Finally our website redesign is up. Rumors about a site redesign have been floating around the forum for a while now. Since the launch of our last redesign, the site and forum suffered from annoying bugs. In particular this was due to a technical choice we made in 2006 that soon turned out to be a bad one, when development of an underlying third-party software component we used was discontinued. Soon after launch, bugs in that software became apparent, and over the years it took us a box of Duct tape to hold the forum and site together. Besides these issues, of course the old site was quite outdated in 2012. The site was still designed to support smaller screen resolutions and a range of stubborn browsers which made proper web design hell back then - 800x600 screen/Internet Explorer 6 users, you are out of luck now.
The new site now takes a much cleaner approach. While the previous site lacked a proper layout to read our latest news, it should now feel much more straightforward to browse through our articles. The comment system has been simplified. Finally we can also offer a proper RSS feed for those using a news reader like Google Reader. The forum has lost much of its bloat. Threads are now easier to read, with clearer layout and better controls. The entire page has been redesigned for faster navigation and it is easier for new visitors to see what the Fleet Operations project is about.
All forum accounts and posts have been retained, so nothing has been lost in the transition. If you have problems logging-in due to wrong credentials, reset your password on the login form. If you have other problems with your account, feel free to contact me: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We'd like to thank you, the community, for your feedback and especially the donators for your support. We hope you enjoy the new site. Have fun.