the corrected Galaxy Class and starship seperation
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posted on December 31st, 2008, 7:42 pm
i got to say to you guys though, half of you spout of random things with out any sources, i and some others are actuallly looking it up, i have actually read about the galaxy class, it was produced in large numbers, many were made, this is shown in many episode.
in addition, if you guys can not look it up ( is a great source) and understand to pros to saucer sepertation, then dont use it, if they put in seperation for the promethiuses, how hard can it be for the galaxy?
all i really want here is for people to know what there talking about before they say it so i dont have to start citing my refrences just to makje a point
in addition, if you guys can not look it up ( is a great source) and understand to pros to saucer sepertation, then dont use it, if they put in seperation for the promethiuses, how hard can it be for the galaxy?
all i really want here is for people to know what there talking about before they say it so i dont have to start citing my refrences just to makje a point
posted on December 31st, 2008, 8:12 pm
I think it is fine as it is. Just add in some more older ships to flesh out the warp in listing and I will have no complaints. Warp in is a support tactic really. If a fight is going down and it'll take too long for your ships to respond, just warp in something to stall them until the real forces arrive. After all, they say a ship responded to a distress call. Galaxy class is perfect for this job.
posted on December 31st, 2008, 8:22 pm
i have to dissagre with you, i think it should be built at shipyard and can seperate, and maybye even updated to the all good things version, and i dont like the warp in of the galaxy, thats fine for avalon and descent, and they could add promethiues, but for the galaxy to be weaker then the excelsior? i dont thuink so it should be stronger, all though i do agree with you, they should add more ships, like the ambasador, and other types
posted on December 31st, 2008, 8:31 pm
I've always thought that the galaxy-x design was horrible 

posted on December 31st, 2008, 8:41 pm
but were talking about sepertation here
posted on December 31st, 2008, 10:42 pm
come on people vote we only got like 20 votes (and people vote for the first option, saucer seperation!!!)
posted on December 31st, 2008, 10:46 pm
I am voting based on logic. The Galaxy Class is no longer in production, thus it should only be warped in. The Galaxy Class has the ability to separate, thus even though it is an illogical move in combat, it should still be capable of doing so since it was a main design feature of the galaxy.
I vote for keeping the warp in, but having the ability to separate.
I vote for keeping the warp in, but having the ability to separate.
posted on December 31st, 2008, 10:58 pm
Ok i got to say this are you people completely stupid and high, the galaxy class would not be discontinued after like 10 years, the excelsior is still there after 100! the galaxy was before the soverign the cutting edge, the flagship of the fleet, so listen to this
and for peopele who want to see it themselves
Galaxy class - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki
The Enterprise-D, a Galaxy-class starship
The Enterprise-D, a Galaxy-class starship
Affiliation: Federation Starfleet
Type: Explorer
Active: 2360s-
Length: 642m
Decks: 42
Crew complement: roughly 1,014 (officers, enlisted, and civilian)
Speed: Warp 9.8 (Possible at an extreme risk)
Warp 9.6 (12 hours)
Warp 9.2 (max. cruise)
Warp 6 (initial average cruise)
Warp 5 (later implemented Starfleet speed limit)
Armament: 12/14 phaser banks; 2 torpedo launchers; 250 photon torpedoes
Defenses: Deflector shields
Upon its launch, the Galaxy-class had become the most technologically sophisticated and complicated ship ever built by the Federation. (TNG: "Lonely Among Us", "Contagion")
Early years The great size and capability of Galaxy-class starships made them extremely prestigious assignments, attracting Starfleet's best and brightest. (TNG: "Ménage à Troi"; VOY: "Relativity") They were noted for their impressive abilities among Federation citizens and other Alpha Quadrant races. (TNG: "Tin Man", "Chain of Command, Part I"; DS9: "Valiant"; VOY: "Infinite Regress") The Galaxy-class was unique among Starfleet vessel designs in assuming a large civilian population; many personnel brought their families aboard.
In 2365, the safety of the Galaxy-class, in particular its warp propulsion system, came into question when the USS Yamato was lost in a mysterious accident near the Romulan Neutral Zone. The ship had experienced massive system-wide failures which eventually led to a loss of antimatter containment. Further investigation by the Enterprise-D revealed the malfunctions were the result of an Iconian software transmission and not a design flaw inherent to the ship. (TNG: "Contagion")
Undoubtedly the most prominent early Galaxy-class starship was the USS Enterprise-D, which, apart from two brief periods under the commands of William T. Riker and Edward Jellico, was commanded for its entire nine year career by Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Enterprise made first contact with a multitude of new species, including the Q Continuum, the Ferengi Alliance and the Borg Collective. Its diplomatic efforts helped cool tensions between smaller, regional powers and prevent dramatic upheavals to the security of the Federation during the Klingon Civil War, and frequently checked Romulan and Cardassian operations in tense situations. It fought off some of the Federation's toughest foes, most notably preventing the assimilation of Earth during the Borg invasion of 2367. (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
[edit] Dominion War
The USS Odyssey critically damagedA Galaxy-class ship was involved in the disastrous first contact with the Dominion. The USS Odyssey had entered the Gamma Quadrant in order to rescue several Federation citizens who had been taken captive by the Jem'Hadar. While the Odyssey was retreating, a Jem'Hadar attack ship made a suicide run at its stardrive section, causing a massive hull breach and resulting in the complete destruction of the ship. (DS9: "The Jem'Hadar") This unwarranted act led to three years of hostilities between the Federation and the Dominion, culminating in the outbreak of the Dominion War.
Galaxy-class starships saw action in many of the major fleet actions of the war, including Operation Return, where the class also played a major strategic role, grouped into Galaxy wings, (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels") the first Battle of Chin'toka, (DS9: "Tears of the Prophets") and the Battle of Cardassia. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")
Analysis of the special effect shots from "Sacrifice of Angels" showed no less than five, possibly even nine separate Galaxy-class vessels in the combined Federation fleet in Operation Return. While the intention of the SFX company was clearly to fill the space with more ships (due to the supposed fleet size of roughly 600 vessels), this would indicate that there are perhaps more than the initial six Galaxy-class starships referenced in the TNG Technical Manual. It is also stated within the Technical Manual that Starfleet had reserved parts that could complete another six Galaxy-class starships. These parts could have been rushed into assembly to fill the ranks of the fleet for wartime use or to replace the losses at Wolf 359. With a total of twelve Galaxy-class ships produced and the known loss of the USS Enterprise-D, USS Yamato, and the USS Odyssey, this leads to a count of nine ships in the fleet. If the ships seen during that battle do not represent the entire Galaxy-class fleet, there could possibly have been more than either six or nine.
The USS Galaxy at the First Battle of Chin'toka[edit] Later status Several more starships entered the fleet inventory during the 2370s. (VOY: "Relativity") By the latter half of the decade, Galaxy-class ships were seen all around Federation space, from stations near Earth (VOY: "Endgame") to near the Romulan Neutral Zone. (Star Trek Nemesis)
In an unknown, alternate future timeframe, Galaxy-class ships remained in service long after 2370, although some attempts had been made to decommission them. (TNG: "All Good Things...")
At least three, possibly four, Galaxy-class ships were shown under construction at Utopia Planitia during VOY: "Relativity". At least five, possibly seven, Galaxy-class ships were part of the fleet assembled to intercept the Borg sphere in VOY: "Endgame".
[edit] Examples of separation[edit] Tactical usesThe USS Enterprise-D used saucer separation as a way to confront the Q entity on its first mission in 2364. Captain Picard left Lieutenant Worf in charge of the saucer section. The separation was the first to be conducted at high warp.
During the reconnection of the ship, Picard ordered new first officer William Riker to conduct the docking manually. The bridge crew were somewhat apprehensive about the plan, but Riker performed well. He safely rejoined the two sections without any automated assistance, proving himself to Picard. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")
Commander Riker suggested a saucer separation shortly before the Enterprise was sent to investigate a possible Romulan attack on the freighter Batris later that year, although Picard felt it was too early to justify such an action.
The Klingon criminals Korris and Konmel, inadvertently rescued from the Batris by the Enterprise, were fascinated by the stardrive section of the Enterprise and were excited at the prospect of hijacking it for their use in battle. They attempted to get Worf to assist them in accessing the battle bridge and separating the ship, but fortunately Worf was loyal to the Enterprise crew. (TNG: "Heart of Glory")
Also that year, acting captain Geordi La Forge separated the ship to return and fight the automated weapons drones on planet Minos. Chief Engineer Logan was ordered to take command of the saucer section and take it to Starbase 103. (TNG: "The Arsenal of Freedom")
Also that year, the USS Enterprise was sent to investigate the destruction of a number of colonies and bases along the border with the Romulan Neutral Zone. Before entering the area, Commander Riker suggested a saucer separation although Picard felt it was too early to justify such an action. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone")
Saucer firing antimatter spread.In 2366, Commander Shelby suggested separating the ship and using the saucer to create a distraction for the Borg. Commander Riker rejected the idea, feeling the extra power from the saucer's impulse engines would be of use in the battle. Shelby briefed Picard on her plan despite Riker's objections. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds") Later, Riker used Picard's knowledge of the plan to his advantage during a rescue attempt to retrieve Picard, assimilated as Locutus. Following the devastating Battle of Wolf 359, the Enterprise caught up to the Borg cube, then engaged the vessel and separated. As expected, the Borg focused their attack on the stardrive section, ignoring the saucer module. This allowed the saucer to launch a shuttlecraft, masked in an antimatter spread, to the cube. Commander Data and Lieutenant Worf successfully transported aboard the cube and abducted Locutus, which was a crucial event leading to the defeat of the Borg in orbit of Earth. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II")
Tactical uses of saucer separation such as these were perhaps inspiration for the multi-vector assault mode of the USS Prometheus, launched in 2374. (VOY: "Message in a Bottle")
there taken directly from the source, and thats only part of the info you want more
Galaxy class - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki
if it dosent hyperlink copy and paste, but you guys will not stop with your theorys and ive had enough, theres the proof,
so hopefully somone read this all
and for peopele who want to see it themselves
Galaxy class - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki
The Enterprise-D, a Galaxy-class starship
The Enterprise-D, a Galaxy-class starship
Affiliation: Federation Starfleet
Type: Explorer
Active: 2360s-
Length: 642m
Decks: 42
Crew complement: roughly 1,014 (officers, enlisted, and civilian)
Speed: Warp 9.8 (Possible at an extreme risk)
Warp 9.6 (12 hours)
Warp 9.2 (max. cruise)
Warp 6 (initial average cruise)
Warp 5 (later implemented Starfleet speed limit)
Armament: 12/14 phaser banks; 2 torpedo launchers; 250 photon torpedoes
Defenses: Deflector shields
Upon its launch, the Galaxy-class had become the most technologically sophisticated and complicated ship ever built by the Federation. (TNG: "Lonely Among Us", "Contagion")
Early years The great size and capability of Galaxy-class starships made them extremely prestigious assignments, attracting Starfleet's best and brightest. (TNG: "Ménage à Troi"; VOY: "Relativity") They were noted for their impressive abilities among Federation citizens and other Alpha Quadrant races. (TNG: "Tin Man", "Chain of Command, Part I"; DS9: "Valiant"; VOY: "Infinite Regress") The Galaxy-class was unique among Starfleet vessel designs in assuming a large civilian population; many personnel brought their families aboard.
In 2365, the safety of the Galaxy-class, in particular its warp propulsion system, came into question when the USS Yamato was lost in a mysterious accident near the Romulan Neutral Zone. The ship had experienced massive system-wide failures which eventually led to a loss of antimatter containment. Further investigation by the Enterprise-D revealed the malfunctions were the result of an Iconian software transmission and not a design flaw inherent to the ship. (TNG: "Contagion")
Undoubtedly the most prominent early Galaxy-class starship was the USS Enterprise-D, which, apart from two brief periods under the commands of William T. Riker and Edward Jellico, was commanded for its entire nine year career by Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Enterprise made first contact with a multitude of new species, including the Q Continuum, the Ferengi Alliance and the Borg Collective. Its diplomatic efforts helped cool tensions between smaller, regional powers and prevent dramatic upheavals to the security of the Federation during the Klingon Civil War, and frequently checked Romulan and Cardassian operations in tense situations. It fought off some of the Federation's toughest foes, most notably preventing the assimilation of Earth during the Borg invasion of 2367. (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
[edit] Dominion War
The USS Odyssey critically damagedA Galaxy-class ship was involved in the disastrous first contact with the Dominion. The USS Odyssey had entered the Gamma Quadrant in order to rescue several Federation citizens who had been taken captive by the Jem'Hadar. While the Odyssey was retreating, a Jem'Hadar attack ship made a suicide run at its stardrive section, causing a massive hull breach and resulting in the complete destruction of the ship. (DS9: "The Jem'Hadar") This unwarranted act led to three years of hostilities between the Federation and the Dominion, culminating in the outbreak of the Dominion War.
Galaxy-class starships saw action in many of the major fleet actions of the war, including Operation Return, where the class also played a major strategic role, grouped into Galaxy wings, (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels") the first Battle of Chin'toka, (DS9: "Tears of the Prophets") and the Battle of Cardassia. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")
Analysis of the special effect shots from "Sacrifice of Angels" showed no less than five, possibly even nine separate Galaxy-class vessels in the combined Federation fleet in Operation Return. While the intention of the SFX company was clearly to fill the space with more ships (due to the supposed fleet size of roughly 600 vessels), this would indicate that there are perhaps more than the initial six Galaxy-class starships referenced in the TNG Technical Manual. It is also stated within the Technical Manual that Starfleet had reserved parts that could complete another six Galaxy-class starships. These parts could have been rushed into assembly to fill the ranks of the fleet for wartime use or to replace the losses at Wolf 359. With a total of twelve Galaxy-class ships produced and the known loss of the USS Enterprise-D, USS Yamato, and the USS Odyssey, this leads to a count of nine ships in the fleet. If the ships seen during that battle do not represent the entire Galaxy-class fleet, there could possibly have been more than either six or nine.
The USS Galaxy at the First Battle of Chin'toka[edit] Later status Several more starships entered the fleet inventory during the 2370s. (VOY: "Relativity") By the latter half of the decade, Galaxy-class ships were seen all around Federation space, from stations near Earth (VOY: "Endgame") to near the Romulan Neutral Zone. (Star Trek Nemesis)
In an unknown, alternate future timeframe, Galaxy-class ships remained in service long after 2370, although some attempts had been made to decommission them. (TNG: "All Good Things...")
At least three, possibly four, Galaxy-class ships were shown under construction at Utopia Planitia during VOY: "Relativity". At least five, possibly seven, Galaxy-class ships were part of the fleet assembled to intercept the Borg sphere in VOY: "Endgame".
[edit] Examples of separation[edit] Tactical usesThe USS Enterprise-D used saucer separation as a way to confront the Q entity on its first mission in 2364. Captain Picard left Lieutenant Worf in charge of the saucer section. The separation was the first to be conducted at high warp.
During the reconnection of the ship, Picard ordered new first officer William Riker to conduct the docking manually. The bridge crew were somewhat apprehensive about the plan, but Riker performed well. He safely rejoined the two sections without any automated assistance, proving himself to Picard. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")
Commander Riker suggested a saucer separation shortly before the Enterprise was sent to investigate a possible Romulan attack on the freighter Batris later that year, although Picard felt it was too early to justify such an action.
The Klingon criminals Korris and Konmel, inadvertently rescued from the Batris by the Enterprise, were fascinated by the stardrive section of the Enterprise and were excited at the prospect of hijacking it for their use in battle. They attempted to get Worf to assist them in accessing the battle bridge and separating the ship, but fortunately Worf was loyal to the Enterprise crew. (TNG: "Heart of Glory")
Also that year, acting captain Geordi La Forge separated the ship to return and fight the automated weapons drones on planet Minos. Chief Engineer Logan was ordered to take command of the saucer section and take it to Starbase 103. (TNG: "The Arsenal of Freedom")
Also that year, the USS Enterprise was sent to investigate the destruction of a number of colonies and bases along the border with the Romulan Neutral Zone. Before entering the area, Commander Riker suggested a saucer separation although Picard felt it was too early to justify such an action. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone")
Saucer firing antimatter spread.In 2366, Commander Shelby suggested separating the ship and using the saucer to create a distraction for the Borg. Commander Riker rejected the idea, feeling the extra power from the saucer's impulse engines would be of use in the battle. Shelby briefed Picard on her plan despite Riker's objections. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds") Later, Riker used Picard's knowledge of the plan to his advantage during a rescue attempt to retrieve Picard, assimilated as Locutus. Following the devastating Battle of Wolf 359, the Enterprise caught up to the Borg cube, then engaged the vessel and separated. As expected, the Borg focused their attack on the stardrive section, ignoring the saucer module. This allowed the saucer to launch a shuttlecraft, masked in an antimatter spread, to the cube. Commander Data and Lieutenant Worf successfully transported aboard the cube and abducted Locutus, which was a crucial event leading to the defeat of the Borg in orbit of Earth. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II")
Tactical uses of saucer separation such as these were perhaps inspiration for the multi-vector assault mode of the USS Prometheus, launched in 2374. (VOY: "Message in a Bottle")
there taken directly from the source, and thats only part of the info you want more
Galaxy class - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki
if it dosent hyperlink copy and paste, but you guys will not stop with your theorys and ive had enough, theres the proof,
so hopefully somone read this all
posted on January 1st, 2009, 2:30 am
Rhaz wrote:Maneuverability is extremely low.
The TNG series doesn't agree. Did you see the episode with the Vulcan Ambassador/Romulan Spy? The Enterprise-D spun 180 degrees in a few seconds while just barely moving from from the spot. It looked like the HET from the SFC games.
Anyway, I voted; Buildable, for credits, can seperate.
posted on January 1st, 2009, 3:16 am
Last edited by Anonymous on January 1st, 2009, 6:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
@The Big Black Baron
Wrong, you made your conclusion based on my arguments which are based on canon facts, therefore you're not arguing with me but with the facts.
Captain LaForge's USS Challenger was a new Galaxy Class starship in an alternate timeline in Voyager and was more than a match for the Delta Flyer which was outfitted with Borg Technology including parametallic hull plating and unimatrix shielding.
Additionally, I merely suggested that the offensive and defensive game values for the Galaxy should be increased to 40 and 45 respectively, so no I am not talking out of my arse by simply making a valid suggestion. Have you even looked at the stats for the other ships? The Sovereign's offensive value is over 50 and the Negh'Var is also well over 50. The Vor'Cha has a beam weapon base value of 36 while the Galaxy only is 10 or so. In Star Trek, the Vor'Cha is 3/4 in length of the Galaxy Class but with equal firepower. In FO, the Vor'Cha has been given a 360% increase in beam strength over the Galaxy not to mention its special weapon ability. This makes the game highly unbalanced.
Unbalance the game? How can I do that when it's already unbalanced? No, I want it to be more balanced, and I say this for all Federation ships. They should all receive an increase in offensive and defensive value.
On the other hand, you're arguments are weak-minded because you just flap your lips in the breeze without providing any substantial evidence or facts (you just say what you think is right). You also state a ship is obsolete because it's old. Yeahhhhh......maybe that logic would be credible.....if it were the sixteenth century!
Because something is old doesn't make it obsolete. Even Geordi said to Scotty, "just because something's old doesn't mean you throw it away," in reference to the USS Jenolan.
Moreover, Kirk said in SFA, "A ship might be brand new state of the art but have countless bugs to work out." He also said, "however, a ship might be a hundred years old and shaped like a rattle but the bugs are long gone." You can't argue with Captain Kirk either.
The Federation kept the Miranda and Excelsior Class around for over 80 years. The Klingons kept the B'Rel and K'Tinga design around for centuries.
If being old makes things so obsolete, why did StarFleet favor refitting the Constitution Class (which I remind you was a huge success and streamlined the Federation Fleet)? In the military, when the newer dump trucks couldn't haul a D7 tractor up a hill we would swap out with an older T5 Smoker. The 30 year old smoker hauled the D7 up the hill where the newer dumps couldn't.
The F-4 Phantom II is over 30 years old but had the longest continuous production run (24 years) and had the most aerial victories (277) over any other modern superiority fighter. It was the only jet to receive ace status in the 20th century.
Frankly, you're argument that old is obsolete sucks. Hopefully after providing you with these statements of fact you'll understand that old in not bad, old is not obsolete, and the Galaxy was still in production near the end of and after the 24th century.
Nope, it's still arguable and subject to discussion. Not up to you to make that call. I've been crushed swiftly by the Romulans, Klingons, and the Borg as well. Once the Romulans get their Tavaras and the Borg get the Sphere and Cube it's all over. I crushed the Feds with one Cube. The game is underbalanced.
Thanks for your vote Tyler and for paying attention to the series.
For future reference, the Galaxy is an explorer; it has sometimes been referred to as a Battleship. (TNG "Conundrum," TNG "Yesterday's Enterprise," "Birth of the Federation")
I made a conclusion based on your arguments. You saying that the stats for a galaxy would be a40 d45 is proof enough that your talking out of your arse a bit.
Wrong, you made your conclusion based on my arguments which are based on canon facts, therefore you're not arguing with me but with the facts.
- Fact-The Galaxy-class was a Starfleet vessel first introduced in the late 2350s. It was the largest and one of the most powerful Federation starship classes of its time, with many serving in the Dominion War. (Memory Alpha)
- Fact-While "Conundrum" establishes that there were only ten phaser banks aboard the ship, a visual inspection shows twelve arrays and effects have established extra emitters on the nacelle pylons and in the forward torpedo launcher (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds", "Darmok") The aft firing saucer launcher was never established in dialogue, but is visible on the filming model. Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual states 10 torpedoes can be launched simultaneously, has a weapon payload of 275 photon torpedoes, and a high capacity shield grid.
- Fact-Fusion reactors were used to power the impulse engines on Federation starships. In a Galaxy-class each impulse engine had three impulse fusion reactors to provide the power. (TNG reference: Technical Manual)
- Fact-The Galaxy Class IS still in production-Several more starships entered the fleet inventory during the 2370s. (VOY: "Relativity") By the latter half of the decade, Galaxy-class ships were seen all around Federation space, from stations near Earth (VOY: "Endgame") to near the Romulan Neutral Zone. (Star Trek Nemesis)
In an unknown, alternate future timeframe, Galaxy-class ships remained in service long after 2370, although some attempts had been made to decommission them. (TNG: "All Good Things...") Riker saved the Enterprise D from mothball. A 30 year old starship that pulverized two newer Klingon Negh,Var Class Battleships.
At least three, possibly four, Galaxy-class ships were shown under construction at Utopia Planitia during VOY: "Relativity". At least five, possibly seven, Galaxy-class ships were part of the fleet assembled to intercept the Borg sphere in VOY: "Endgame".
Captain LaForge's USS Challenger was a new Galaxy Class starship in an alternate timeline in Voyager and was more than a match for the Delta Flyer which was outfitted with Borg Technology including parametallic hull plating and unimatrix shielding.
Additionally, I merely suggested that the offensive and defensive game values for the Galaxy should be increased to 40 and 45 respectively, so no I am not talking out of my arse by simply making a valid suggestion. Have you even looked at the stats for the other ships? The Sovereign's offensive value is over 50 and the Negh'Var is also well over 50. The Vor'Cha has a beam weapon base value of 36 while the Galaxy only is 10 or so. In Star Trek, the Vor'Cha is 3/4 in length of the Galaxy Class but with equal firepower. In FO, the Vor'Cha has been given a 360% increase in beam strength over the Galaxy not to mention its special weapon ability. This makes the game highly unbalanced.
Unbalance the game? How can I do that when it's already unbalanced? No, I want it to be more balanced, and I say this for all Federation ships. They should all receive an increase in offensive and defensive value.
On the other hand, you're arguments are weak-minded because you just flap your lips in the breeze without providing any substantial evidence or facts (you just say what you think is right). You also state a ship is obsolete because it's old. Yeahhhhh......maybe that logic would be credible.....if it were the sixteenth century!
Because something is old doesn't make it obsolete. Even Geordi said to Scotty, "just because something's old doesn't mean you throw it away," in reference to the USS Jenolan.
Moreover, Kirk said in SFA, "A ship might be brand new state of the art but have countless bugs to work out." He also said, "however, a ship might be a hundred years old and shaped like a rattle but the bugs are long gone." You can't argue with Captain Kirk either.
The Federation kept the Miranda and Excelsior Class around for over 80 years. The Klingons kept the B'Rel and K'Tinga design around for centuries.
If being old makes things so obsolete, why did StarFleet favor refitting the Constitution Class (which I remind you was a huge success and streamlined the Federation Fleet)? In the military, when the newer dump trucks couldn't haul a D7 tractor up a hill we would swap out with an older T5 Smoker. The 30 year old smoker hauled the D7 up the hill where the newer dumps couldn't.
The F-4 Phantom II is over 30 years old but had the longest continuous production run (24 years) and had the most aerial victories (277) over any other modern superiority fighter. It was the only jet to receive ace status in the 20th century.
Frankly, you're argument that old is obsolete sucks. Hopefully after providing you with these statements of fact you'll understand that old in not bad, old is not obsolete, and the Galaxy was still in production near the end of and after the 24th century.
The AI is obviously strongest as Federation, that is not up to discussion.
Nope, it's still arguable and subject to discussion. Not up to you to make that call. I've been crushed swiftly by the Romulans, Klingons, and the Borg as well. Once the Romulans get their Tavaras and the Borg get the Sphere and Cube it's all over. I crushed the Feds with one Cube. The game is underbalanced.
Thanks for your vote Tyler and for paying attention to the series.
For future reference, the Galaxy is an explorer; it has sometimes been referred to as a Battleship. (TNG "Conundrum," TNG "Yesterday's Enterprise," "Birth of the Federation")
posted on January 1st, 2009, 6:35 am
constelation you are so right, people constelation and i have just given you cited fact, and online refrences, you have to see that the galaxy class is a VERY powerful ship, and its seperation has been used tactically many times in battles and was instrumental in the borg defeat at wolf 359, and the defeat of the dominian in the dominian wars, the slightest suggestion that only a few galaxy class were built is very very false, in fact very many were built as my post and constelations post shows, so i say this to everybody but mainly the fleet ops team, please include the galaxy class, please update its strenth so that it actually resembles the powerful ship it is, make it buildable in the normal shipyard, with no credits required, and please put in starship seperation
posted on January 1st, 2009, 7:48 am
i would also like to point out that the Galaxy was refited in during the Dominion war. Adding extra phaser arrays and stronger shields.
What Constalation and Ray320 are saying as 100% correct.
The Galaxy is still in wide prodution, It has (in bute force not fancy tech) The most powerful onboard computer. Its the biggest ship in starfleet, coming in at around 6.44 million Cubic metres. Its also fast than the sovvy. The Galaxy refit can achieve warp 9.96 (approx) and the sovvy around 9.7 because it has so much power going into that regenerative shield system.
But ray, i must say
you cant judge a ship by a story plot. The galaxy was almost destoyed and only cause of the plot was it not. It powerful but no match at all to a borg cube, And the dominion battleship is roughly 3 times as powerful.
What Constalation and Ray320 are saying as 100% correct.
The Galaxy is still in wide prodution, It has (in bute force not fancy tech) The most powerful onboard computer. Its the biggest ship in starfleet, coming in at around 6.44 million Cubic metres. Its also fast than the sovvy. The Galaxy refit can achieve warp 9.96 (approx) and the sovvy around 9.7 because it has so much power going into that regenerative shield system.
But ray, i must say
ray320 wrote: and its seperation has been used tactically many times in battles and was instrumental in the borg defeat at wolf 359
you cant judge a ship by a story plot. The galaxy was almost destoyed and only cause of the plot was it not. It powerful but no match at all to a borg cube, And the dominion battleship is roughly 3 times as powerful.
posted on January 1st, 2009, 8:20 am
thank you for your support of my evidence, and that was only one exapmle, i do see your point about the v-13 battleship, but the galaxy class was the biggest starship during the dominian war, without it all the other ships would be destroyed as they were much smaller, sure its not a match to the cube, but even so if it hadnt been there the cube wouldnt of been destroyed, and it has been used tactically many other times, and i would really like to see the galaxy get the attention it deserves in fleet ops
posted on January 1st, 2009, 10:04 am
i find it kinda of weird, that those nine votes for leave as is, were the first votes to be cast, and nobobyd else has voted for that option
posted on January 1st, 2009, 10:12 am
Last edited by Anonymous on January 1st, 2009, 10:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
I made a conclusion based on your arguments. You saying that the stats for a galaxy would be a40 d45 is proof enough that your talking out of your arse a bit.
Wrong, you made your conclusion based on my arguments which are based on canon facts, therefore you're not arguing with me but with the facts.
Fact-The Galaxy-class was a Starfleet vessel first introduced in the late 2350s. It was the largest and one of the most powerful Federation starship classes of its time, with many serving in the Dominion War. (Memory Alpha)
Fact-While "Conundrum" establishes that there were only ten phaser banks aboard the ship, a visual inspection shows twelve arrays and effects have established extra emitters on the nacelle pylons and in the forward torpedo launcher (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds", "Darmok") The aft firing saucer launcher was never established in dialogue, but is visible on the filming model. Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual states 10 torpedoes can be launched simultaneously, has a weapon payload of 275 photon torpedoes, and a high capacity shield grid.
Fact-Fusion reactors were used to power the impulse engines on Federation starships. In a Galaxy-class each impulse engine had three impulse fusion reactors to provide the power. (TNG reference: Technical Manual)
Fact-The Galaxy Class IS still in production-Several more starships entered the fleet inventory during the 2370s. (VOY: "Relativity") By the latter half of the decade, Galaxy-class ships were seen all around Federation space, from stations near Earth (VOY: "Endgame") to near the Romulan Neutral Zone. (Star Trek Nemesis)
You still havent told me anything that would debunk my assumption lol. Quite honestly I dont feel like writing an essay today so Ill make it short and easy.
Great that you provided the facts for the Galaxy, Im really impressed you know how to copy-paste something from a website. But unless you give us the facts for all the ships in the game, those facts dont mean shit, since we cant compare them to other ships. Sorry.
Captain LaForge's USS Challenger was a new Galaxy Class starship in an alternate timeline in Voyager and was more than a match for the Delta Flyer which was outfitted with Borg Technology including parametallic hull plating and unimatrix shielding.
Huray for LaForge! You do know what alternate means right?
Additionally, I merely suggested that the offensive and defensive game values for the Galaxy should be increased to 40 and 45 respectively, so no I am not talking out of my arse by simply making a valid suggestion. Have you even looked at the stats for the other ships? The Sovereign's offensive value is over 50 and the Negh'Var is also well over 50. The Vor'Cha has a beam weapon base value of 36 while the Galaxy only is 10 or so. In Star Trek, the Vor'Cha is 3/4 in length of the Galaxy Class but with equal firepower. In FO, the Vor'Cha has been given a 360% increase in beam strength over the Galaxy not to mention its special weapon ability. This makes the game highly unbalanced.
Ah Im sorry. Your suggestion is stupid then, better now?
Sovies offensive value over 50, yep now you are talking out of your arse

Negh'Vars offensive value is 50 (at least if the avatar is Martok), though its defensive value is quite low. Its no where "well over 50" though. Again, I think your arse wanted to say something

Damn, u didnt even play the game yet, huh? So Vor'Cha has equal firepower to a Galaxy in star trek? The problem with your little rant about the Vor'Cha is this: Galaxy also has torps in FO, thus making it about equal in firepower to Vor'Cha. So the Galaxy, in FO, should have equally strong phasers than a Vor'Cha and it should have torps. Khhmmm, damn you really want to balance the game, dont you? Those damn Vor'Chas really unbalaced it man, they just fly around destroying everything in their path. They must be stopped! :lol:
Unbalance the game? How can I do that when it's already unbalanced? No, I want it to be more balanced, and I say this for all Federation ships. They should all receive an increase in offensive and defensive value.
You know nothing about game balance my friend. Its funny really, though sad as well, because Im sure you wont get it and reply again to my post and Im really tired of replying to your delluted posts.
On the other hand, you're arguments are weak-minded because you just flap your lips in the breeze without providing any substantial evidence or facts (you just say what you think is right). You also state a ship is obsolete because it's old. Yeahhhhh......maybe that logic would be credible.....if it were the sixteenth century!
Yep I say what is right for the game balance and I dont really care what alphamemory (which ray320 keeps promoting, for some strange reason :blink:) has to say. And you know why is that? Because this is a game (obvious for some, I know). And every game needs to have balance in it, so everyone can enjoy it and not just a few Fed fanatics (again, obvious to some

The old factor, hehe. I guess I have my stupid way of thinking that usually, when they make a new airplane, tank or, yep a starship, they make it so its better than the previous model. Damn Im stupid huh. Its so obvious, it doesnt matter how old something is, it only matters how good the crew is. Strange how USA annihilated the Iraq military, they must have some fierce man, those USA. Or did they sweep them aside because they had 50 year-old tanks and airplanes, nah thats just plain silly!
Oh yeah, Star Trek is in the future where everything is different. There they build ships that are worse than the ones that came b4 them.
Because something is old doesn't make it obsolete. Even Geordi said to Scotty, "just because something's old doesn't mean you throw it away," in reference to the USS Jenolan.
Moreover, Kirk said in SFA, "A ship might be brand new state of the art but have countless bugs to work out." He also said, "however, a ship might be a hundred years old and shaped like a rattle but the bugs are long gone." You can't argue with Captain Kirk either.
The Federation kept the Miranda and Excelsior Class around for over 80 years. The Klingons kept the B'Rel and K'Tinga design around for centuries.
If being old makes things so obsolete, why did StarFleet favor refitting the Constitution Class (which I remind you was a huge success and streamlined the Federation Fleet)? In the military, when the newer dump trucks couldn't haul a D7 tractor up a hill we would swap out with an older T5 Smoker. The 30 year old smoker hauled the D7 up the hill where the newer dumps couldn't.
The F-4 Phantom II is over 30 years old but had the longest continuous production run (24 years) and had the most aerial victories (277) over any other modern superiority fighter. It was the only jet to receive ace status in the 20th century.
Frankly, you're argument that old is obsolete sucks. Hopefully after providing you with these statements of fact you'll understand that old in not bad, old is not obsolete, and the Galaxy was still in production near the end of and after the 24th century.
Hehe, I never said they should throw the Galaxy away, now did I? Did Geordi mention anything about relative strenght of the older starships compared to newer ones? Nah I didnt think so. Why did you quote him again?
I believe you that Kirk said that. So your suggesting that, on the newer models, we should have a feature that would have systems randomly failing? But did Kirk, like Geordi, have anything to say about the relative strenght of the older starship compared to newer models? Ohhhh, I guess then this doesnt really help your argument either.
Those old ships are so powerful man. Everybody fears a Miranda class. Heres the thing, we're talking about the strenght of the Galaxy compared to other starships so the team would be able to balance it properly, you understand that right?
Or is the argument about if they should put the Galaxy out of FO? Khmmm, I can never remember such things... :whistling:
Yeah, Phantom is such a great aircraft. Where did it achieve those victories, oh yeah in Vietnam and Korea. How long ago was that? I cant seem to remember, damn I have such short memory :rolleyes: Those fighters really showed who's the boss to those Wright broders' flyers the Vietnamees had at that time :rolleyes:
You know whats funny, you giving military examples of how older is better, when every war in recent times was won due to technological advantage. Those good'ol T-55s really showed Abrams' how its done huh

The AI is obviously strongest as Federation, that is not up to discussion.
Nope, it's still arguable and subject to discussion. Not up to you to make that call. I've been crushed swiftly by the Romulans, Klingons, and the Borg as well. Once the Romulans get their Tavaras and the Borg get the Sphere and Cube it's all over. I crushed the Feds with one Cube. The game is underbalanced.
Put AIvsAI and watch who wins. But your right its not up to me to make that call, though I thought every reasonable person (who has already played the game a couple of times) will agree. But if you want to argue, then lets.
Its not my, FOs or anybody elses problem that you just arent good at playing FO. Nothing is over when Tavaras or Cubes arrive, if you think that then I dont even know why Im discussing anything related to game balance with you.
Your point about this is that because you lost to all the other AIs but u won against 1 AI, than that AI must be underpowered. Thats the most stupid argument I have ever heared. There are A LOT of variables that influence the result of a game, things like Map choice, AI hardness, you actually getting better at something etc
The only way one can test AI strenght is that you put AI vs AI and observe the game. You'll see, then, who comes out on top.
Damn, u made me write a long post again

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