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posted on April 1st, 2010, 10:28 pm
yh cos the sovvies so underpowered
it needs 15 quantum torpedo launchers on deck 1, shove 'em in picard's ready room

posted on April 1st, 2010, 10:34 pm
Seriously why do you need a ready room if you can stick more torps there?
posted on April 1st, 2010, 10:53 pm
you dont 
picard dont need an office, he needs more torps

picard dont need an office, he needs more torps
posted on April 1st, 2010, 11:13 pm

You guys are soo funny

Firstoff, you should try to attck yourself less if you wanted people to actually think it wasn't you. Like you Dom. You could have easily made people think you were ray instead of yourself.

Mal, you could have tried me, but I doubt you could pull it off:P
However, I did get confused there for a sec as to which was dom and which was mal.

Again, you guys are soo funny.

posted on April 1st, 2010, 11:18 pm
mal and dom are the same person, u didnt noe that zaxx? 

posted on April 1st, 2010, 11:23 pm
I don't know what this Adm. Zaxxon person's deal is, clearly he's crazy!
I've been reading the forums for a long time now, but never registered. Are you saying you have a mod you're making? Can I test it out? Plleeeeeeaaassseeee!!!!! Pretty please!!!!!!! I want to help!!!!!! 
I think that the 15 quantums in picard's office would be a good idea,
almost as good as making thier turets destroy everything in one shot!

I think that the 15 quantums in picard's office would be a good idea,
almost as good as making thier turets destroy everything in one shot!

posted on April 1st, 2010, 11:28 pm
i like ur sig dom imnotmal whoever u are. i always thought sisko was stupid for having the magellan and setak do that. and then that galor put a giant yellow beam through its saucer.
posted on April 1st, 2010, 11:33 pm
myleswolfers wrote:mal and dom are the same person, u didnt noe that zaxx?
I feel So mislead!!!

posted on April 1st, 2010, 11:39 pm
dominus is mal at night. mal does the work, earns the wonga during the day, dominus hacks the government of whatever country they live in at night. they share the housework. sounds like a sitcom in the making.
the dominus and mal show. starring yandonman as mal, and boggz as dom
the dominus and mal show. starring yandonman as mal, and boggz as dom
posted on April 1st, 2010, 11:40 pm
myleswolfers wrote:dominus is mal at night. mal does the work, earns the wonga during the day, dominus hacks the government of whatever country they live in at night. they share the housework. sounds like a sitcom in the making.
the dominus and mal show. starring yandonman as mal, and boggz as dom
I would actually pay to see that show....
posted on April 2nd, 2010, 12:10 am
Last edited by funnystuffpictures on April 2nd, 2010, 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
Its so typical of you guys to forgot all the other races.
First off we have the Dominion:
New Avatar: Osama Bin Laden.
New unit granted: Kamikaze Dreadnaght.
Offensive Value 103, Defensive Value 307, System Value 65
First off we have the Dominion:
New Avatar: Osama Bin Laden.
New unit granted: Kamikaze Dreadnaght.
Offensive Value 103, Defensive Value 307, System Value 65
- Buildable from first yard
- Build Time decreased to 20 seconds
- Comes equiped with nonresearchable special ramming speed.
- - Increased damage to stations. Starbases are Pwned instantly.
- [li]Veteran gains hyperspace artillery Mark IX. Incinerates everything in a 100 kilometer radius.
New Rommulan Avatar: Praetor Shinzon.
Offensive Value 400, Defensive Value 200, System Value 500
New unit granted: Reman Warbird Scimitar- [li] Automaticaly launches Scorpion attack fighters that do increased damage to battleships
- Equiped with Advanced Cloaking Device. Impenatrable by any means of cloak detection and may fire while claoked.
- Comes with a backup shield generator with 200% regeneration rate.
- Thaleron Intermix Chamber with a cooldown rate of 7 minutes. Collects radiation on the tips of the wings and fires a deadly AoE weopon that killes everything in the genereal area. Researched at the Upgrade Facility.
New Klingon Avatar: Chuck Norris
Strikes fear in all enemies forcing them to instantly decomission all stabases and construction ships.
New Borg Avatar: Assimilated Mayson
New Unit: Tactical Scout Cube
Offensive Value 69, Defensive Value 69, System Value 11
Unless your opponent is Boggz:
Offensive Value 1000, Defensive Value 600, System Value 110- May place a torpedo turret for 10 supply
- Equiped with transwarp drive with a refresh cycle of 5 seconds. May go anywhere on the map instantly.
The Devs and I are confident that these changes will not only better your gameplay experience, but create a new form of balance noone has ever seen.
posted on April 2nd, 2010, 12:13 am
CHUCK NORRIS woooo, cant wait for 3.1.2, fleet ops, chuck norris edition.
posted on April 2nd, 2010, 12:18 am
myleswolfers wrote:dominus is mal at night. mal does the work, earns the wonga during the day, dominus hacks the government of whatever country they live in at night. they share the housework. sounds like a sitcom in the making.
the dominus and mal show. starring yandonman as mal, and boggz as dom
Ha Id pay real money to see that!

posted on April 2nd, 2010, 12:37 am
Its so typical of you guys to forgot all the other races.
There are other races besides the federation in Fleet Operations?

If Dominus is really Mal, then it must be quite a sight to see them play against each other. That would be like playing chess against yourself!

Of course, I'm just speculating, since Imnotmal, new guy to the forums and all.

posted on April 2nd, 2010, 12:40 am
Hey, you forgot one... the Starbase's new special ability "Seti Alpha V" no matter how well your opponen has scouted you, they will always beconfused, because your facilities will forever be on the next grid over.
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