Looking for Techs!
Which race do you like most? What do you like - what you don't like? Discuss it here.
posted on August 6th, 2012, 9:05 pm
Gravitic harmonic resonator cannon (PC game: Klingon academy - Gorn racial weapon) - similar in design as tractor beam, but it would attract and repel enemy vessel at the same time, doing damage through greatly stressing the hull of targeted ship. Could work as channeling weapon, single targeted - could prove very useful in eliminating (possibly finishing) those big nasty ships. Damage could be increased when there are no shields present on target ship, where the structure of the ship is only maintained by structural integrity field and shields can`t soak up the damage.
posted on August 8th, 2012, 10:50 am
Well my suggestion is a Venting Drive Plasma, This could release a small plasma field which would slow ships down and if fired into could ignite and explode.
posted on August 13th, 2012, 9:52 am
New Tech for the Defiant Class:
- Close Combat Phaser Beam Emitters
- Speed
Sisko said that the Defiant is over-motorized. What do you think about leveling up the speed in higher ranks?
- Close Combat Phaser Beam Emitters
The standard phaser beam emitters aboard Defiant-class vessels served almost as a secondary supplement to the primary phaser cannon array. In all, the Defiant-class was equipped with at least three emitters: one forward and aft, as well as one behind the bridge on the dorsal surface. (DS9: "Paradise Lost", "Shattered Mirror", "The Emperor's New Cloak"; VOY: "Message in a Bottle")
- Speed
Sisko said that the Defiant is over-motorized. What do you think about leveling up the speed in higher ranks?
posted on August 13th, 2012, 3:21 pm
Ramming Speed for the Defiant.
From the movie First Contact: The defiant can target a vessel an receive a extra firing power or more shots per second, and against the Borg gets immune to nanites.
Of course the ship die, but can change the balance of a fight against a big cube or a diamond.
From the movie First Contact: The defiant can target a vessel an receive a extra firing power or more shots per second, and against the Borg gets immune to nanites.
Of course the ship die, but can change the balance of a fight against a big cube or a diamond.
posted on August 13th, 2012, 7:15 pm
Ramming speed means that it speeds up the ship as much as possible to use it to deal direct damage by colliding it with an another ship. It`s mean of last resort when all the other options failed. Same thing Picard did in Nemesis, rammed Enterprise into Schimittar.
posted on August 13th, 2012, 11:45 pm
Yes, that's the idea a last resort special. Of course it needs a lot of thought because this strategy is not so much in the spirit of the federation but is just an idea.
posted on August 16th, 2012, 9:02 pm
Photonic Shockwave - fired Photon torpedo is after blasted by directed energy weapon, which creates shockwave from center point which disables small group of ships caught in the area (voy: workforce part II).
Stalking mode - used by Hirogen, enables ship to go into stealth tracking mode, which would enable ship to pursue his target and probably reveal the ship from higher distances even if it`s not close to stalker ship - could prove useful for romulans etc.
and Kolvoord Starburst
Stalking mode - used by Hirogen, enables ship to go into stealth tracking mode, which would enable ship to pursue his target and probably reveal the ship from higher distances even if it`s not close to stalker ship - could prove useful for romulans etc.
and Kolvoord Starburst
posted on August 16th, 2012, 10:19 pm
I'd be surprised if any ship other than the Jem'Hadar Bug gets a ramming ability, I think it's unique to them because it seems to be routine only to them. Unless others get it only when their entire base is dead and cannot be rebuilt.
posted on August 17th, 2012, 2:27 am
"Mayday!" - On a Federation science ship of some sort (I'm thinking the USS Pasteur, but don't have to be), when taking damage, enables an ability (button or passive) that causes 5 nearby allied vessels to immediately start targeting the ship that is firing on the science ship and to do 10-50% more damage to that ship. (damage bonus a function of how damaged the science vessel is) At 50% hull (of the science ship), player's ships smaller than the science vessel will ram target enemy ship(s).
Ability lasts until 5 secs after vessel stops taking damage or vessel is destroyed.
"Medical Ship" (as an ability) - Passively recrews nearby allied vessels (again: lore reference USS Pasteur)
Ability lasts until 5 secs after vessel stops taking damage or vessel is destroyed.
"Medical Ship" (as an ability) - Passively recrews nearby allied vessels (again: lore reference USS Pasteur)
posted on August 17th, 2012, 7:02 pm
Andre27 wrote: i was kind of hoping for an Intrepid with an Isokinetic Canon.
perhaps there could be a civilian station when you are in range of it and no combat is taking place you could buy specials for ships. a good choice of improvements or special weapons etc,
if not then it could always be for a specific ship.
posted on August 20th, 2012, 12:18 pm
From TNG "Peak Performance" : http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Peak_Pe ... episode%29
What do you think about a tech (Sensor Hack) with the ships are forced to shoot at false echoes?
Worf suggests using the Enterprise's sensors against it to create a false image of another hostile ship.
What do you think about a tech (Sensor Hack) with the ships are forced to shoot at false echoes?
posted on August 20th, 2012, 12:38 pm
Sending false data to the enemy is pretty much ECM turned up to 11, so it should be viable idea. Fits the usual Starfleet tactics, too.
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