Here we go again... - The Serkas

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posted on September 14th, 2010, 12:26 pm
Hey all. Last night I found a bug with the Serkas (again)...


Yes, it says artillery range on the tool tip, but it does not fire at arty range. I was trying to shell a Dominion star base (I was Helev), but even with trying all sorts of autonomies, the starbase always managed to get a shot in.

Could someone check this please?
And if it is bugged, can y'all devs please fix it.

Thanks. :)
posted on September 14th, 2010, 12:48 pm
I've found that as well, thought it was just me not giving them the correct firing commands or something, but they merrily waltz up to the range of starbases in order to fire...
posted on September 14th, 2010, 1:00 pm
I was just playing a romulan vs dominion game and i noticed this.Yea a fix is in order :P
posted on September 14th, 2010, 1:06 pm
Hmm.... the range is 800.... I'll change it to....

Over 9000!  :lol:
posted on September 14th, 2010, 1:38 pm
The range is 1100, like all other artillery ship and weapon. Are you sure it's not just theold 'ship moving too close' problem?
posted on September 14th, 2010, 1:43 pm
Yeah! You got to micro your units man! I myself, have scene it and done it enough times to know that it is definitely artillery range... try setting it to green alert and attacking just next to the starbase...
posted on September 14th, 2010, 1:57 pm
Theoretically it could be the old "I can fire that far, if only I could see it" problem, but from what the OP said it doesn't sound like that is the case.
posted on September 14th, 2010, 2:00 pm
loki_999 wrote:Theoretically it could be the old "I can fire that far, if only I could see it" problem, but from what the OP said it doesn't sound like that is the case.

thats not a problem. arty range weapons should be limited by sensor ranges, as ecm is used in war.

send your cloaked talon ahead and u can see the stuff.

thats why arty range quantum turrets are much better if u put a sensor station with them. they will fire before the enemy gets in range.
posted on September 14th, 2010, 2:01 pm
It's the same "problem" as all artillery units - the starbase has hardpoints further in, so all artillery has to move in slightly more. You can get around this with the Serkas by targeting slightly outside (manually).
posted on September 14th, 2010, 3:33 pm
@Funnystuff - please stop criticizing my play. This is not the first time. You are still a good friend, and a better player, but for the love of cake, im not that useless, because, guess what!


"but even with trying all sorts of autonomies, the starbase always managed to get a shot in."

I know you just want to give good and friendly advice, but dont jump the gun, cos I dis micro. :P

@Loki - I did have a scout at his base, so I could perfectly see where my target was.

@Dominus - I tried 'A' + clicking next to the starbase = FAILURE.
It did not work, no damage.  :crybaby:
posted on September 14th, 2010, 3:38 pm
Well, i didn't experienced problems with the sekras, but i was able to outrange klingon HWP with B-8s, i don't know if that supposed to be happen. (about 3 ppl was observing,  and they were supprised too)
posted on September 14th, 2010, 4:00 pm
about the serkas:

    [x]it cannot use the target nearby method to hit the dominion starbase. i tried that, it failed.
    [x]it can attack the dominion starbase directly without taking fire (see attached image 1), but only by a tiny amount, i had to use map editor to inch the serkas forward, giving a move/stop order to do the same thing would be very tricky.

about the b8 vs hwp, i tested this, the b8 can outrange a hwp, and its easy to get it to do so even without map editor. both are quoted as long range. im not sure which one is labelled wrong.


Capture 1.png
Capture 2.png
posted on September 14th, 2010, 4:31 pm
both are quoted as long range. im not sure which one is labelled wrong.

They're both right. The range is measured from the firing hardpoint by the game engine, not from the bounding box.
posted on September 14th, 2010, 5:34 pm
Anyway, wouldn't it be nice to widen up the differences between short/med/long/art a bit?
posted on September 14th, 2010, 5:37 pm
In regards to the OP, you should take into account that Starbases are artillery range as well.  Bombardment in this game is deliberately nerfed very hard, because it's a fundamentally OP mechanic in a game like FO.

The serkas is the only ship in game that can shoot a starbase without retaliation, you can expect they made it ridiculously hard to micro.  In fact the only serkas I ever use is a dominion serkas, as the blast radius is larger and easier to control. (this also shows how often I use the serkas...never, unless I have 2 friendly races AND 1 is dominion AND I already researched mixed tech for a ship available at the OTHER yard)

The point I'm trying to make is, don't snipe starbases, the game makes it unfeasible.  Either snipe miners to hurt their economy, or use your artillery ship to draw the enemy into a trap.
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