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posted on March 8th, 2014, 7:05 pm
Beef wrote:To be honest I'm a little worried to where the game's going, based on the information the devs post, the whole project could get very messy. :excl:

Does anyone know if 4.0 is going to utilize the NX game engine mentioned a few news posts ago? Or will it be based in the Armada engine?
posted on March 8th, 2014, 7:12 pm
I'm pretty sure they said 4.0 was higher priority than NX.
posted on March 19th, 2014, 7:18 pm
The lack of any updates is a little concerning... I would hope something has gotten done since November of last year. :pinch:
posted on March 19th, 2014, 7:23 pm
posted on March 23rd, 2014, 12:35 am
I think at this rate my conclusion is that the project has probably passed away. This amount of time with no updates or sign of progress is not good to say the least. The time since the last release has also been significant.

I hate to criticize especially as what they have released in the past was so very good, but it might be apt to say that no new release is coming.
posted on March 23rd, 2014, 12:54 am
Davex345 wrote:I think at this rate my conclusion is that the project has probably passed away. This amount of time with no updates or sign of progress is not good to say the least. The time since the last release has also been significant.

I hate to criticize especially as what they have released in the past was so very good, but it might be apt to say that no new release is coming.

It is kind of scary, but I'm guessing that this lack of updates actually means that the next thing the Dev's will post will be a big deal. Or at least, that's my best rationale, as they are usually pretty darn active on the site.
posted on March 23rd, 2014, 1:41 am
I'm not sure that no word can really be taken to mean that more is to come. It has been months since we last heard anything and months more since we have heard anything substantial.
posted on March 23rd, 2014, 1:48 am
You guys lose faith so Quickly
posted on March 23rd, 2014, 2:44 am
Y Wing Driver wrote:...
It is kind of scary, but I'm guessing that this lack of updates actually means that the next thing the Dev's will post will be a big deal. Or at least, that's my best rationale, as they are usually pretty darn active on the site.

Sums it up.

As you can read up in older news posts, 4.00 has plenty of changes planned - it's an overhaul of pretty much everything, and let's not forget about the NX project either.
Though i understand the "frustration" of not knowing what's next.

+1 for more news posts :)
posted on March 23rd, 2014, 4:09 am
guys relax, they have taken over a year before substantial release before :)
posted on March 23rd, 2014, 4:33 am
4.0 has been in development for a long time now. It's been nearly three years since we had a content release, and 17 months since the last bugfix patch.

The break between Beta 2 and the 3.0 Preview release was about 2.5 years, so we are in the longest gap between releases right now. We had regular news posts, but even those have tailed off in the last year, the last being nearly four months ago.

I'm not going to pronounce this mod dead, though. That's for the devs to decide, and communicate to us. It's not the first time we've had a dry spell of patches and a lack of communication, so once again -- patience is the watchword.
posted on March 23rd, 2014, 5:10 pm
We are embarking on the largest changes we've ever done for Fleet Operations and it will take some time. We have a newspost in the works detailing our efforts, but want to make sure it is done right, so that you, our community, will be happy, interested, and excited :thumbsup:

If we ever decide that we no longer wish to work on Fleet Operations, we will announce it. We are not the types to let the Fleet Ops community languish. Rest assured that we have made very strong progress on the next version of Fleet Ops, but we cannot always post news posts detailing the more 'boring' aspects :).
posted on March 23rd, 2014, 5:21 pm
I'm afraid you are wrong there Dominus. I've been playing planetary annihilation since before it hit beta. I can tell you that even saying something as vague as "we are working on some improvements and optimisation. We may post about it as they are closer to a completion (or may not post about it at all)" will generate a lot of interest in the community. The fact is people care and they want to know something is going on more often than what that is.

Also yea. Uber entertainment and their way of doing has spoiled everyone.
posted on March 23rd, 2014, 5:36 pm
I can empathise with the FleetOps team on this one. I rarely announce anything to do with my mod at all, but i'm working on it a little every day. I am certain the same is true for FleetOps :)
posted on March 23rd, 2014, 10:15 pm
Zweistein000 wrote:I can tell you that even saying something as vague as "we are working on some improvements and optimisation. We may post about it as they are closer to a completion (or may not post about it at all)" will generate a lot of interest in the community. The fact is people care and they want to know something is going on more often than what that is.

Ok, Zweistein, just a reality check here.

At the start of last month, Doca posted in this very thread, saying:

DOCa Cola wrote:yes, we are trying to keep you updated. It can be hard to present something to you when there is only boring stuff we are working on. last news post was about two month ago, so nothing too uncommon here :D
we're still working on the next version :) we all got a bunch of work to get finished. since we've got some new people who joined our team not too long ago, there are now more people working on FO than ever before.

And LESS THAN 4 DAYS LATER you were already complaining, and asking questions that he'd just answered.

Zweistein000 wrote:ok question th the devs: What's going on? You guys still working on this mod or are you creating a new game (I guess that's what Fleet ops NX project is, right) ? How far along are you? What are you working on now?

The problem is with so few updates (and mean news ones, game updates take a lot of time, I know) I get the feeling that this mod is slowly dying. Leave us a weekly or monthly news posts, no need to be any major reveals (or any reveals at all) just something so we know you are still there. Maybe just something like this: "This week we did some more coding on weapons and have begun overhauling some ship models. Check back regularly."

So yeah, the devs DID post an update saying "we are working on some improvements and optimisation. We may post about it as they are closer to a completion (or may not post about it at all)", but you still weren't happy...
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