Project: Federation ship names in batches

Which race do you like most? What do you like - what you don't like? Discuss it here.
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posted on December 27th, 2008, 7:13 pm
Another 'theme' I've thought of was mythical creatures, in TNG there was Pegasus and Phoenix, you could add chimera (or specific chimeras, your choice), gorgon, dragon or wyrm(ling), unicorn, mermaid, werewolf, cyclops. The list goes on for awhile, but you get the idea. And vote in for yes in both the polls.
posted on December 28th, 2008, 12:40 am
Will they have Registries?
posted on December 28th, 2008, 3:10 am
Unleash Mayhem wrote:Another 'theme' I've thought of was mythical creatures, in TNG there was Pegasus and Phoenix, you could add chimera (or specific chimeras, your choice), gorgon, dragon or wyrm(ling), unicorn, mermaid, werewolf, cyclops. The list goes on for awhile, but you get the idea. And vote in for yes in both the polls.

First off, how can you vote "yes" on the poll asking wether the "great cities theme should go to Sovies, Excelsior IIs or some other class(es)? Also, what class do you think this theme of yours should go with?

Actually, I'm considering making a list of "unassigned themes", which are themes we've thought of but ahven't assigned to a class yet... What do you think? Good idea?
posted on December 28th, 2008, 4:17 pm
Triarii wrote:Yea right, Star Fleet would name a ship after convicted fellon Tom Paris... Sure.... :pinch:

Actually, yes they would. He was the first person in Starfleet to break the Warp 10/Transwarp threshold.
posted on December 28th, 2008, 4:49 pm
the "mythology" theme could be for nebula, canaveral or remore class ships? so basicly the "science and support" ships?

i think the cities theme, shouldnt stick to excellsiors or sovs. more like sabre/monsoon/etc. since i saw a miranda class ship in sfc 3 with a name of a city, i think it fits to them pretty good. it gives them a bit of "prestige" through a name like this.

the weapon-theme is good for the steamrunner - maybe as a secondary list, if too much of them are in use? i dunno.
posted on December 28th, 2008, 5:03 pm
Here's a few that could be included in Galaxy, Sovereign & Descent lists:

  • Galaxies
  • Famous Planets (Khitomer, Mars, Risa, etc.)
  • Military leaders
  • Races

  • Royalty
  • Leaders in general
  • Military leaders
  • Site of famous battles
  • Homeworlds (Earth, Vulcan, Qo'noS, etc.

  • Military leaders
  • Site of famous battles
posted on December 28th, 2008, 10:29 pm
Triarii wrote:First off, how can you vote "yes" on the poll asking wether the "great cities theme should go to Sovies, Excelsior IIs or some other class(es)? Also, what class do you think this theme of yours should go with?

Actually, I'm considering making a list of "unassigned themes", which are themes we've thought of but ahven't assigned to a class yet... What do you think? Good idea?

Sorry about that, I meant vote for sovies. I think this theme would be nice for nebulas, or ne of the big warships, galaxy/sovy/descent.

And another suggestion is that under no circumstances should ship classes that are built rather than warped-in have current canon names, it just wouldn't make sense, and vice versa try and have some existing names in the warp-in ships.

But at the same time it would be nice to see some variation on the more famous ones, i.e. current ships renamed than of a destroyed vessel a al defiant, and maybe some -A/B a la enterprise-a/b etc. on ships like excelsior.

Off-topic question: How uncommon do you think it is for starfleet to have lines of ships with the same name a la the enterprises? Maybe she was just too damn famous or maybe its more common than we think...

P.S. How many times can I say "a la"?
posted on December 29th, 2008, 3:06 am
Last edited by Triarii on December 29th, 2008, 3:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
And another suggestion is that under no circumstances should ship classes that are built rather than warped-in have current canon names, it just wouldn't make sense, and vice versa try and have some existing names in the warp-in ships.

Who agrees with this? I personally probably couldn't be arsed checking to see if a name had already been used somewhere already... OK, OK, I know Endeavour was already used, for example, but who wants to warp in the Endeavour, which survived Wolf 359, the Klingon Civil War, the Dominion War and the Battle of Sector 001, only for it to get blown up by something piddly like a torpedo ship? It'd piss you off, wouldn't it? :pinch:

Anyway, whilst "lines" aren't that common, but many names from TOS have been reused in TNG or post-TNG (Defiant, Constellation, Endeavour, etc.)...

Sorry about that, I meant vote for sovies. I think this theme would be nice for nebulas, or ne of the big warships, galaxy/sovy/descent.

When you say, "I think this theme", do you mean the great cities theme, or the mythology theme? Please try to make yourself more clear...

As for Tyler's ideas, I've decided that I will impliment a "galaxies" theme for the Galaxy class (it's just a shame that so many of the currently named galaxies have names ill suited to naming a ship... Who wants to command the "USS Milky Way"?) and a "Homeworlds" theme for the Sovereign... I'm not sold on the others, though and I already have a "royalty" theme for the Sovereign...
posted on December 29th, 2008, 3:30 am
I'm glad you like some of my ideas, these were a basic list of potentials to choose from. Besidesm wasn't I the one who mentioned Royalty before?

You could use the latin Galaxy names (The Milky Way is also called Via Lactea), and Starfleet likes latin.
posted on December 29th, 2008, 3:49 am
Tyler wrote:You could use the latin Galaxy names (The Milky Way is also called Via Lactea), and Starfleet likes latin.

I did consider it... But the problem doesn't really go away... For anyone who actually knows what it means in Latin it would still be an incredibly retarded name...
posted on December 29th, 2008, 3:52 am
They have a Ship called USS Crazy Horse. True, it is named after an Indian chief but it still sounds stupid.
posted on December 29th, 2008, 3:56 am
Tyler wrote:They have a Ship called USS Crazy Horse. True, it is named after an Indian chief but it still sounds stupid.

Well I have a nice even ten anyway now... But since you're so incredibly insistant, I'll include it if other people reckon I should...
posted on December 29th, 2008, 4:00 am
So Galaxy class ships in the past have had names like

USS Yamato
USS Galaxy (duh)
USS Enterprise - D
USS Venture
USS Odyssey
USS Tinculo

...Hmm...not so much galaxy names.
posted on December 29th, 2008, 4:08 am
There haven't been many Galaxy names in canon, so there isn't much to go on. I put Galaxie's in the list because of the Class name.
posted on December 29th, 2008, 1:29 pm
Tyler wrote:There haven't been many Galaxy names in canon, so there isn't much to go on. I put Galaxie's in the list because of the Class name.

And I subsequently filed the idea under my "why not, right?" category... ^-^
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