Breen Prototypes
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posted on July 23rd, 2009, 9:33 pm
The most important point that none of the maps take into account: Space is 3 dimensional!
Meaning: the Klingon Empire for example might not be "north" of the federation but "below" (along the Z-axis).
Therefore it's entirely possible that the Cardassian Union and Romulan Star Empire share a 3D (!) border with the Federation. 2D maps (which you can find everywhere on the net) can’t display this properly, therefore they all seem to be off in some points.
Another thought also crossed my mind: it’s also possible that there is no “working” map, simply because the writers of Star Trek don’t have one themselves. They have guidelines, like there is a border between the UFD and the Romulan Star Empire and so on, but no definitive map. So when they wrote the episodes, they just followed the guidelines naming a few areas and things like Dominion attacks from the Romulan neutral zone (DS9: In Pale Moonlight).
Meaning: the Klingon Empire for example might not be "north" of the federation but "below" (along the Z-axis).
Therefore it's entirely possible that the Cardassian Union and Romulan Star Empire share a 3D (!) border with the Federation. 2D maps (which you can find everywhere on the net) can’t display this properly, therefore they all seem to be off in some points.
Another thought also crossed my mind: it’s also possible that there is no “working” map, simply because the writers of Star Trek don’t have one themselves. They have guidelines, like there is a border between the UFD and the Romulan Star Empire and so on, but no definitive map. So when they wrote the episodes, they just followed the guidelines naming a few areas and things like Dominion attacks from the Romulan neutral zone (DS9: In Pale Moonlight).
posted on July 23rd, 2009, 9:50 pm
LordRaven wrote:The most important point that none of the maps take into account: Space is 3 dimensional!
Meaning: the Klingon Empire for example might not be "north" of the federation but "below" (along the Z-axis).
Therefore it's entirely possible that the Cardassian Union and Romulan Star Empire share a 3D (!) border with the Federation. 2D maps (which you can find everywhere on the net) can’t display this properly, therefore they all seem to be off in some points.
Another thought also crossed my mind: it’s also possible that there is no “working” map, simply because the writers of Star Trek don’t have one themselves. They have guidelines, like there is a border between the UFD and the Romulan Star Empire and so on, but no definitive map. So when they wrote the episodes, they just followed the guidelines naming a few areas and things like Dominion attacks from the Romulan neutral zone (DS9: In Pale Moonlight).
Good point... borders are also probably alot more fluid in 3d space. Whatever race has a ship/colony in a certain area means that that empires borders are extended there. meaning they control that 'region' of space even if it is almost completely surrounded by an opposing factions controlled space. There is no line dividing space only planes.
posted on July 24th, 2009, 2:42 pm
Going back to the original question, if you'd like to know why the Breen use prototypes and why the build right off the Dominion Yards, I have included an in depth explanation within the Apocrypha of FO section within the guide--it'll be out tonight (I can't post the excerpt right now, as I am not at home)

posted on July 24th, 2009, 4:31 pm
That's not what the original question was. The question was addressing weather or not they should be in the game at all. I think thy shouldn't. In stead, you should have to research "breen chaises" So after the third level of chaises, you have a fourth and final breen chassis to research.
"Why do the Breen use prototypes? That is a Dominion feature and the Breen are not Dominion, just allies."
"Why do the Breen use prototypes? That is a Dominion feature and the Breen are not Dominion, just allies."
posted on July 24th, 2009, 4:56 pm
Why do the Breen use prototypes? That is a Dominion feature and the Breen are not Dominion, just allies
Well unfortunately that comment is false. The Breen ARE Dominion in the storyline (to put is sucinctly), and that is why I was addressing it. You'll see what I mean soon enough as the Dominion storyline does explain every aspect, including other potential avatars, very very clearly.
posted on July 24th, 2009, 4:59 pm
Still, I stick with my idea.
posted on July 24th, 2009, 5:02 pm
That's fine, I know you won't read the Devs storyline anyway 

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