Point Defence Phaser (PDP)

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posted on August 24th, 2010, 7:55 pm
well torps dont really have ecm built in. ships do. but i agree any pdp should never be a certain thing.

also i dont think i would like pdp in fleetops, imagine pdp wiping out the torps of an entire fleet of auto assims.
posted on August 24th, 2010, 8:41 pm
thats why hit chance would be kool plus they would be rare (anyway its a classic armada feature :P)
posted on August 24th, 2010, 9:52 pm
i have completed a new weapon - a copy of the pdl - which allows to define which ordnances it can hit. things like hit chances are on my list next :)
posted on August 24th, 2010, 10:07 pm
wow that was quick
posted on August 25th, 2010, 10:12 am
DOCa Cola wrote:i have completed a new weapon

wasnt that a unit speech from vanilla? when ur valiant klingon scientists bashed their heads together enough and made a new special?
posted on August 25th, 2010, 3:29 pm
Yeah, that's also what you hear when Klingon research completes in FO. I thought it was "we have created a new weapon" tho.
posted on August 25th, 2010, 3:39 pm
Nebula_Class_Ftw wrote:Yeah, that's also what you hear when Klingon research completes in FO. I thought it was "we have created a new weapon" tho.

yh the pronoun is different, but its close enough.

i dont have unit speech on in fo, it annoys me.
posted on August 27th, 2010, 12:11 am
ok one final request on the subject could the pdp also be specified to use a certain ordinance (eg instead of a phaser it shoots torps or pulse phaser

also would it be easier to be able to turn normal weapons into pdp something like
is_pdp = 1 // 1 makes it pdp 0 makes it normal
ordinance_target = 1 // 1 = phaser, 2 = torp, 3 = pulse

or just
ordinance_target = 1 // 1 = phaser, 2 = torp, 3 = pulse

in this instance the damage delt by the weapon could indicate how much damage is detucted from the target weapon (is 0 or less then its destroyed this could be culumiative so the more shots fired the weaker the incomng shot will become or higher chance or destroying it)
posted on August 27th, 2010, 11:24 am
if a pdp does get made we will then have to ignore the canon VOY: Workforce where the red doctor blows up a torp with a phaser and for some reason because of antimatter radiation it makes a larger explosion

dont get me wrong, ignoring voyager's crap is sometimes justified.
posted on August 29th, 2010, 5:48 am
How are torps guided?  I'm assuming they have an on-board system or something, not just point-&-shoot.
Was there ever a special weapon in either of the stock games which would reverse the direction of (an) incoming torp(s)  Even if it was something that couldn't be used too often, think about it...
posted on August 29th, 2010, 11:32 am
in trek torps are guided usually. they can change direction in flight and chase their target.

usually they are close enough to hit with a slightly curved path

in the dominion war everyone was probably using ecm so a lot of stuff missed.

in vanilla there was the sovvie special which was called the corbomite reflector which sent torps back to their target.
posted on August 31st, 2010, 6:36 pm
Blade wrote:ok one final request on the subject could the pdp also be specified to use a certain ordinance (eg instead of a phaser it shoots torps or pulse phaser

also would it be easier to be able to turn normal weapons into pdp something like
is_pdp = 1 // 1 makes it pdp 0 makes it normal
ordinance_target = 1 // 1 = phaser, 2 = torp, 3 = pulse

or just
ordinance_target = 1 // 1 = phaser, 2 = torp, 3 = pulse

in this instance the damage delt by the weapon could indicate how much damage is detucted from the target weapon (is 0 or less then its destroyed this could be culumiative so the more shots fired the weaker the incomng shot will become or higher chance or destroying it)

If you could just add this to a cannonimp, then a hitchance would come easy.  I like that idea.

what if a cannon imp could target both?  so not only can the phaser target incoming weapons fire, but ships too.  dealing only small damage of course, but the ability to do both would be wicked awesome. :woot:
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