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posted on August 1st, 2012, 7:57 pm
beserene wrote:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d734afLFPds#t=3m35s
I call that the "Fuck you, Galor" manoeuvre.
posted on August 1st, 2012, 8:02 pm
would we be against using some sto abilitys because some would be kinda cool. I mean not all the stuff is Canon canon but they dont make things up that wouldnt be in the realm of possibility.
Gravity well (a defensive ability) does small amounts of damage or for fleetops has a chance to disable a random subsytem but also holds them in a ceratin area or just slows them down so you could retreat.
Ttykens rift (maybe offensive ability) which just does aoe damage kinda like the serkas class.
sto also has beam fire at will as ability to draw agro so like in a multiplayer game even if someone manually selects a ship if you had beam fire at will it could disable there manual targeting for say 10 20 seconds and for the ships to attack the one vessel that used the ability.
any emergency powers such as power to shields, weapons, auxilery, of engines. (depending on the profile or type of ship)
reverse shield polarity that would maybe not heal you but give you a damage resistance. (defensive profile)
giving all ships tractor beams to use either on friendly derilict ships or if you wanted to slow an enemy ship down from escaping.
There are others but i think those would be some cool ones.
Gravity well (a defensive ability) does small amounts of damage or for fleetops has a chance to disable a random subsytem but also holds them in a ceratin area or just slows them down so you could retreat.
Ttykens rift (maybe offensive ability) which just does aoe damage kinda like the serkas class.
sto also has beam fire at will as ability to draw agro so like in a multiplayer game even if someone manually selects a ship if you had beam fire at will it could disable there manual targeting for say 10 20 seconds and for the ships to attack the one vessel that used the ability.
any emergency powers such as power to shields, weapons, auxilery, of engines. (depending on the profile or type of ship)
reverse shield polarity that would maybe not heal you but give you a damage resistance. (defensive profile)
giving all ships tractor beams to use either on friendly derilict ships or if you wanted to slow an enemy ship down from escaping.
There are others but i think those would be some cool ones.
posted on August 1st, 2012, 8:16 pm
a few i can think of,
the feds and klingons had shapeshifters infiltrate there command lines, perhaps that could be a late special ability some how. or early that can get more powerful late game. has to be different to rom spy tho.
that heat seeking torp spock and macoy made in "the undiscovered country" to hit cloaked ships.
a sensor net that found the romulan ships in tng. where data took command of another ship.
generations, the enterprise force a klingon ship to cloak.
the feds and klingons had shapeshifters infiltrate there command lines, perhaps that could be a late special ability some how. or early that can get more powerful late game. has to be different to rom spy tho.
that heat seeking torp spock and macoy made in "the undiscovered country" to hit cloaked ships.
a sensor net that found the romulan ships in tng. where data took command of another ship.
generations, the enterprise force a klingon ship to cloak.
posted on August 1st, 2012, 8:20 pm
Tanner_Rosso wrote:giving all ships tractor beams to use either on friendly derilict ships or if you wanted to slow an enemy ship down from escaping.
I have to admit, most ships lacking a tractor beam is a significant annoyance.
posted on August 1st, 2012, 8:29 pm
that heat seeking torp spock and macoy made in "the undiscovered country" to hit cloaked ships.
This would only work on Klingon Birds of Prey that emitted high radiation signatures when cloaked... and I'd like think this vulnerability has been rectified by now in later BOP and variants.
posted on August 1st, 2012, 8:43 pm
for the luls and highly op. the E.C.H. and his own developed weapon irrc, the photonic cannon!
could self destruct be reintegrated as an upgrade some how? cost to install it on each ship separately?
perhaps each ship could have a tractor beam but could only work on ships smaller than its self. and it would need a disadvantage like it wipes the ships special energy and wont recharge until deactivating the tractor beam.
could self destruct be reintegrated as an upgrade some how? cost to install it on each ship separately?
perhaps each ship could have a tractor beam but could only work on ships smaller than its self. and it would need a disadvantage like it wipes the ships special energy and wont recharge until deactivating the tractor beam.
posted on August 1st, 2012, 8:49 pm
hellodean wrote:for the luls and highly op. the E.C.H. and his own developed weapon irrc, the photonic cannon!
oh, we actually had this one in armada 1 fleet operations...
some decent ideas so far
posted on August 1st, 2012, 9:27 pm
Nebula Bombardment (Source: Forgot... BUT IT'S THERE!)
posted on August 1st, 2012, 9:45 pm
Shril wrote:Nebula Bombardment (Source: Forgot... BUT IT'S THERE!)
perhaps you mean this
the borg do that to flush out the enterprise in tng
(start at 2.27)
"magneto-metric guided chargers" (thats what it sounds like to me anywho..)
good enough technobabble to me!
posted on August 1st, 2012, 9:58 pm
the defiant uses a modulated tractor beam to deflect some of the disruptor fire
posted on August 2nd, 2012, 12:22 am
Sensor Dampening Field - Reduces the effect of other abilities that target a specific subsystem. http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Silent_Enemy_(episode)
Alien Sabotage - When you board an enemy ship a device is planted that causes some negative effect until the affected ship returns for repairs. Similar to a Gravity Mine. http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Silent_Enemy_(episode)
Exocomp - Provides a repair boost. http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Exocomp
Particle Fountain - Provides a boost to nearby mining. http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Particle_Fountain_Project
EMH - Provides extra medical support reducing the number of casualties. Possibly reducing the number of casualties on nearby ships. http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Emergency_Medical_Holographic_program
Warp Core Ejection - Activates when a ship has taken significant damage that would normally result in destruction. Rather than be destroyed the engine and weapon subsystems are destroyed and other systems damaged. The ship drops to the lowest targeting priority(due to no longer being a threat) and awaits assistance. http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Warp_core_ejection_system
Alien Sabotage - When you board an enemy ship a device is planted that causes some negative effect until the affected ship returns for repairs. Similar to a Gravity Mine. http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Silent_Enemy_(episode)
Exocomp - Provides a repair boost. http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Exocomp
Particle Fountain - Provides a boost to nearby mining. http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Particle_Fountain_Project
EMH - Provides extra medical support reducing the number of casualties. Possibly reducing the number of casualties on nearby ships. http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Emergency_Medical_Holographic_program
Warp Core Ejection - Activates when a ship has taken significant damage that would normally result in destruction. Rather than be destroyed the engine and weapon subsystems are destroyed and other systems damaged. The ship drops to the lowest targeting priority(due to no longer being a threat) and awaits assistance. http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Warp_core_ejection_system
posted on August 2nd, 2012, 6:12 pm
Nice ideas so far!
I already implemented some of them. Keep them coming!
I already implemented some of them. Keep them coming!
- FOScreenShot_120802_200915.png (1.32 MiB) Viewed 659 times
posted on August 2nd, 2012, 6:42 pm
DOCa Cola wrote:hellodean wrote:for the luls and highly op. the E.C.H. and his own developed weapon irrc, the photonic cannon!
oh, we actually had this one in armada 1 fleet operations...
perhaps there could be some varients in the map objects list of stuff like this at some point.
photonic cannon voyager
warship voyager
(end game) anti borg weapons and armor voyager
enterprise d refit
to go with the hero units like the enterprise E and so on.
posted on August 2nd, 2012, 6:46 pm
Optec wrote:Nice ideas so far!
I already implemented some of them. Keep them coming!
that actually makes perfect sense for the defiant, a ship designed mainly for combat and gets boarded easily (even in canon) due to small crew. will this affect holding beam/blue assim beam (assuming they remain unchanged)?
@dean: oh all powerful atheismo, please no 3 nacelle abomination galaxy.
posted on August 2nd, 2012, 7:42 pm
Myles wrote:Optec wrote:Nice ideas so far!
@dean: oh all powerful atheismo, please no 3 nacelle abomination galaxy.
At least it's a canon design that was seriously modified for war purposes - aaaaaaand Will Decker said that the phaserpower is amplified by the warp-engine (that includes nacelles as much as the warp-core), so a third nacelle might actually be necessary or at the very least beneficial to operate the big phaser thing. The ship saved the day in the best Star Trek series-finale, so it deserves all love.
Also, the third nacelle isn't weirder than the U.S.S. Firebrand's "mono-celle" (canon wreck from the Wolf 359 scenes). If Starfleet has ships with one, two or four nacelles, a three-nacelled one (by default or by modification) doesn't stick out at all.
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