Sound "Fade" Distance Variable

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posted on May 30th, 2009, 6:12 am
Since I have a large monitor (1920x1200) and I love playing zoomed out (spoiled from Supreme Commander), I've adjusted my overview distance variables in ART_CFG.h to 5000.

However, when I zoom out past ~1000 I lose all sound effects for whatever is happening where I'm looking. Is there a variable in one of the header files that controls this distance (like there is for object fading)?
posted on May 30th, 2009, 6:28 am
Mmm sounds cool. Ill have to try that. In regards to your question: i'm not sure... Welcome to the forums!
posted on May 30th, 2009, 8:09 am

I would like to try this too, but after opening the ART_CFG.h file I noticed that I don't know how.
Please can you name the exact name(s) of the value(s) I have to change?

posted on May 30th, 2009, 8:17 am
I actually do something clever (at least I think so) because of the fact that each update/install of FleetOps tends to overwrite the header files.

What I do is have a folder with my extra FleetOps stuff at the same level as the main FleetOps folder. In the extras I have my custom settings header and Armada 2 CD images.

Here is what I have in my header file:
Code: Select all
// Fleetops  config
Custom settings for the Fleetops engine that override the previous definitions as given in the other header files.

// ART_CFG settings

// RTS_CFG settings



In order for it to work, add the following code at the bottom of your RTS_CFG.h - the path is relative.

Code: Select all
#include "....FleetOps Extrasconfig.h"

Note: Put a blank newline at the end of all header files! FleetOps confuckles otherwise.
posted on May 30th, 2009, 8:28 am
I also get rid of the annoying/pointless "cinematic" window (the one that just shows random scenes) by moving it off screen in the configuration file found in misc. You have to edit the one appropriate to your aspect ratio.

Here is mine (gui_16x10) for example:
Code: Select all
screenWidth = 1920
screenHeight = 1200

buttonPanelArea         =   1643   8   266   40
cinematicPanelArea      =   1920   1200   350   384
pauseGamePanelArea      =   1620   75   180   180

CommandInfoBarPanelArea      =   684   400   522   256
infoPanelArea_0         =   520   1115   880   85
infoPanelArea_1         =   520   1007   880   193
infoPanelArea_2         =   520   890   880   310
popupPaletteXA = 465
popupPaletteXB = 465
buildBoxPanelArea      =   465   100   710   710

Two things are ~broken about doing this, however.
1. You can't put an include here (like I do with my headers).
2. Putting it off screen makes a tiny version of it (a corner maybe?) appear at the upper left, but its generally not noticeable. My theory is that the rendering surface/buffer is wrapping the coordinates around.
posted on May 30th, 2009, 9:29 am
you DO know that there is an option to turn this off in the graphics options.... do you?
posted on May 30th, 2009, 10:24 am
Thank you, realy cool such an overview.
But I even have sound. Maybe it's not a general problem of FO.
posted on May 30th, 2009, 11:12 am
Turning it off just turns it into a huge symbol of your chosen race. Not really very useful.

Does all of this editing change your game version?
posted on May 30th, 2009, 3:10 pm
Last edited by psi3 on May 30th, 2009, 3:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I don't play online so I have no idea. I doubt that it would anyway - it would require a crazy thorough consistency check and people are naturally gonna have different settings (scrollspeed etc) anyway...

Edit: on second thought it is kinda unfair to increase the overview so much (or more). It defiantly gives you a huge tactical advantage to be able to see the entire battlefield...
posted on May 30th, 2009, 9:08 pm
As far as I know, editing any game file that isn't a texture changes game version.
posted on May 30th, 2009, 9:13 pm
Sond files too? This is nothin that can be used for cheating, so why cout it as version cange. Can the mods change this beaviour.

I'd like to use C. Debussy's nocturne "Clouds" (who knows that piece?) as Main menu music, because I grow a little tired of the main menu music.
posted on May 30th, 2009, 9:29 pm
To be fair, I think we should be allowed to zoom out a bit more, I mean it's less than stock isn't it?
posted on June 1st, 2009, 9:53 am
in stock the maps were also a lot bigger and you had to control warping vessels... ;)
yea, any changes to these files make your game incompatible for online play
posted on June 2nd, 2009, 4:01 pm
Unleash Mayhem wrote:Turning it off just turns it into a huge symbol of your chosen race. Not really very useful.

Does all of this editing change your game version?

I agree it's not useful at all, Doca is there any plans to include this fix so that when you disable to cinematic window it gives you more screen real estate as opposed to robbing you anyway with the race symbol?
posted on June 3rd, 2009, 8:55 am
press ctrl + i and the cinematic/logo will hide. in my eyes the cinematic view is junk, so in some future patch we will probably throw it out anyway.
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