posted on October 9th, 2009, 8:52 am
Why such a simple way of strategy? Always fire and backfire will make it kind of boring.
Let the noxter build an organic like station around the moon that will manifest on it until it is destroyed. We also discussed, that mining stations shouldnt have any weapons installed, because it is a part of your strategy to defend it with your fleet or build up defense turrets.
For the noxter, defense turrets may be a problem because of the ultra short range of their attacks and there is also a problem of the permanent ressource decrease while having ships active. All these balancing points are already discussed.
So if you want to defend your stations, maybe we could act passive abilities like torpedo-pin-point defense systems. Like defense-fighters for the other races like the federation or the dominion, the Noxter stations may get something similar. These little bugs send themselves to the torpedos and detonate in order to defend the station. You will get some "drones" back after a while, but you can only take... lets say, 5 or 6 torpedos per minute to defend the station. If you stand against a large flet or ships with mainly beam weapons, you are pretty fast outnumbered...
Hmm... I think, this is a thing that should be tested at first before we discuss the details.