USS Enterprise-J

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posted on December 13th, 2009, 11:35 am
Exodus wrote:I reckon Akira need four torp tubes to justify the launcher section - two forward and to aft should do it fine, keeping it's status as a torpedo cruiser but making sure it's not overpowered.

But back on topic:
If the E is to feature in the FO storyline, it should be destroyed rather than decommissioned. We're talking about another full-scale war, after all! Something like that would give more of a sense of danger, perhaps sparking off the conflict if the ship were destroyed by a relatively unknown power being secretly manipulated by someone more familiar.  :sweatdrop:

And the model: The Century, I think, is a beautiful ship but there are a load more designs that I think actually improve on it AND for which permissions could be gained more easily. Also, the Enterprise still needs to be larger than an Akira IMO. Not massively, but sovereign-sized at least!

Actually, i played it in Bridge Commander and took some screenshots. BC is where it was originally made so the scaling in that game is how its meant to be by the author. It is larger than a Akira, and in some cases larger than a Sovereign. Its about equal in length to a sovereign maybe slightly shorter because of the nacells and wider in the saucer section. So its a big ship. ImageShack -
posted on December 13th, 2009, 9:21 pm
Exodus wrote:Also, the Enterprise still needs to be larger than an Akira IMO. Not massively, but sovereign-sized at least!

No. Enterprise F is going to be a Nova class of course. :lol:
posted on December 13th, 2009, 9:26 pm
Last edited by Tyler on December 13th, 2009, 9:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Enterprise shall be a Defiant. A legacy of ass kicking ships needs a class custom built for it, maybe with a Kirk clone as captain.

Kirk + Defiant = ?
posted on December 13th, 2009, 9:52 pm
if starfleet was silly enough to give kirk a defiant the klingon race would be extinct, worf would never have been born!!! and the worf effect wouldnt be called that. :( on a good note though having less red shirts available on such a small ship kirk might take care of his men a little better. i cant believe starfleet kept refilling his redshirt tank at every starbase.
posted on December 13th, 2009, 9:55 pm
Well, now all kirk has to do is send down holographic crewmen.  They're even more expendable! ^-^
posted on December 13th, 2009, 9:56 pm
Considering Starfleet holograms seem to have the odd habit of becoming sentient, they'll probably send him down...
posted on December 13th, 2009, 9:58 pm
Kirk was taking enough care of his men as he almost always was with the away teams instead of just farting in his chair and giving order from "up there".
posted on December 13th, 2009, 9:59 pm
he never got killed though, i think he called up the bad guys before each battle and told them to shoot only people dressed in red. maybe he paid them off.
posted on December 13th, 2009, 10:09 pm
"We'll split up.  Spock, Bones, with me.  We'll head over to that seemingly benign civilization full of exotic, submissive women.  Ensign Ricky, head over to that firey molten lake bed where all the earthquakes and falling rocks seem to be happening.  Maintain radio contact every thirty minutes."

Yep, Kirk really cared about his men. :rolleyes:
posted on December 13th, 2009, 10:12 pm
Actually, I think Ensign Ricky survived (Family Guy)...
posted on December 13th, 2009, 10:18 pm
i also found it odd that kirk went down to the planet himself and took his second in command and another senior officer (bones) with him most of the time. other times he also took sulu which left only chekov (when they finally invented his character).
posted on December 13th, 2009, 10:21 pm
Well, that has everything to do with scripting, and not what would make logical sense in reality.  No one cares if a bunch of no names were the landing party, we want to see the main characters!  So that's one of the few times I suspend my disbelief. ^-^
posted on December 13th, 2009, 10:24 pm
oh how things used to be different i dont think ive ever seen both picard and riker bot go on an away mission at the same time
posted on December 13th, 2009, 10:26 pm
Kirk went down to the planet so he could lose his shirt (I swear it's a requirement for the job...), McCoy was there for smartass comments, Spock was to make everyone else feel retarded and Sulu was there whenever they needed someone to get stuck without help but not die (either him or Chekov was going to be an almost-redshirt and they chose him).

You forgot Uhura...

jules79 wrote:oh how things used to be different i dont think ive ever seen both picard and riker bot go on an away mission at the same time

What about the episode with the Edo? Weren't they down there together that time?
posted on December 13th, 2009, 10:30 pm
not sure ill have to watch it and find out if so its a 1 off
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