Out of Sync Issues!

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posted on March 5th, 2009, 4:18 pm
Lumpybob wrote:now why is that? are we not good enough for you?

plus, these OoS only started being virulent when patch 3 was released, so it's a fleetops issue.

Lumpybob wrote:now why is that? are we not good enough for you?

plus, these OoS only started being virulent when patch 3 was released, so it's a fleetops issue.

I just like going to the lobby and seeing who's there. None of you know my name for playing.

Also, just got an OOS, so you guys were right, partially. Maybe the patches made the engine unstable over the Internet. Hmm, Quake III Arena was the first to remain stable...  :cloak: *goes hunting through recent add-ons after 3.0.1
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