Borg Cube

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posted on January 23rd, 2006, 3:16 pm
lol :lol:

..."most illogical"
posted on January 23rd, 2006, 4:32 pm
"Holy Cow, Batman. You are correct"
posted on January 24th, 2006, 4:09 pm
Last edited by KL0K on January 24th, 2006, 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

I have never seen such a small cube in ST nor the fusion cube so that must be understood as uncanon :P

that aint true.
there was a fusioncube i think in the last episode of voyager where they got back through that transwarp-network, and there were smaller cubes too. plus in first contact was a sphere meantioned by the queen with 40 thousand drones on it, while we saw other spheres with less like 3 drones for example in first contact acting as an escape-pod. so, as u can see, they really build same classes but different sizes depending on the assignment.
sorry but i had to correct u :P :lol:
posted on January 24th, 2006, 9:30 pm
that aint true.
there was a fusioncube i think in the last episode of voyager where they got back through that transwarp-network, and there were smaller cubes too. plus in first contact was a sphere meantioned by the queen with 40 thousand drones on it, while we saw other spheres with less like 3 drones for example in first contact acting as an escape-pod. so, as u can see, they really build same classes but different sizes depending on the assignment.
sorry but i had to correct u tongue.gif laugh.gif

I dont remember any fusion cubes in last voyager episode, nor do I remember any small cubes in that episode. U might have got confused as some were further away than others :P

Also in FC I dont remember the queen ever mentioning a sphere and I watched it several times, plus how do u know that there were 3 drones in that escape pod sphere?

I DO know they build different ship sizes of the same class BUT I have never seen any fusion cube in any st episode of movie. I can remember seeing a small cube though so on that part I was wrong at least ^_^
posted on January 25th, 2006, 3:25 pm
In Endgame (the Voyager finale), there may have been smaller cubes present, but I guess I didn't pay close enough attention to the background.

And the "escape pod" sphere was the same size as normal sheres, so we can assume it has the same crew. It certainly had enough to board (and almost take over) the Enterprise.
posted on January 25th, 2006, 5:26 pm
Last edited by KL0K on January 25th, 2006, 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
they jus took over the enterprise cause they didnt pay attention and cause of its small boarding party.
maybe i got that mixed up bout the sphere with one of the voyager episodes, i dunno right now, cause its a long time ago, but i do know that the queen talked bout tha 40k drones on it. plus i think i heard one of them cubes had more then 100k drones on it. and if u start comparing ships sizes ull come to the point where u gotta think about the different versions of cubes and spheres.
plus i dont think the sphere in first contact was a regular sphere, cause it was way smaller, then the others, compared to other spheres and the sizes of them cubes. and taking that and keeping in mind that it was just an escape-pod would endup in a logical thing: there are different sizes.
posted on January 25th, 2006, 8:01 pm
YES there are different sizes, there is no question. I mean in FC the Ent-E destroyed that sphere with one quantum burst :hmmm:

But fusion cube? I dont EVER remember hearing about it
posted on January 25th, 2006, 9:57 pm
in one of the last episodes was one of them. i could swear it that i saw it.
looked kinda like a (tac-)fusion-cube with all the dark and some green lines n stuff.
posted on February 1st, 2006, 3:16 pm
If that was true, than there should be thousands of pictures of it swarming around the internet.
posted on February 3rd, 2006, 7:33 pm
Well it could me true, does anyone have the last episode on DVD so they can take a look?
posted on February 3rd, 2006, 9:25 pm
i was just looking up ingo on this and i ran acrose this image:



it mite not be about the cude but in this image thares a permethis class star ship wich means its posabule that the permethise has be come a standerd ship.

maby this is the fution cude not a very good image of it:

posted on February 3rd, 2006, 10:36 pm
it was in orbit of earth wich means it was fresh out of yards or to important to taker to outskirts of federation and risk another incedint
posted on February 5th, 2006, 1:15 pm
The prometheus could be a standard ship when voyager gets home, why not? I wouldn't mind seeing it in FO but it deffinatly isn't a battleship and belongs in the first yard rather than the advanced.
And I dont think that is a borg fusion cube, ahh well guess it might not be there.
posted on February 6th, 2006, 12:41 am
its more probable that is the Prometheus, since if you remember the admiral had to scramble every ship in range to be ready.

second pic, no thats just a normal cube, dont forget that a "standard" cube is some 3km on a side and seeing as how voyager is what? 350m?
so in conclusion i think the prom is still just a prototype (but probs very close to going into full class production, but id say it would be very resource instensive, probs many times that of another ship of its size)
and there is NO fusion cube, it was a made up ship for the borg in A2. if it was supposed to be in the series i think they would make quite a big thing out of it, (knowing voyager 2/3 dedicated episodes wouldn't be surprising :rolleyes: ).
posted on February 6th, 2006, 5:09 am
Last edited by [TD]Roach on February 6th, 2006, 5:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
its more probable that is the Prometheus, since if you remember the admiral had to scramble every ship in range to be ready.

second pic, no thats just a normal cube, dont forget that a "standard" cube is some 3km on a side and seeing as how voyager is what? 350m?
so in conclusion i think the prom is still just a prototype (but probs very close to going into full class production, but id say it would be very resource instensive, probs many times that of another ship of its size)
and there is NO fusion cube, it was a made up ship for the borg in A2. if it was supposed to be in the series i think they would make quite a big thing out of it, (knowing voyager 2/3 dedicated episodes wouldn't be surprising  ).

ditto. i have the same thoughts about it. besides. if the prommie was stolen once, i would have placed the ship very close att home aswell before it gets stolen again while patroling the romulan boarder.
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