Are the Feds really so overpowered?

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Question: Do you think the feds are....

Total votes: 45
Stupidly overpowered and need nerfing bad3 votes (7%)
Slightly overpowered and could do with a tweak or two26 votes (58%)
About right when compared with the other races12 votes (27%)
Underpowered4 votes (9%)
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posted on September 25th, 2010, 8:50 am
Here I was, thinking the feds were underpowered....specially in comparison to the borg
posted on September 25th, 2010, 10:24 am
There was a great saying on this forum that somebody around here now has as their signature.  It goes something like:

"The feds are overpowered, the klingons are overpowered, the borg are overpowered...." - you get the idea.

The Borg can be absolute monsters if you let them build up (but there again, isn't that the same for any race?), but admittedly they do have strong ships, but they cost quite a bit and they are vulnerable while being constructed.  If you can find a Borg cube already under construction you can hurt the Borg badly financially.  Other races in a similar situation can just cancel the building and get their resources back.

Also the Borg are one of the easier races to learn how to counter in general although saying that different ship configurations can affect which ships work best as counters.  Generally speaking though, playing against a Borg player you can't go too badly wrong focusing on ships with torpedoes.
posted on September 25th, 2010, 1:47 pm
silent93 wrote:1 bottle of average beer - $1.50 in stores, $3.50 to $6 in bars/clubs, based on location.

Americans don't buy bottles anymore...we dive into 30 packs for like $10-20 at Walmart!
posted on September 25th, 2010, 5:12 pm
Clintsat wrote:Americans don't buy bottles anymore...we dive into 30 packs for like $10-20 at Walmart!

Ah, we now have a Metro card so its always good to look for the special offers there.  Sometimes can find crates of beer where the price of each can works out at around 20 roubles (just over 50 cents)... which looks around the same price as you can get them for in the US  :(  I guess when they told me life in Russia was cheap that wasn't what they were talking about.
posted on September 25th, 2010, 5:53 pm
Cmd.Paul wrote:Here I was, thinking the feds were underpowered....specially in comparison to the borg

actually feds vs borg is easy for feds.

intrep spam works great. the only counter is dodeca spam. u can do intreps for a while, then switch up to akira or excel 2 which are nice.

u can even start with excel2. feds have strong defence too, and borg can struggle to get that finishing blow, especially on a fast intrep.
posted on September 25th, 2010, 6:16 pm
Something I didn't realize about the feds until I started making maps was, their OPness depends heavily on the map.  Most of the maps we have right now are careful to leave main bases and expansions open, approachable by at least 3 sides without any major obstacles. This is mostly because of the discrepancy in different races' turret strengths.

The single most fun game of Starcraft I ever played was Protoss vs Protoss on Island Hop.  We both got large carrier fleets, but I won because I built photon cannons and shield batteries on the central island.  Every time we started to engage I could fall back to turret support.  Anyone else who's ever played the "firebase" strategy knows how much fun it can be to project your power using structures.

I've been tinkering with map ideas to make firebases and proxy yards get more use, but the difference in turret strength makes it hard to not make feds OP on them.  Anybody who's played my first map, Xasica Prime, can see how I had to make it open and easy to rush your opponent, to bring turtling strategies into line.

So the way I see it, Feds aren't overpowered on most maps we have today, but they would become incredibly overpowered on certain map designs and thus prevent map-makers from producing them.  As a map maker myself, I selfishly request that some of their uniqueness get removed so that I can bring out new varieties in map design.
posted on September 25th, 2010, 6:44 pm
Actually, both maps and races will receive an increase in uniqueness in future patches. ^-^
posted on September 25th, 2010, 6:54 pm
Well, the Klingon and the Borg and the Doms are able to accumulate supply in mid and late game, roms and feds not. With that in mind, I tihnk there is a good balance in later game, even with warp in. The Feds have a strong start, but will suffer in late game, because they dont have really and real good puncher, like arty or cube/dreadnought.

They rely on a mixed fleet and good micro, I think they are just fine.
posted on September 25th, 2010, 6:59 pm
Mal wrote:Actually, both maps and races will receive an increase in uniqueness in future patches. ^-^

I know about the race redos... but maps?
posted on September 25th, 2010, 7:03 pm
loki_999 wrote:I know about the race redos... but maps?

Optec has stated many times that the maps will be getting new doodads etc :)
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