the corrected Galaxy Class and starship seperation

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Question: What do you want from the Galaxy class in fleet operations?

Total votes: 75
Buildable at a shipyard with no stars(or warp in required) and Saucer seperation capable.22 votes (29%)
Saucer seperation capable, but you have to warp in(requires stars)8 votes (11%)
Saucer seperation capable and buildable at shipyard, but requires stars.10 votes (13%)
Buildable at shipyard (no stars), but no saucer seperation.11 votes (15%)
Leave as is24 votes (32%)
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posted on January 2nd, 2009, 12:58 am
There really is no reason to make it that complicated though.
posted on January 2nd, 2009, 1:10 am
I would say the Akira is as powerful as the Galaxy.  The Akira lacks many of the scientific labs and luxaries of the Galaxy class (such as the swimming pool, classrooms, many rec lounges, etc) so that's why it's smaller and cheaper.  It is about as close to a warship as the Federation gets.
posted on January 2nd, 2009, 1:12 am
cbosdell wrote:It is about as close to a warship as the Federation gets.

The Defiant would like a word :P
posted on January 2nd, 2009, 1:15 am
then what would you call the sovering, its really big so then dose that not make it effectve just like the galaxy? is it really only small ships that are effect, the galaxy has all that power in it so its weapons are gonna be way more powerful along with its sheilds
posted on January 2nd, 2009, 1:22 am
and this comes directly from the techical manuel

Production Base: ASDB Integration Facility, Antares Fleet Yards, Antares IV.
Type: Heavy Cruiser.
Accommodation: 500 officers and crew; 4,500 personal evacuation limit.
Power Plant: One 1,500 plus Cochrane warp core feeding two nacelles; one impulse system.
Dimensions: Length, 646.43 meters; beam, 316.67 meters; height, 87.43 meters.
Mass: 3,055,000 metric tonnes.
Performance: Warp 9.8 for 12 hours.
Armament: Six type-10 phaser emitters; two photon torpedo launchers.

and for the galaxy

Production Base: ASDB Integration Facility, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, Mars
Accommodation: 1,012 officers and crew; 200 visiting personnel; 15000 personal evacuation limit
Power Plant: Two 2,500+ Cochrane warp core feeding two nacelles; one impulse system in stardrive section, two impulse systems in saucer section
Length: 641 meters
Beam: 463.73 meters
Height: 195.26 meters
Mass: 4,500,000 metric tons
Performance: Warp 9.6 for 12 hours (STD); warp 9.9 for 12 hours (Uprated)
Armament: Eleven type-X phaser emitters; Three photon torpedo launchers(The Galaxy-class was equipped with a third torpedo launcher that was exposed upon the saucer separating from the battle section.)
posted on January 2nd, 2009, 1:25 am
The Akira is no small ship.  It along with the Sovereign, Defiant & Prometheus are close to dedicated warships that have much less scientific research capibilities compared to the Galaxy.  That is why the thing is so large.  There is no doubt the Galaxy is strong and maybe should be a few points stronger but we have seen it has less than adequate defenses (Rascals, Generations, Odyssey).
posted on January 2nd, 2009, 2:04 am
woah woah woah woah, now hold up now, the galaxys classes defenses are very very good, it was only destroyed in generations, becuase the klingons got there sheild polarity from geordis visor, the oddysey, come on the only reason the oddysey was destroyed is becuase it was the first ship to fight the dominian, and the current federation sheilds were not very effective against the dominians weapons, after the odysey was destoyed all of the ships in the federation, had to have there sheilds chagned to counter the dominians weapons, the oddysey was destroyed becuase her sheilds wernt being to effective so they diverted all power to there weapons from there sheilds, as a result this left the oddysey open to raming, as her sheilds which would normally protect her from a ship ramming her were down, the dominian rammed her, and with the dominan ship ramming the oddyesey in the nacell and deflector array, the oddyesy exploded, if the oddyesey had been an akira the exact same thing would have happend, and i dont see how rascals shows much about the defenses of the galaxy class, it was a plot story, a hijacking, but what i have shown you is that the galaxy class has so much more power then an akira, its defenses are amazing.
posted on January 2nd, 2009, 4:48 am
A Klingon Bird of Prey which is basically a Klingon destroyer defeated a Federation Heavy Cruiser.  That should not happen even without shields.  The Galaxy should have enough hull armor to withstand a pounding and take out a Bird of Prey without taking much damage. A barage of torpedoes along with full phasers probably would have taken out that ship within a minute or two but incompetance combined with poor defenses lead to the destruction of the Enterprise. 

Rascals shows that two old Klingon Bird of Preys can disable and overpower a single Galaxy class starship and a few Ferengi can overpower a ship with 1000 crew.  That makes the Galaxy class look really pathethic.  Sure it was a plot thing but it happened and is an example of the Galaxy class's defenses now. 

Both of those examples stand to show the Galaxy is not all it's cracked up to be.
posted on January 2nd, 2009, 4:59 am
yeah what happend to the odyesey example, you were wrong and you are about the other two,

and for those two, one its for plot suspense, things like that are bound to happen, you cant have boardings and stuff like that in fleet ops, and in generations, they abducted geordi and got the sheild harmonics for the enterprise, and suprised them with10 torpedos, which lead to a warp core breach, because they also got the weak spots of the ship from geordi to

as for rascals i cant get much info on it and i havent seen it in a while, but the ferengi, beamed aboard the galaxy, and held hostages and stuff, once again plot suspends, and ferengi are very advancd as well
posted on January 2nd, 2009, 5:04 am
They fired the torpedoes in Generations rather slowly.  Why couldn't the Enterprise unleashthe same barrage on the BOP that they did on the Borg Cube in BOBW?  Sure it's plot but it shows the Galaxy is inherently weak.  Also First Contact shows it is much weaker than the Sovereign class which didn't even shake when the Borg cube was firing on it while the Galaxy 1701-D was nearly coming apart and couldn't keep shields up. 

Ferengi are very much not advanced they bought warp drive definately (Little Green Men) and most of their other tech also probably.

I was not wrong about the odyssey example but didn't see the need to argue it.  If the Galaxy were as strong as you think it is it could have made a hasty retreat. and probably could have survived the collision
posted on January 2nd, 2009, 5:07 am
The ferengi caught Enterprise off guard; Klingon ships are supposed to be allies remember. They also used the children on the ship as hostages (Starfleet officers would never do anything that could harm hostage children).

Oddysey was crippled and the Duras sisters hit the secondary hull multiple times.
posted on January 2nd, 2009, 5:13 am
thanks for clearing up rascals tyler, so yeah you see all of your arguments have been shot down odspell, what happend in these events were plot twists and things that could happen to any ship random accidents and such
posted on January 2nd, 2009, 5:31 am
Besides the Odyssey incident, these plot twists are bad writing but they happened so they are examples of the strengths and weaknesses of the Galaxy class.  The class has the right defensive value in fleetops it could probably use another 5 or so offensive value along with saucer seperation capabilities.
posted on January 2nd, 2009, 6:03 am
Last edited by Anonymous on January 2nd, 2009, 7:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
I would say the Akira is as powerful as the Galaxy.  The Akira lacks many of the scientific labs and luxaries of the Galaxy class (such as the swimming pool, classrooms, many rec lounges, etc) so that's why it's smaller and cheaper.  It is about as close to a warship as the Federation gets.

The Akira is as powerful as the Galaxy??? You're not serious are you? It might be in the weapons department, but definitely not in hull or shields. During the first Battle of Chin'toka, Warbirds, Excelsiors, Vor'Chas, Mirandas, and Akiras were getting shredded by orbital weapons fire and attack fighters. The USS Galaxy took considerable damage from a weapons platform yet still continued to fight. Even when it was being hit by disruptor fire, it still was firing phasers blowing by the weapons platform. Take a look at a few of these videos.

Pay attention to time index 2:08, 2:12, 2:17 and 2:55

The Galaxy Class was the only one to withstand the weapons fire

And lets not forget this awesome Galaxy moement

@The Big Black Baron

Thanks for your lengthly, rather useless spiel. I can tell it's pointless to bother discussing anything with you in a reasonable manner because all you can say is "damn" this and "damn" that. You even contradict yourself because you said,
Quite honestly I dont feel like writing an essay today so Ill make it short and easy.
, but you wrote an entire essay! Your arguments make little sense too as you also stated,
Galaxy also has torps in FO, thus making it about equal in firepower to Vor'Cha.
Did you conveniently forget that the Vor'Cha has polaron torpedoes and both its torpedoes are beam weapons are stronger than the Galaxy in the game or are your math skills just as bad as your arguments?

On the other hand, Ray and I have done research and provided reasons why the Galaxy Class should have saucer separation and receive an increase in offensive and defensive value to balance the ship in the game. At best, all you have done is smack your lips and say, "I am talking out of my arse." Allow me to retort. Perhaps you wouldn't have to waste your breath if you got actually got up off your Arse and and actually bothered conducting any research. When you aruge, it sounds like a 9 year old boy saying, "no, I don't want to listen to anything you say, the Galaxy is old, I'm right and your not." C'mon man, don't be a whiner. We give you proof, but you don't want accept the evidence or provide any valuable contributions for game balance either. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

Finally, I am not this Fed only lover you claim me to be. I prefer using the Klingons because of their military prowess or the Borg because of their adapation modules and technology to the Feds. I simply used the Feature Request forums like anyone else to present a valid plausible feature that I think will benefit the game and add to the fun factor (as you agreed, that's what it's here for)....and I bet your a closet Fed aren't you? You just don't want to admit it.
posted on January 2nd, 2009, 7:13 am
Last edited by Anonymous on January 2nd, 2009, 7:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
@The Big Black Baron

Thanks for your lengthly, rather useless spiel. I can tell it's pointless to bother discussing anything with you in a reasonable manner because all you can say is "damn" this and "damn" that. On the other hand, Ray and I have done research and provided reasons why the Galaxy Class should have saucer separation and receive an increase in offensive and defensive value to balance the ship in the game. At best, all you have done is smack your lips and say, "I am talking out of my arse." Allow me to retort. Perhaps you wouldn't have to waste your breath if you got actually got up off your Arse and and actually bothered conducting any research. When you aruge, it sounds like a 9 year old boy saying, "no, I don't want to listen to anything you say, the Galaxy is old, I'm right and your not." C'mon man, don't be a whiner. We give you proof, but you don't want accept the evidence or provide any valuable contributions for game balance either. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

Awww, did I hurt someones feelings. How cute  ^-^

There is 1 thing your not getting in your cute ( ^-^) little head of yours. This is a game and a game must be balanced so that all the sides in a game can compete equally. It is best that units values in a game roughly resemble units relative power to each other in the show, movie or a book. But at the end of the day, its still a game. And thats all there is too it really. What you are suggesting is to unbalance the game with increased stats to fed units and that is unacceptable for people who are actually playing this as a game and not a star trek manual example.

Oh and the "research" you and ray provided was quite useless. Spectacular, long, entertaining but useless nontheless in this particular argument and I have also elaborated why is it so. If you dont agree with my reasons for not taking into account your research, then please enlighten me what I have not understood :)

And 1 more thing, when Im at my computer I am sitting on my arse and if I wanted to do research on the internet I would still be sitting on my arse. I feel bad for you if you have to stand though, hopefully you'll get a chair for your birthday.  :thumbsup:

Because, inevitably, you're gonna try and rebuff all I have just wrote I only ask 1 thing of you. Read my second paragraf again before replying. And if you still want to reply, read it again and again and again untill you get it. Ok? Thanks darling  ^-^

Edit: Oh, you've edited your reply while I was writing mine, so I have to add a few tiny little things.

Quite honestly I dont feel like writing an essay today so Ill make it short and easy.
, but you wrote an entire essay! Your arguments make little sense too as you also stated,

Yep, I did write quite a lot. I had to, so I could add all those little cute sarcastic remarks in that you love so much  ^-^ 
I even cried at the end because you made me write so much, didnt you see the smiley?

Galaxy also has torps in FO, thus making it about equal in firepower to Vor'Cha.
Did you conveniently forget that the Vor'Cha has polaron torpedoes and both its torpedoes are beam weapons are stronger than the Galaxy in the game or are your math skills just as bad as your arguments?

Since you dont know a lot about the game in question let me refresh your memory. Each ship has standart weapons and special weapons. Standart weapons for a galaxy are photon torpedoes and phasers, while standart weapons for a Vor'Cha is the beam. Vor'Cha does also have a special weapon that is called a polaron torpedo which deals no damage but does deactivate a system for a period of a few seconds. However the special weapon can only be fired a few times and then the special energy must be recharged.
Comparing polaron torps with photon torps is meaningless because they are not even the same class of weapons. Plus if you would count in the special weapons too, than the Dominion V-13 would probably be the strongest unit in a game, but you cant actually do that, so its not.

Oh and about my math skills. When you actually play the game and build a Vor'Cha point your mouse cursor over it. Search of Offensive and memorize the number. Do the same with the Galaxy and compare those 2 numbers. Those numbers calcualte offensive value for all the weapons of a ship.
So tell me, are those numbers comparable or are they ridicilously different?

Finally, I am not this Fed only lover you claim me to be. I prefer using the Klingons because of their military prowess or the Borg because of their adapation modules and technology to the Feds. I simply used the Feature Request forums like anyone else to present a valid plausible feature that I think will benefit the game and add to the fun factor (as you agreed, that's what it's here for)....and I bet your a closet Fed aren't you? You just don't want to admit it.

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