Current Project Status

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posted on March 24th, 2014, 2:43 am
Dominus_Noctis wrote:We are embarking on the largest changes we've ever done for Fleet Operations and it will take some time. We have a newspost in the works detailing our efforts, but want to make sure it is done right, so that you, our community, will be happy, interested, and excited :thumbsup:

If we ever decide that we no longer wish to work on Fleet Operations, we will announce it. We are not the types to let the Fleet Ops community languish. Rest assured that we have made very strong progress on the next version of Fleet Ops, but we cannot always post news posts detailing the more 'boring' aspects :).

Not that I ever thought this project dead, just concerned for lack of info... may we perhaps get a ETA on when we may see the next news post. I just think many of us want to know whats being going on behind the scenes and when we may see v4 on our hard-drives.

Many of us have probably also followed a lot of Star Trek projects and have come all to accustomed to the dead on arrival or the slow death/ never to been seen again that accompanies most the them. We obvoisly do not want that for FO.

Thanks. :)
posted on March 24th, 2014, 3:06 am
No worries Zweistein - but indeed, as Atlantis pointed out, you can consider our interactions here as "we are working on things" :). We just like our newsposts to have a bit more professional feel to them ;). As always, we are happy to interact on Teamspeak and Tunngle etc informally.

As for ETA on newspost - as always, soon :). When every member of the team is satisfied, we will be good to go :thumbsup:

Yes, many projects have sadly gone that route, but we've been here quite some time and have zero plans to peter out. We are more excited than we have been for some time as we've got a great new set of tools to play with!
posted on May 1st, 2014, 1:43 am
So ... is the tracker even relevant any more?
posted on May 1st, 2014, 2:14 am
No, not really - I need to invest some time to clear out all the old no-longer relevant tasks now and reorganize it to fit our current purposes, but this isn't something I can do right now. Prior to our next release, we will probably have the tracker reflect mostly visuals, audio, and game concepts - rather than internal coding.
posted on May 1st, 2014, 4:55 am
Fair enough. Thanks for the response.
posted on May 5th, 2014, 1:59 pm
"82 tasks completed in the last 30 days"
holy moly that's some progress right there!

i find it really interesting to read the task stuff,
Romulan Anarhai (google tells me its the shadow) nice to see that back
"Romulan Senatorial voice tables" interesting, not sure how that will be in
"Starfleet San Francisco" again how will that be in?
"Alien use of captured Starfleet Command" oooh this sounds very interesting
"New Federation Spacedock Model" cool
"Federation Strategic Division model" sounds like an alternate starfleet command?

Deep Space 9 NPC model,
Doomsday Machine model
Crystalline Entity,
Luna (Titan) Class,
Cardassian Convoy
posted on May 5th, 2014, 5:55 pm
Thank you so much for updating the project status! Some extremely exciting stuff is happening.
posted on May 5th, 2014, 6:11 pm
We're not done yet - over the next few days, expect the number of tasks to drop quite drastically. That's not because we've completed more (though we are always making progress in other areas), but because of the focus shift on the tracker. The tracker will reflect FO: NX tasks, primarily with respect to graphics, sounds, and gameplay concepts - as work on NX continues, the list of tasks in other fields will increase. :)
posted on May 6th, 2014, 12:43 am
Dominus_Noctis wrote:but because of the focus shift on the tracker. The tracker will reflect FO: NX tasks

so you mean that some of the stuff in the tracker is not applicable to the new engine or that its stuff thats not wanted anymore?
rather than changing to lower priority

and the increase in the tasks later is stuff for the new engine that need to be built to be like armada?
posted on January 18th, 2015, 9:05 pm
So, why all of a sudden are there 5 tasks done in the last 30 days when just a few days ago there were zero tasks done in the last 30 days?
posted on January 18th, 2015, 9:55 pm
Maybe 5 tasks were completed?
posted on January 18th, 2015, 10:49 pm
Ask a silly question...
posted on January 25th, 2015, 5:31 am
Every update the fleets ops dev team has ever under taken has become more and more complex. So much so that the gap between updates/ patches went from every couple of months to every couple of years to the current stage where they decide to toss out 3 years of work to embark on more or less an entirely new project. Biting off more than they could chew on the previous engine they for some reason decide to embark on something even harder a whole new engine and everything else that goes with it.

If you guys couldn't complete a patch what makes you sure you can create an entirely new game from scratch. One of the best games iv ever played online killed by an overly ambitious project. There is no community left to create it for every startrek mod/ game made on its own engine has been killed off mainly because the community all left long before anything was ever released. One of the best things about fleet ops was the a2 engine, its why people liked a2 even tho the game it self was actually pretty crap for multilayer because of its was ridiculously unbalanced and unfinished. I cannot imagine any engine you release will ever match that feel of the a2 engine and that's assuming it ever sees the light of day.
posted on January 25th, 2015, 5:40 am
Honestly, it was time to put the A2 engine out of its misery. It was a dinosaur that needed hacks and workarounds by the FO team to even run on Windows 7. The ezEngine is an ambitious project, but the FO team isn't working on that, the ezEngine team is working on it; they are two different groups. Additionally, declaring the death of a project before work has halted is rather premature.
posted on January 25th, 2015, 6:38 am
cabal wrote:Honestly, it was time to put the A2 engine out of its misery. It was a dinosaur that needed hacks and workarounds by the FO team to even run on Windows 7. The ezEngine is an ambitious project, but the FO team isn't working on that, the ezEngine team is working on it; they are two different groups. Additionally, declaring the death of a project before work has halted is rather premature.

No nonsense. The only thing they really had to update were some balance issues. Numbers. Their ambitions and ideas just kept getting more complex and a tiny balance patch that should have taken a day or two took months then years. If they had just done that this new idea wouldn't be so bad because the entire community could be playing a relatively balanced game but instead its just dead there are no games except a few private ones. i always knew this was a project by some excellent modders in their spare time which always baffled me as to why they always wanted to make updates harder for themselves.

Instead they throw 3 years of the up coming patch away and refuse to release what they have done for the community to modify or play with and go ahead with something way beyond their means i seriously doubt this will ever see the light of day. Just look at what the beta tester dominus said about cancelling a few posts back he wouldnt have brought up cancellation if it wasn't a possibility.

It took them 3 + years to declare the 4.0 patch scrapped. Iv seen so many projects at this same level get tossed because they were too ambitious and some of those were based on an engine that was ACTUALLY completed before they begun work.

The ezengine team is another bad idea. It makes the fleet ops project that much more fragile, why pick an incomplete engine. If they suddenly cant continue the project is dead.

Now the best startrek game ever made is dead.
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