Patch Project Patch and Vanilla Ultimate Mod
Talk about anything related to old versions of Armada.
posted on August 26th, 2010, 4:53 am
Equinox1701e wrote:Oops, hey it was like 3am while I was ranting here, but yeah dont I feel silly, however considering the amount of typos in Jets posting I dont feel so bad
(Written in MS Word)
The only reason I might have spelling errors in my posts is that they were written during the timeframe when I’m outside my local public library to actually use the wireless signal for my laptop and since its on battery power and I’m also doing other things like checking my e-mail and on Facebook, my laptop’s battery is getting to the point that its about to officially die and I hit the point that I don’t care about the spelling because I just want to finish what I’m writing.
posted on August 26th, 2010, 4:56 am
Last edited by jetnova16 on August 26th, 2010, 4:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
loki_999 wrote:Buggz? Isn't he the rabbit who says Wassup Doc?
Anyway. none of this idle discussion is helping jet with his modding problems... whatever they are.
(Written In MS Word)
Thank you loki_999. I have been actually trying to get back to discussing all the modding problems that I’m having with my Star Trek Armada II mod and everyone wants to continue the one discussion that is making me upset and hurt. I have so many times stated that I want to get back to the mod’s problems. I even posted the documents that are relevant to my mod, some of which state the errors, one gives credit for the mods I’ve using but is incomplete of course.
The files that actually state errors in the game are: (You can either download them or read the brief description stated here, but the files are more in-depth about the problems)
1) The Random Crashings Log – this document is a day by day log that states the brief relevant information about the crash and about what I was doing in the game. Of course this log will have a newer version as I notice and experience more and more crashings in the game but some I won’t know about until the ones that aren’t solved yet are solved. I have even written “SOLVED” after any errors that have been solved thanks to some help at ArmadaFleetCommand.
2) Non-Playable vs. Playable & Increased Shield HitPoint Values – this document describes the problem with my playable and non-playable races because of a few crashes that I’m experiencing that I still find unexplainable since I’ve seen other mods have non-playable races (like Species 8472) and they still work and appear in the missions. The second part of this document tells about the crashing problem that I have had with the Borg, the Dominion and the Breen because of the increased HitPoint and Shield values I gave them to make them act more like their counterparts in the television series. (I’m trying to make the Borg hard to defeat and to actually act like Borg, the Dominion to have shields that quickly recharge, stronger ships, and the ability to build their ships and stations at a “hectic” rate because as in Deep Space Nine, Martok had said that the “The Dominion has shown the ability to increase ship production at a hectic rate”. For my mod to work, (especially for the Fourth Campaign) these races have to act more like they do on screen.
3) Trading Stations Error For All Races – this document explains an error that causing all the Trading Stations for all the races that have them to crash the game. It explains about what I noticed well using the Map Editor to try and solve the problem with them. I found that the buttons that initiate a Trade for both the Trading Stations and the Cargo Ships are all of a sudden missing from the stations and the ships.
4) Star Trek Armada II – Loskene Mod – this document involves the Tholian Commander Loskene. His ship is supposed to have voice sounds and they aren’t appearing in the game. I edited the ship to be playable by the Tholians (because they are another full race featured in my mod) but then I edited the files to make Loskene’s voice work for the Tholians work but that didn’t work out like it did with a Klingon ship I had to do the same for because it was accidently set to the Federation and not the Klingons (Commander Worf’s Bird-of-Prey).
The rest of the attached documents in my post #35 are just back information on the mod except for the ODF files pasted in the test part. Those files will now appear here in this post again but first I’ll give some back information again or you can see the full information in Post # 35:
Because in the Star Trek Deep Space Nine, the Defiant and the Defiant-class in general was classified as a Escort but unofficially was a Warship, I made a new ODF file for that class entitled “warship.odf”. These ships perform flawlessly in battle and work until they become derelicts and appear to be on fire, then the game crashes. This happens with both the AI playing as the Federation and whenever I’m playing as them and also in the campaign. Also I want to increase the shield recharge rate and HitPoint Values for the Defiant-class to make them fit their namesake more better.
Here are the two ODF Files yet again:
All right, here are the main files for the warship.odf and the USS Defiant. Please note that all the required weapons are in the games corresponding files and they work fine, its only when the ship is damaged and a derelict.
#include "warship.odf"
physicsFile = "trek_sdestphys.odf"
rangeScan = 2000.0f
avoidanceClass = 3
//Name of Ship class in Ship Display window & in edit mode & tooltip
unitName = "Defiant Class"
tooltip = "USS Defiant NX-74205"
verboseTooltip = "The Flagship of the Federation during the Dominion War"
//This ship is a hero.
isHero = 1
//Ship label provided because this is a unique ship.
label = "USS Defiant"
//Race which can build ship & starting race of ship
race = "federation"
//Amount of time required to build ship
buildTime = 12.0
//Number of officers required to build this ship
officerCost = 7
//Number of crew required to build ship & Starting crew
crewCost = 80
//Dilithium Cost to build
dilithiumCost = 450
//Metal Cost to build
metalCost = 100
//Max Shield Strength & Begining Shield Strength <500
maxHealth = 10000
// Hitpoints
shieldGeneratorHitPoints = 1200
enginesHitPoints = 1200
weaponsHitPoints = 1200
lifeSupportHitPoints = 1200
sensorsHitPoints = 1200
//Rate at which shield recharges (points per second... we think)
shieldRate = 20.0
//Maximum Value of Special Energy
maxSpecialEnergy = 5000
//Rate at which special energy recharges (points per second... we think)
specialEnergyRate = 10
//Possible Craft Names
possibleCraftNames =
"USS Defiant NX-74205"
// Twin Pulse Phaser
weapon1 = "xpulse"
weaponHardpoints1 = "hp01"
// Multi Targetting Phaser
weapon2 = "multiphas"
weaponHardpoints2 = "hp01" "hp02" "hp03" "hp04"
// Twin Pulse Phaser
weapon3 = "xpulse"
weaponHardpoints3 = "hp02"
// Twin Pulse Phaser
weapon4 = "xpulse"
weaponHardpoints4 = "hp03"
// Twin Pulse Phaser
weapon5 = "xpulse"
weaponHardpoints5 = "hp04"
// Quantum Torpedo
weapon6 = "quantum1"
weaponHardpoints6 = "hp05"
//Anti-matter Mines
weapon7 = "hamine"
weaponHardpoints7 = "hp18" "hp05" "hp01" "hp04"
// Tractor Beam
weapon8 = "gtracbm"
weaponHardpoints8 = "hp18"
//Cloaking Device
weapon9 ="grcloak"
weaponHardpoints9 = "hp06"
// Transphasic Torpedoes
weapon10 = "gtransphasic"
weaponHardpoints10 = "hp04" "hp05"
// Hardpoints to hit for various systems and other locations.
enginesTargetHardpoints = "hp06" "hp07" "hp08" "hp09" "hp10"
lifeSupportTargetHardpoints = "hp11" "hp12" "hp13" "hp14" "hp15"
weaponsTargetHardpoints = "hp01" "hp02" "hp03" "hp04" "hp05" "hp26" "hp27" "hp28" "hp29"
shieldGeneratorTargetHardpoints = "hp16" "hp17" "hp18" "hp19" "hp20"
sensorsTargetHardpoints = "hp21" "hp22" "hp23" "hp24" "hp25"
hullTargetHardpoints = "hp11" "hp12" "hp13" "hp14" "hp15" "hp16" "hp17" "hp18" "hp19" "hp20"
criticalTargetHardpoints = "hp11" "hp12" "hp13" "hp14" "hp15"
//AI system parameters
//These parameters influence how the AI evaluates and compares craft.
//An abstract number that represents how much extra strength must be
//used to attack this craft due to its weapons.
// (0.0=no weapons, 0.5 = average weapons, 1.0=many good weapons)
attackPower = 0.25f
//The normalized intrinsic value of a target. High value craft make good
//attack targets. (0.0=lowest value, 1.0=highest value)
intrinsicValue = 0.25f
//The multiplier for the delay between shots for weapons while in yellow status
weaponYellow = 1.0f
//The multiplier for the delay between shots for weapons while in red status
weaponRed = 2.0f
eventSelect = "SiskoSelect"
eventAcknowledge = "SiskoAcknowledge"
eventAttack = "SiskoAttack"
eventRedAlert = "SiskoRedAlert"
eventYellowAlert = "SiskoYellowAlert"
eventStop = "SiskoStop"
eventMove = "SiskoMove"
eventRepair = "SiskoRepair"
eventGreenAlert = "SiskoGreenAlert"
eventTransport = "SiskoTransport"
eventSelfDestruct = "SiskoSelfDestruct"
eventEngageCloak = "SiskoEngageCloak"
hotkeyLabel = "HOTKEY_F3"
// let's make this a bit smaller
ScaleSOD = 0.8
For this file, the fireball is in the game and the only thing that I haven't changed is the sound parameters. I also gave the ship the ability to attack planets and that is working fine too.
#include "craft.odf"
//This is for stat accumulation
shipclass = "battleship"
//This is the main file for the battleship
//AI system parameters
//These parameters influence how the AI evaluates and compares craft.
//An abstract number that represents how much extra strength must be
//used to attack this craft due to its weapons.
// (0.0=no weapons, 0.5 = average weapons, 1.0=many good weapons)
attackPower = 1.00f
//The normalized intrinsic value of a target. High value craft make good
//attack targets. (0.0=lowest value, 1.0=highest value)
intrinsicValue = 0.50f
//These values are the hitpoint values of the systems
//If the value is set to zero the ship does not have that system
enginesHitPoints = 10
lifeSupportHitPoints = 10
weaponsHitPoints = 10
shieldGeneratorHitPoints = 10
sensorsHitPoints = 10
eventSelect = "Cruiser1Select"
eventAcknowledge = "Cruiser1Acknowledge"
eventAttack = "Cruiser1Attack"
eventStop = "Cruiser1Stop"
eventMove = "Cruiser1Move"
eventRepair = "Cruiser1Repair"
//John avoidance stuff DO NOT CHANGE
avoidanceClass = 8
// All battleships can attack planets
canAttackPlanets = 1
//physics file for all other physics stuff
physicsFile = "swarshipphys.odf"
// physics file for star trekky physics behavior
trekPhysicsFile = "trek_sbattphys.odf"
//Explosion to use
fireball = "xrfireblg"
// Tara additions for context sensitive menus
combat = 1
alert = 1
can_sandd = 1
***Even though I am using Sisko's Defiant as the example, its doing the same thing with the Defiant-class (fdestroy.odf). This could be causing a crash with the Federation as the AI as well.
Also all the other previously stated crashes are still happening including the one with all the races Trading Stations. I believe I have already described this problem though.
[The extension docx has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]
[The extension docx has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]
[The extension docx has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]
[The extension docx has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]
posted on August 27th, 2010, 2:34 am
I was wondering if anyone is actually willing to help me solve these errors in my game because I got other errors to that I would like to mention but I was hoping to try and get these ones solved before I post information on the other crashing errors.
posted on August 27th, 2010, 6:01 am
Jet, there are definitely people here who can help you. Sorry, i took a cursory glance (see my first point below) at your problems and I don't think I can personally help.
Reasons why you may not be getting the help you need:
1) Threads: You have quite a few problems and you have opened quite a few topics at one and mixed several topics together making big posts. I mentioned this before, you really need to break things down into small packages and address individual topics one at a time. Someone seeing your monster posts who could possibly help may very well be turned off. Less skilled modders who could perhaps help you with one topic take one look at the posts and think "This is too big for me, i probably can't help" - when maybe they can.
Solution: Ask the mods to lock all your existing threads and start a few (3 max) new threads with perhaps your most difficult or important issues. Make then small and concise. Put ODFs or logs in attachments like you already did, but keep the actual text of the problem as small as possible so people may actually take the time to read.
2) Your story: I'm not saying that you are telling lies, but many of us here find a lot of what you tell us very hard to believe. From the actual project itself, to your internet connection issues, to your teacher having access to your account. It all combines to make a very strange story which makes people distrustful of your intentions.
Solution: Probably best just to be quiet about your reasons and issues and simply stick to trying to resolve your problems.
3) Reputation and attitude: Well, you really screwed the pooch on this one from almost day one and I don't think we need to go into details again about your behaviour on these and other forums. This is probably one of the main reasons why you are not getting the help you need.
Solution: Its going to be hard to restore your reputation and take time (which you are lacking). Any posts you make from now on will likely be viewed with a negative bias by a lot of readers, its going to take some carefully and respectfully worded posts and responses before people will open up to you. And one bad post will likely destroy any reputation you do build up. When posting consider the following things: respect, consideration, and listen to people. In return they should give you the same considerations. By all means, disagree with people, tell them "Hab Sosli Quch!!", but do it nicely and play by the forum rules.
I'm not promising you that if you follow these suggestions that you will get the help you need, but I'm fairly sure if you don't make some changes you will not. Start with point one and work from there. Also keep in mind, there may be no solution to some of your problems, at least without some code changes which the devs are unlikely to do in the nearest future, so in that case you will have to reconsider what you are trying to achieve with your project and make adjustments.
Reasons why you may not be getting the help you need:
1) Threads: You have quite a few problems and you have opened quite a few topics at one and mixed several topics together making big posts. I mentioned this before, you really need to break things down into small packages and address individual topics one at a time. Someone seeing your monster posts who could possibly help may very well be turned off. Less skilled modders who could perhaps help you with one topic take one look at the posts and think "This is too big for me, i probably can't help" - when maybe they can.
Solution: Ask the mods to lock all your existing threads and start a few (3 max) new threads with perhaps your most difficult or important issues. Make then small and concise. Put ODFs or logs in attachments like you already did, but keep the actual text of the problem as small as possible so people may actually take the time to read.
2) Your story: I'm not saying that you are telling lies, but many of us here find a lot of what you tell us very hard to believe. From the actual project itself, to your internet connection issues, to your teacher having access to your account. It all combines to make a very strange story which makes people distrustful of your intentions.
Solution: Probably best just to be quiet about your reasons and issues and simply stick to trying to resolve your problems.
3) Reputation and attitude: Well, you really screwed the pooch on this one from almost day one and I don't think we need to go into details again about your behaviour on these and other forums. This is probably one of the main reasons why you are not getting the help you need.
Solution: Its going to be hard to restore your reputation and take time (which you are lacking). Any posts you make from now on will likely be viewed with a negative bias by a lot of readers, its going to take some carefully and respectfully worded posts and responses before people will open up to you. And one bad post will likely destroy any reputation you do build up. When posting consider the following things: respect, consideration, and listen to people. In return they should give you the same considerations. By all means, disagree with people, tell them "Hab Sosli Quch!!", but do it nicely and play by the forum rules.
I'm not promising you that if you follow these suggestions that you will get the help you need, but I'm fairly sure if you don't make some changes you will not. Start with point one and work from there. Also keep in mind, there may be no solution to some of your problems, at least without some code changes which the devs are unlikely to do in the nearest future, so in that case you will have to reconsider what you are trying to achieve with your project and make adjustments.
posted on August 28th, 2010, 2:32 am
Last edited by jetnova16 on August 28th, 2010, 5:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
loki_999 wrote:Jet, there are definitely people here who can help you. Sorry, i took a cursory glance (see my first point below) at your problems and I don't think I can personally help.
Reasons why you may not be getting the help you need:
1) Threads: You have quite a few problems and you have opened quite a few topics at one and mixed several topics together making big posts. I mentioned this before, you really need to break things down into small packages and address individual topics one at a time. Someone seeing your monster posts who could possibly help may very well be turned off. Less skilled modders who could perhaps help you with one topic take one look at the posts and think "This is too big for me, i probably can't help" - when maybe they can.
Solution: Ask the mods to lock all your existing threads and start a few (3 max) new threads with perhaps your most difficult or important issues. Make then small and concise. Put ODFs or logs in attachments like you already did, but keep the actual text of the problem as small as possible so people may actually take the time to read.
2) Your story: I'm not saying that you are telling lies, but many of us here find a lot of what you tell us very hard to believe. From the actual project itself, to your internet connection issues, to your teacher having access to your account. It all combines to make a very strange story which makes people distrustful of your intentions.
Solution: Probably best just to be quiet about your reasons and issues and simply stick to trying to resolve your problems.
3) Reputation and attitude: Well, you really screwed the pooch on this one from almost day one and I don't think we need to go into details again about your behaviour on these and other forums. This is probably one of the main reasons why you are not getting the help you need.
Solution: Its going to be hard to restore your reputation and take time (which you are lacking). Any posts you make from now on will likely be viewed with a negative bias by a lot of readers, its going to take some carefully and respectfully worded posts and responses before people will open up to you. And one bad post will likely destroy any reputation you do build up. When posting consider the following things: respect, consideration, and listen to people. In return they should give you the same considerations. By all means, disagree with people, tell them "Hab Sosli Quch!!", but do it nicely and play by the forum rules.
I'm not promising you that if you follow these suggestions that you will get the help you need, but I'm fairly sure if you don't make some changes you will not. Start with point one and work from there. Also keep in mind, there may be no solution to some of your problems, at least without some code changes which the devs are unlikely to do in the nearest future, so in that case you will have to reconsider what you are trying to achieve with your project and make adjustments.
I just want to say that I have been completly honest and truthful with everything I've ever posted here and the same goes for any other forum on any other site in the Armada II Community. I have been telling the truth and there is not one lie in my story about everything because it is the God's Honest Truth and I wouldn't lie because I consider it a sin to lie even in person or online.
I wouldn't mind getting some help from the Devs but that would have to be Activision and Madoc most likely because I'm not making a Fleet Ops mod, its all regular Aramada II. Unless the Fleet Ops Devs can give any ideas on how to edit the Armada II coding, I'd welcome that even if it didn't come from one of the Devs.
As for my reputation and attitude, I have always been trying to get away from everything that everyone else clearlky has been wanting to continue. How am I at fault for their faults of continuing something I clearly didn't want to? After all, respect is a two way street and you have to be respectful to get respect and I've never met any disrespect in my honest and truthfulness. I have always been respectful and courteous, I have told the truth at all times and only have had one intention all along to fix these issues in my game but look who's contiuned all the ridicule, everyone else but me because I've said it so many times and I'll say it again and again untl someone will actually listen. I wanrt to get back to fixing the problems with my game and for everyone to stop carrying all of this on. Because in the end you're all just putting me down and making me feel inconfident about myself.
When it comes to all of your suggestions though, I can possibly give it a try, but everyone else would ahve to coperate too, I am planning on and actually in the works of creating a new type of document that is to be broken up into sections about different crashing errors, but if its long its long becasue its better to be thourogh and tell exactly what's happening that to end up leaving some of the problems out just because someone else might not think its relevant, its best to have all the facts, that how it works in the real world and that's how I'm going to write it, its not my fault that I don't have an internet connection, and have to got outside the library and even risk getting my laptop wet when it rains just to get online.
It would almost be easier if I could actually create my own Forum Topic and be able to create multiple threaded discussions that are each met for one purpose, the error that is titled as the Thread's name. If the moderators to the forums want to close this thread, they can because in the long run, I'd want one for all the issues that I'm having with my game that are causing crashes.
posted on August 29th, 2010, 2:23 am
Attention Any Forum Moderators-: I was wondering if this thread can be locked or closed? I want to do what Loki_999 suggested and open up different threads for each of the crashing errors in my game. At least 4, maybe more later I don't know, but what I do know is I have 4 short documents 3 with two short crashing descriptions and 1 with only one description because it is alittle longer than the others.
I was wondering how to create a Thread that is actually in its own forum section with all the threads inside it all related to the main forum?
Like for example, like there's a part of the forums here dedicated to: Star Trek Armada II Patch Project then when that link is clicked on, there are multiple threads to choose from. I was wondering if its possible for me to open/start one like that for my mod and then each seperate topic inside it is related to its own crash. Is this possible? If so can someone please tell me how to open one or to help me start it? Thank you for you help and this if it can be done (even if it can't thank you).
I was wondering how to create a Thread that is actually in its own forum section with all the threads inside it all related to the main forum?
Like for example, like there's a part of the forums here dedicated to: Star Trek Armada II Patch Project then when that link is clicked on, there are multiple threads to choose from. I was wondering if its possible for me to open/start one like that for my mod and then each seperate topic inside it is related to its own crash. Is this possible? If so can someone please tell me how to open one or to help me start it? Thank you for you help and this if it can be done (even if it can't thank you).
posted on August 29th, 2010, 4:55 am
Not possible for you to do. Forum threads are not usually locked unless their is a fight, so just let the thread die and start new ones.
posted on August 29th, 2010, 5:20 am
Last edited by jetnova16 on August 29th, 2010, 5:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
Dircome wrote:Not possible for you to do. Forum threads are not usually locked unless their is a fight, so just let the thread die and start new ones.
I almost think a fight was starting here, one I have been wanting to avoid. I haven't even seen one person mention any of the crashing errors that I've posted here and offered anything. Instead they brought it into almost an altercation. I feel that is another reason why a new thread should be started.
I have created 5 new posts (I know that's alot), each one is dedicated to 2 of the crashing errors in my game as of right now, actually the 5 take care of all of the errors I've had to this date. They were written in MS Word, but this time they were kept as short as possible. Some of these threads only have one error if it is alittle long. If I get any new errors before any of these ones are solved, I'll be waiting to post them into any of the threads that have had both of their issues solved. Here are some quick links to those posts, the titles are the same except the Thread Number I gave it in the title, they also have the same intorduction.
Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations - Star Trek Armada II - Requesting Modding Help & Crashing Errors Help – Thread 1
Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations - Star Trek Armada II - Requesting Modding Help & Crashing Errors Help – Thread 2
Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations - Star Trek Armada II - Requesting Modding Help & Crashing Errors Help – Thread 3
Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations - Star Trek Armada II - Requesting Modding Help & Crashing Errors Help – Thread 4
Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations - Star Trek Armada II - Requesting Modding Help & Crashing Errors Help – Thread 5
posted on August 29th, 2010, 6:39 am
Ok, responded to all your threads to the best of my ability. Its not much, but maybe now I have started the ball rolling maybe other people will jump in. As you will note, from reading your errors i'm beginning to suspect the problem may not be directly with your mod.
By the way... they are still quite large posts and you may get some tl;dr reactions. Try to break text up more by hitting the enter key more often... wall of text is so offputting.
By the way... they are still quite large posts and you may get some tl;dr reactions. Try to break text up more by hitting the enter key more often... wall of text is so offputting.
posted on August 29th, 2010, 9:06 am
Last edited by Anonymous on August 29th, 2010, 9:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
okinstead of repeating myself several times i'll post here. my suggestion is simular to loki's and install armada2 as a clean install then install each mod in a seperate folder (to get the mod files) now instead of just copy and pasting each mod into the game work slowly
first ensure all your races work this can be done by copy and pasting existing race odfs and renaming them then placing them into the race odf.
now remove all but one standardunits from the new race odf (suggest leave the base)
next copy and base the base odf of the race your using as a template
now modify this and the race odf to use the new race name
aslong as everything is working ok start adding meshes (no weapons yet)
once all meshes are working and showing up correctly start adding each weapon seperate
(now just do things like that and should solve issues as i have noticed some mods accidently have typos in there folders or odfs that cause ctd and doing this way help solve them)
oh also install pp either before or after doing this (if after makesure you back your mod up infact afta each milestone i would suggest backing up)
first ensure all your races work this can be done by copy and pasting existing race odfs and renaming them then placing them into the race odf.
now remove all but one standardunits from the new race odf (suggest leave the base)
next copy and base the base odf of the race your using as a template
now modify this and the race odf to use the new race name
aslong as everything is working ok start adding meshes (no weapons yet)
once all meshes are working and showing up correctly start adding each weapon seperate
(now just do things like that and should solve issues as i have noticed some mods accidently have typos in there folders or odfs that cause ctd and doing this way help solve them)
oh also install pp either before or after doing this (if after makesure you back your mod up infact afta each milestone i would suggest backing up)
posted on August 30th, 2010, 1:53 am
Blade wrote:okinstead of repeating myself several times i'll post here. my suggestion is simular to loki's and install armada2 as a clean install then install each mod in a seperate folder (to get the mod files) now instead of just copy and pasting each mod into the game work slowly
first ensure all your races work this can be done by copy and pasting existing race odfs and renaming them then placing them into the race odf.
now remove all but one standardunits from the new race odf (suggest leave the base)
next copy and base the base odf of the race your using as a template
now modify this and the race odf to use the new race name
aslong as everything is working ok start adding meshes (no weapons yet)
once all meshes are working and showing up correctly start adding each weapon seperate
(now just do things like that and should solve issues as i have noticed some mods accidently have typos in there folders or odfs that cause ctd and doing this way help solve them)
oh also install pp either before or after doing this (if after makesure you back your mod up infact afta each milestone i would suggest backing up)
I can do all that, actually I've been always doing that because of how this has been a college project, I can't just uninstall the game, I'm already behind as it is and I can't do that anymore. I can understand if I was modding the game for fun but that just isn't the case. For everymod that I've added, I've had that strategy and the errors I've tried to recreate in my backup files today and most of them (like the trading station one don't even happen) These of course are previous backups, and many errors except the Dominion, Borg, and Breen problem occurs in all of them.
I check all the mods for missiong files, typos and any ODF file error that is related to missin " or extras, or even if a weapon or some other vital component isn't in the game. I'm sure that isn't the case because I've spent weeks combing through the effected probelms to see if I missed anything like that.
I'll continue to check the files but I can't afford to uninstall the game and to start over I only have 4 monsnths (1 semester left to complete this and I've been doing this for 2.5 years now, there just isn;t time to keeo doing the same thing over again especially when I have other classes to worry about to. Isn't there an easier way?
posted on August 30th, 2010, 4:05 am
Possibly not. Even if you have been working on this for 2.5 years you still have a lot of files prepared and ideas fixed. It shouldn't take you 2.5 years to reinstall.
However, if you failed to keep track of the changes you have made then you are going to have a real nightmare trying to do this.
You need to isolate the cause. No amount of asking for help is likely to help you without extensive testing on your part. People can give you suggestions here but nobody is going to download your whole mod and test it for you.
Test, test, test, thats all you can do. If you can't find the cause then you'll have to drop that feature. As time is pressing it is more important you present a finished product with less features than a non-working product with all desired features.
However, if you failed to keep track of the changes you have made then you are going to have a real nightmare trying to do this.
You need to isolate the cause. No amount of asking for help is likely to help you without extensive testing on your part. People can give you suggestions here but nobody is going to download your whole mod and test it for you.
Test, test, test, thats all you can do. If you can't find the cause then you'll have to drop that feature. As time is pressing it is more important you present a finished product with less features than a non-working product with all desired features.
posted on August 31st, 2010, 8:59 pm
loki_999 wrote:Possibly not. Even if you have been working on this for 2.5 years you still have a lot of files prepared and ideas fixed. It shouldn't take you 2.5 years to reinstall.
However, if you failed to keep track of the changes you have made then you are going to have a real nightmare trying to do this.
You need to isolate the cause. No amount of asking for help is likely to help you without extensive testing on your part. People can give you suggestions here but nobody is going to download your whole mod and test it for you.
Test, test, test, thats all you can do. If you can't find the cause then you'll have to drop that feature. As time is pressing it is more important you present a finished product with less features than a non-working product with all desired features.
All the best mods have beta testers, I've seen them mentioned in total conversion mods read me's. Now how is that done, by other modders getting the mod from its creator and testing it, I bet they even help in fixing the errors taht they find, this is all that I'm asking, to be given the same courteousness that those other modders are given with their projects.
I have now installed Fleet Ops designed patch to my game. What I mean is that I have installed the Patch Project 1.2.5 Patch to my game and that is because I tested all 3 together, Star Trek Armada II Patched to 1.1 (The Official Patch) Vanilla Ultimate and the Patch Project 1.2.5 Patch. There don’t appear to be any problems with the compatibility of these three things together.
posted on August 31st, 2010, 9:05 pm
All the best mods have beta testers, I've seen them mentioned in total conversion mods read me's. Now how is that done, by other modders getting the mod from its creator and testing it, I bet they even help in fixing the errors taht they find, this is all that I'm asking, to be given the same courteousness that those other modders are given with their projects.
Beta testing ONLY occurs after the developer/modder has completed their mod, and then gives it into the hands of beta testers for game balancing purposes and for listing any encountered bugs, because even if a developer thinks it's finished, there's usually issues that they did not foresee with the completed project. Asking people to tell you everything that's wrong with your school project is not beta testing, and it looks like you're quite a few steps away from any form of "beta testing".
posted on August 31st, 2010, 10:01 pm
unless you are me and then Beta testers are buddies that give you free ideas. And help locate bugs too.
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