NEW to the mod - LOVE IT! - however have these things been r

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posted on October 4th, 2011, 2:33 pm
Destraex wrote:Z axis is still the CTRL or SHIFT key then?

no, that is removed. any time you give a move order it will be to z=0. you cant change that.

Destraex wrote:the opportunity to tractor  and recrew derilict or disabled ships.

can tractor with constructor. can recrew with any ship. if you tractor a ship with disabled engines near a yard'd entry point it will move into the yard anyway and repair. the requirements are that the ship has some crew left and that the ship in question has received a repair or priority repair order as its last order (ie it would repair if it had engines working).
posted on October 4th, 2011, 3:31 pm
Future patches will introduce NPCs, a FO style trade system and other goodies :) Check the Apocrypha section of the guide for a bit more information  :thumbsup:

Welcome to the forums :)
posted on October 4th, 2011, 8:32 pm
There is an A2 import mod that has been released.  It acts almost identical (with the exception of interface 'stretching' in widescreen) to stock A2.  Also, I have released a mod that puts the Z-axis back in based on the stock A2 values.  Also, recent compatibility enhancements done to FO allows you to mod certain things back into the game.
posted on October 4th, 2011, 10:54 pm
TCChapman you have my attention!
posted on October 4th, 2011, 10:58 pm
Well, here's his 'Space is not an ocean' Z-Axis mod.
posted on October 4th, 2011, 11:40 pm
I agree with him. You may aswell be playing on earth with starships if you have no Z
Thx for the link. Will have to try it.
posted on October 5th, 2011, 12:28 am
Is there a way of "pinging" in this game?
posted on October 5th, 2011, 12:35 am
Destraex wrote:You may aswell be playing on earth with starships if you have no Z

Don't say that!  I"m right here. :woot: :lol: :whistling:

sorry, I couldn't resist. :rofl:
posted on October 5th, 2011, 12:41 am
Destraex wrote:Planets and Colonisation
Z Axis

Those were two of the worse and poorly executed things in A2 and those are two of the things I like best about FO. If they were to be re-introduced, I would no longer play or mod the game. I think the FO Team has made the right move in getting rid of them.
posted on October 5th, 2011, 12:50 am
In Star Trek space was more or less an ocean - there has always been very little height involved, and I can't think of any episodes or movies off the top of my head where it played any significant role. Even in Wrath of Khan, attacks were largely done head/side/tail on with no shooting coming from below or on top of the vessel. The ship designs alone should tell you that Star Trek is more or less a boats-in-space concept  :sweatdrop:
posted on October 5th, 2011, 12:52 am
Last edited by Anonymous on October 5th, 2011, 12:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
I haven't updated the links to the Fleet Ops with Height mod.

Now I have.  Please note that the sensor range is that of a cylinder and not a sphere like it would be in real life.
posted on October 5th, 2011, 4:12 am
Destraex wrote:I agree with him. You may aswell be playing on earth with starships if you have no Z
Thx for the link. Will have to try it.

True, but virtually all Star Trek weaponary (with the exception of phasers) was a Z=0 firing axis and couldn't fire in terms of height. It was also a balancing issue, with people simply flying over turrets and other hazards people put there. I agree that space should be 3-D most of the time and I liked this feature in A2, but it should probably not be used in this particular game. I miss warp too, but it was another of those things people were using in unrealistic ways (namely retreating from virtually any attack, especially against turrets)

Nice to meet you, welcome to the forum :thumbsup:
posted on October 5th, 2011, 4:41 am
Last edited by Destraex on October 5th, 2011, 4:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
thanks chapman

Trekkie... it may be that you can run around hazards or retreat into warp. But guess what... thats the way it would be and I personally do not have a problem with it. If you want a strong point it needs to be a star base with turrets in a sphere formation. You cannot possibly build defences in space any other way. Its actually silly to be able to choke point space. That is unless their is a nebula feature that allows you to build up and down.
I know that in a few star trek episodes they did build massive walls of defensive mine fields. But that is the exception rather than the rule I would say, and would have taken a ridiculous amount of resources and timeyears to put in place.
The whole point of most star trek combat seems to have been for the side with the advantage to disable the warp capabilities of the enemy to prevent escape.
The game that portrayed it best was Homeworld2... which I hope there will eventually be a sequel too.

As for phasers not firing up or down in star trek? I thought I saw phasers firing up and down all the time in star trek. The whole point seemed to be to be able to fire at almost any angle. The Klingons were one of the only races to restrict their arcs for the charge.

Personally too I hope we see the new ST movies show a little more spining of ships while their mass carries them the same direction still. Better physics in other words.

This is a great series for those who want to know how it should be:
The Physics of Starship Battles: Lasers and Kinetic Energy
- YouTube
posted on October 6th, 2011, 9:45 am
Loving this mod still. I think its the best star trek modgame I have seen since:

Bridge Commander
Klingon Academy (best ST game of all time imho)
Starfleet Academy
posted on October 6th, 2011, 11:13 am
Klingon academy was awesome for its era. Ahead if its time.
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