Too many files have changed, the update pack would be not much smaller than the full install. we also want to keep compatibility between the versions, you know if something doesn't match as the update setup expect your fleetops 1.1 install to be than it would fail, also then you may not be able to play with someone has the full version or your installation would crash from time to time which were we could barely help you cause we don't know your installation envoirement.
so i hope you understand why we couldn't provide you with a upgrade package now. We do not plan to make an upgrade package available which has more than 50% of the size the full package has and maybe won't work on every system.
DOCa Cola
No Beta 1.1 -> Beta 2.0 Update Pack
Wednesday, 08 October 2003
Written by
DOCa Cola
I have calculated stuff for an update from beta 1.1 to beta 2.0 and it just looking bad. Beta 2 has gotton many new updates to textures sound and we changed even more files of armada 2. also as promised the new setup file (1.1: 98mb 2.0: 94mb) was smaller due to the new compression methods. the 2.0 archive file size of the blank fleetops files is twice as big as the files of 1.1 were, which is also the reason why the setup of fleetops beta 2.0 takes twice as long to install.