to high and others don't.  Hamachi doesn't do it nearly as much.
posted on June 21st, 2009, 7:25 pm

I have DMZ activated, so i cannot even have done a portforwarding mistake now. Following observation:

Me, simon cannot see dominus´ game
Me, dominus cannot see simon´s game
Mort cannot see my games.
But I can join morts game!!! Whereas dominus and simon can't.
We all can play via hamachi without problems.

So please one solve that puzzle!
posted on June 21st, 2009, 7:28 pm
Ah, but I know why people cannot see my game (my ports are forwarded incorrectly), and I know why I cannot see the other two games as well. I believe it is all due to port forwarding really, because I cannot see either of your ping rates... which means your router/computer is blocking me from doing so. At least I hope so  :lol:
posted on June 22nd, 2009, 1:59 pm
Hope you are right! (Are so many people out there failing to do a correct port forwarding?)
posted on June 22nd, 2009, 2:10 pm
Are so many people out there failing to do a correct port forwarding

I believe so--it's either that or failing to turn of their firewall in my experience (that's the other reason why pings are blocked). I keep trying to fix mine, and it worked a few weeks ago... but then I messed up something. When I get some more spare time this week I'll fuddle around with it. I have a common router... but a lot of people have weird routers that don't have explanations on how to do correct port forwarding.  :crybaby:
posted on June 22nd, 2009, 9:17 pm
Port forwarding and firewalls are not the only issues....I have tried playing via lamespy and I get INSANE traceroutes...In my oppinion anything thats over a dozen hops is not worth even attempting....thats just my 2 cents...have not yet tried hamachi though yet....
posted on June 22nd, 2009, 9:19 pm
My parents won't change the Network settings, so I'm stuck unable to host! But 3 out of 8 times I'd be unable to join games too!  >:(
posted on June 26th, 2009, 10:42 am
why.. why things aren't simple anymore?!?
(btw. can the mods make the game auto forword ports with upnp?)
posted on June 26th, 2009, 11:12 am
Muhahahah.... such a tol would be awesome !!!!!!!!!
posted on June 26th, 2009, 4:57 pm
I think it would be better in they could just make the game work with any port configuration.  It would help, because most people(myself included) don't know how to change the settings, can't change the settings, or have no idea that they are the problem.  Any way, I don't think they can do this because it is a GS problem, not a FO problem.  Maybe they should just make a standard hamachi room, where chat is enabled, and forwarded through the game.
posted on June 29th, 2009, 5:52 pm
Well, I finally fixed my internet to the point where I could play online games with a decent ping (less then 50) and I attempted to see who was online so I could whip out my Romulan death fleets  :shifty:

Instead, I found no one in the lobby and no active games, and hamachi doesn't seem to want to work anymore..
posted on June 29th, 2009, 5:58 pm
I'll be on in about 4.5 hours since your post.  ^-^
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