Here we go again... - The Serkas

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posted on September 14th, 2010, 5:43 pm
mimesot wrote:Anyway, wouldn't it be nice to widen up the differences between short/med/long/art a bit?

The difference is enuff as is to cause headaches for whoever has the shorter range against certain ships.
posted on September 14th, 2010, 7:12 pm
Tryptic wrote:In regards to the OP, you should take into account that Starbases are artillery range as well.  Bombardment in this game is deliberately nerfed very hard, because it's a fundamentally OP mechanic in a game like FO.

The serkas is the only ship in game that can shoot a starbase without retaliation, you can expect they made it ridiculously hard to micro.  In fact the only serkas I ever use is a dominion serkas, as the blast radius is larger and easier to control. (this also shows how often I use the serkas...never, unless I have 2 friendly races AND 1 is dominion AND I already researched mixed tech for a ship available at the OTHER yard)

The point I'm trying to make is, don't snipe starbases, the game makes it unfeasible.  Either snipe miners to hurt their economy, or use your artillery ship to draw the enemy into a trap.

Lol. The starbases are long range.  :D

Also, the whole point of artillery ranged ships are so they can snipe things from a longer range, so they can't fire back. Steamies/Serkas are (SUPPOSED) to be excellent at killing the likes of turrets and starbases.
posted on September 14th, 2010, 7:57 pm
Starbases seem like artillery range at times because their weapons fire from hardpoints on the edges of the station to any hardpoint within range on the enemy vessel (which is all standard so far) combined with the fact that they are very large (not as usual). On the other hand, AOE weapons like the Serkas' artillery aim from a hardpoint to the center of the target, effectively reducing their range against large targets such as Starbases.
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