Fleet Operations 3.0 - Federation Redo

Tuesday, 16 August 2005 Written by 

Nearing the completion of Fleet Operations 3.0 a little every day we recently took a look at how our current dev-version looks like, just to see if everything matches the new goals we set for Fleet Operations 3.0.

And we saw the same you may have probably noticed by taking a closer look to the current screenshots in the gallery: the model quality does highly vary between the newer beta 2 or version 3.0 models and the very old beta 1 models from the first modelling phase.
Thats why we decided to completely replace all old models with new, fresh material. Of course we won't do everything at once. For version 3.0 the party with the oldest models got its refreshment program: the United Federation of Planets. You will find nearly all old models replaced with new ones matching our now higher quality standard.
Enough words, I'm sure you do now want to see some pics of the new material. Here we go.

Currently the following models have been completely redone for v3:
  • Federation Mediterranean
  • Federation Mandril Class
  • Federation Newton Class
  • Federation Monsoon Class
  • Federation Canaveral Class
  • Federation Akira Class
  • Federation Outpost
  • Federation Storage Dock
  • Federation Antares Type Yard
  • Federation Starfleet Science
  • Federation Starfleet Engineering
  • Federation Defenceplatform
  • Federation Satellite
Additional model redos like the Eraudi Type Yard are currently under heavy construction, so this list will get even a bit longer till the version 3.0 release.

A Phalanx Class battleship toasting a Romulan patrol

Admiral Risner's favourite, the Phalanx (left) and the Avalon (right) side by side

Starfleet just bought some new lamps for Starfleet Engineering

A Federation mining colony is emerging

The Federation Outpost, your new head of command. Take a seat!