Current Project Status

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posted on June 15th, 2013, 10:37 am
Woo! that is reassuring! I was just getting worried as the project progress tasks completed number wasn't going up :lol: It is good to see you guys are still on it and please know that it is much appreciated. If I had money I'd donate some to the cause, with luck the internship I'm on now might lead to something and I'll be able to give you guys a small christmas present :)
posted on June 15th, 2013, 4:51 pm
DOCa Cola wrote:Yes, the project is still active. Actually a lot is going on right now.
The thing about articles is that we usually dedicate the free time we have to work on the actual tasks and not writing about them. Besides, often these tasks are just plain boring and not worth to be put into an article.

It makes sense to actually work on the project instead of talking about it. That means a faster release :thumbsup: We do get antsy though. Just a thought, but have you guys considered recruiting someone whose sole purpose is to relay info to the community? A community correspondent or something? haha. That way you guys wouldn't have to sacrifice precious development time but would still be able to maybe put out an article more often, even if it is just a short, "boring" update on how its going in dev land. Something is better than nothing, at least to me, to help ease the almost unbearable wait for the next, assuredly legendary, release which we all are looking forward to so very much :D

In any case, thank you for all the continued hard work :) we all appreciate it.
posted on June 15th, 2013, 5:30 pm
We also like our newsposts to be exciting and substantive - not necessarily weekly 'drivel posts' :lol: . So when we have something we view that's exciting to share, we share it! Plus, a new release should have undisclosed candy in it too - we won't talk about everything in newsposts, because we want the community to explore the content themselves with fresh eyes and fluttering hearts :)

Needless to say, a new newspost is coming soon :)
posted on June 15th, 2013, 6:33 pm
What would be really cool is a replay using the new version demonstrating the features that has already been written about (with stern admonishments that this is pre-release stuff, of course).
posted on June 15th, 2013, 7:55 pm
Dominus_Noctis wrote:We also like our newsposts to be exciting and substantive - not necessarily weekly 'drivel posts' :lol: . So when we have something we view that's exciting to share, we share it! Plus, a new release should have undisclosed candy in it too - we won't talk about everything in newsposts, because we want the community to explore the content themselves with fresh eyes and fluttering hearts :)

Needless to say, a new newspost is coming soon :)

Ah yeah that makes sense. Quality over quantity haha. Looking forward to that post :) and my fluttering mechanical heart cannot wait to start exploring and finding said candy with the next release.

MadHatter wrote:What would be really cool is a replay using the new version demonstrating the features that has already been written about (with stern admonishments that this is pre-release stuff, of course).

This would be quite cool...but then we'd see everything they have done and there would be no candy left to find, like Dominus said, they want surprises. Guess we'll just have to wait probably to see examples of the new gameplay. In any case, I can't wait or get enough and i wouldn't mind a teaser replay of some gameplay :)
posted on June 16th, 2013, 3:34 am
I agree with BRM, but maybe a compromise? How about screenshots? New ships, stations, or updated ship textures. Just enough for a smidgeon of eye candy.

If so, I'd still definitely save the best visual additions for the release.
posted on June 16th, 2013, 6:15 am
BRM108 wrote:This would be quite cool...but then we'd see everything they have done and there would be no candy left to find, like Dominus said, they want surprises. Guess we'll just have to wait probably to see examples of the new gameplay. In any case, I can't wait or get enough and i wouldn't mind a teaser replay of some gameplay :)

Well, I was thinking along the lines of the pre-release Starcraft 2 Battle Reports, and there's nothing to say that everything in the factions demonstrated would have to be enabled or used. It doesn't even need to be a balanced match, just an exhibition of "things to come".
posted on June 16th, 2013, 2:44 pm
MadHatter wrote:Well, I was thinking along the lines of the pre-release Starcraft 2 Battle Reports, and there's nothing to say that everything in the factions demonstrated would have to be enabled or used. It doesn't even need to be a balanced match, just an exhibition of "things to come".

Yeah hat would be perfect. Like just some created scenarios perhaps. Just show some of that platform synergy with the norway, maybe attacked by a stealth rhienn raiding fleet near the trade dock while supply ships warp-in. Like that would show stuff they've already talked about without releasing everything they've done :)
posted on July 1st, 2013, 9:43 pm

I am still relatively new to the fleetops community, and I was wondering if someone could explain some features of the 'Project Progress' page under the 'info' tab. Namely:

1. Why are some tasks 'classified' and some seen by everyone?

2. What is the difference between high priority/med priority/low priority classifications in terms of the next patch? For example, is everything in 'high priority' what is planned for the next patch, or do all tasks need to be completed before it is released?

3. Are members of the community able to contribute to the tasks shown on the page (ex. can someone contribute a new Phalanx model if they have one?)

4. The bottom shows the last time a change was made to the page (right now it says that it was updated yesterday), yet I rarely see any changes made to the page (of course, I'm not the most observant individual ever so this could simply be because the classified tasks are what are being modified, or I didn't notice one of the items disappear.)
posted on July 1st, 2013, 10:08 pm
The classified things are secret stuff they don't want us to know about. There have to be some surprises, after all. The priority rating is just how important it is. Just because something is high priority doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be in the next patch and they may do a bunch of low priority stuff at once if they feel like it.
posted on July 2nd, 2013, 12:21 am
Like Cabal stated, some of the topics are secret - many others are just technical notes, things that don't need to clutter the website :)

We classify tasks based on priority for the project; but often we'll work on things out of priority, or a high priority task will rely on low priority tasks for completion. Sometimes low priority tasks are just easier to solve ;) . Many tasks we complete are background or components of a larger task. That's not indicative of how fast or slow development is going, as many of the most important tasks are 'classified'.

If you want to contribute to Fleet Operations, check our open jobs postings :).
posted on July 2nd, 2013, 4:45 pm
Instead of keeping the "top secret" stuff secret, how about going the other route. Put lots of disinformation out there with threads on stuff you have no intention of putting in the mod. That way we can see all the nifty stuff being planned but we can't be sure that it will actually be in the mod. :)
posted on July 2nd, 2013, 6:09 pm
I'd rather it be a more abstract representation. I'm not on the team, so I don't need to know that there are tasks to do a "New Phalanx Model" or "Enterprise-E Hero (Map Object)". Especially when some of the tasks have what I consider to be inappropriate priorities (ie, any task involving a ship that's a "Map Object" and so won't ever be seen in regular play having any priority above "luxury we'll add if there's time").

But, as I said, I'm not on the team and any opinions I have on task priorities take second place to their roadmap.
posted on July 3rd, 2013, 8:56 pm
MadHatter wrote:I'd rather it be a more abstract representation. I'm not on the team, so I don't need to know that there are tasks to do a "New Phalanx Model" or "Enterprise-E Hero (Map Object)". Especially when some of the tasks have what I consider to be inappropriate priorities (ie, any task involving a ship that's a "Map Object" and so won't ever be seen in regular play having any priority above "luxury we'll add if there's time").

But, as I said, I'm not on the team and any opinions I have on task priorities take second place to their roadmap.

:lol: Actually "New Phalanx Model" would be one of the things I would be most interested in. I tried swapping out the meshes/textures whatever for the Teutoburg and the Phalanx because the Teutoburg looks like a mean bulldog of a warship and the Phalanx is just fugly looking compared to the other ships. I couldn't find the files though. As it is if I am not fighting the Dominion I can afford to just warpin nothing but Teutoburgs and pretend like they are actually useful.........which isn't always easy to do.
posted on February 2nd, 2014, 11:56 pm
So how goes the project? Been a while since we've heard anything.
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