Gamespy problems in 3.0.7

Program aborts? Network configuration? Graphic errors? Bugs? Post your question here.

Question: Are you experiencing problems in MP games using Gamespy? (Assuming host has fowarded ports correctly)

Total votes: 18
No, everything works fine for me.4 votes (22%)
I cannot see the games of some mates.2 votes (11%)
I cannot see the games of any mates.2 votes (11%)
I get the message "host has been lost" for some games.4 votes (22%)
I get the message "host has been lost" for any games.0 votes (0%)
I have different problems. (Please describe!)0 votes (0%)
I have several problems with gamespy.(Pleas describe!)3 votes (17%)
I don't play MP, so I don't care!3 votes (17%)
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posted on June 29th, 2009, 6:00 pm
cool! i'll get on about then and see if the we can get a game going :)
posted on June 29th, 2009, 10:41 pm
Last edited by Dominus_Noctis on June 29th, 2009, 10:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
You coming on? I'm waiting in gamespy, so just give me a buzz through PM or something  B)

EDIT: going to Hamachi because 2 other players want a game. If you still wish, join me there or send me some sort of message  :D
posted on June 29th, 2009, 11:25 pm
hmm, im sitting in the lobby but i dont see anything, and hamachi is borked, my connection keeps kicking it, sorry dude :/
1, 2

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