Current Project Status
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posted on February 3rd, 2014, 5:34 pm
Davex345 wrote:So how goes the project? Been a while since we've heard anything.
yes, we are trying to keep you updated. It can be hard to present something to you when there is only boring stuff we are working on. last news post was about two month ago, so nothing too uncommon here

we're still working on the next version

posted on February 3rd, 2014, 6:22 pm
Epic, great to hear!
posted on February 4th, 2014, 12:19 am
As far as update go, I like seeing the features that you guys are working on. But I was wondering if you guys could maybe talk a little bit about what your goals are for the project and for the next release, and what youve accomplished so far, and what you still have left to do, in a broad sense.
The last broad scope goal that I head is a few years old. Last I remember the basic fleet ops plan was:
race redo
mixed tech redo (which i heard was a big part of the overall race redo)
adding another avatar
Roughly in that order, with 3 of the race redos being the first major 4.0 patch.
However that was 2 years ago, before the announcement about switching to a new engine at some point, and Im sure you guys have changed ideas about things.
Im just curious as to if that is still the basic plan or if things have changed?
The last broad scope goal that I head is a few years old. Last I remember the basic fleet ops plan was:
race redo
mixed tech redo (which i heard was a big part of the overall race redo)
adding another avatar
Roughly in that order, with 3 of the race redos being the first major 4.0 patch.
However that was 2 years ago, before the announcement about switching to a new engine at some point, and Im sure you guys have changed ideas about things.
Im just curious as to if that is still the basic plan or if things have changed?
posted on February 7th, 2014, 8:58 am
ok question th the devs: What's going on? You guys still working on this mod or are you creating a new game (I guess that's what Fleet ops NX project is, right) ? How far along are you? What are you working on now?
The problem is with so few updates (and mean news ones, game updates take a lot of time, I know) I get the feeling that this mod is slowly dying. Leave us a weekly or monthly news posts, no need to be any major reveals (or any reveals at all) just something so we know you are still there. Maybe just something like this: "This week we did some more coding on weapons and have begun overhauling some ship models. Check back regularly."
The problem is with so few updates (and mean news ones, game updates take a lot of time, I know) I get the feeling that this mod is slowly dying. Leave us a weekly or monthly news posts, no need to be any major reveals (or any reveals at all) just something so we know you are still there. Maybe just something like this: "This week we did some more coding on weapons and have begun overhauling some ship models. Check back regularly."
posted on February 7th, 2014, 6:37 pm
I agree - although what worries me isn't the lack of news updates, it's that the last change to the progress page was made a month ago from this date.
I doubt that the page is accurate, but on the other hand, it would be kind of nice to know what is being worked on.
Btw I love the work you guys do, which is the only reason I'm complaining that I don't get to see more of it!
I doubt that the page is accurate, but on the other hand, it would be kind of nice to know what is being worked on.
Btw I love the work you guys do, which is the only reason I'm complaining that I don't get to see more of it!
posted on February 7th, 2014, 8:23 pm
The page is accurate
You can see when we've last done major, but undocumented, updates in the news ticker at the bottom of the main page
Those are our "SVN updates".
Likewise, you can see when we've added voice actors in the Team section. Just the past few months we've had 3 more voice actors join the team!
We will have some newsposts soon. Don't you know, 'no news is good news?'
We do not like to post blah blah just for the sake of saying something - we strongly feel that news should be something that the community can discuss and contribute to, rather than just "oh, that's nice... they posted that they are working on something
Fleet Operations is not dying by any meas - we're healthier than ever and we've accomplished a lot
//But please, direct questions on this sort of thing in the appropriate thread, next time

Likewise, you can see when we've added voice actors in the Team section. Just the past few months we've had 3 more voice actors join the team!
We will have some newsposts soon. Don't you know, 'no news is good news?'

Fleet Operations is not dying by any meas - we're healthier than ever and we've accomplished a lot

//But please, direct questions on this sort of thing in the appropriate thread, next time

posted on February 10th, 2014, 11:35 am
I disagree. Long periods of silence make us paranoid. Also theres always something to tell us, like how far along are you with the next patch? 40% done, 50%? The progress page just gives me a feeling that this thing hasn't even properčy started yet and it has been mothe than 1 year since the last update.
posted on February 10th, 2014, 12:03 pm
Zweistein, please don't derail this topic, just post here:
// ... start=1095
624 open tasks
1370 completed tasks
There's your percentage - more or less accurate (probably less)
Keep in mind they don't work on some tiny patch.
// ... start=1095
624 open tasks
1370 completed tasks
There's your percentage - more or less accurate (probably less)
Keep in mind they don't work on some tiny patch.
posted on February 10th, 2014, 3:55 pm
Completed since the start of the development for the 4.00 or since the list was made?
posted on February 10th, 2014, 3:57 pm
Ok, did a little moving around 
No worries, the project progress percent complete isn't a representation of what the 'actual percent' is. Even future versions can't get to everything we want to do in a single release
. We can't make estimations on percentage complete as it is - those are just arbitrary numbers. If 1% was a game breaking bug, it wouldn't give any good information to say 99% complete 

No worries, the project progress percent complete isn't a representation of what the 'actual percent' is. Even future versions can't get to everything we want to do in a single release

posted on February 10th, 2014, 7:44 pm
Cool! i am looking forward to see the new version! And big thaks to the dev team, cuz they are working on my favorite game to make it better! So, thank you devs, and warp 9 to next version, cuz i cannot wait!!!

posted on February 26th, 2014, 12:19 am
Just a tip of advice, as it has been so long since a big status update and you go so long without lose alot of attention. People stop visiting the page as often as nothing changes, then they forget about the page altogether. This is especially important to FleetOps as the game itself is now very old. I look forward to the next version, but honestly I only check the page once every few months now. I've uninstalled Armada for the time being. None of that is suppose to concern you, just keep in mine, OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND. You don't want people to forget about you.
posted on March 5th, 2014, 5:38 pm
guys, I really appreciate what You're trying to do and everything, but can we at least have a video (youtube or anything, we don't care) or some indication that you guys are still alive?
I mean, It's great that you're doing a new engine, but can you like kickstart it or anything? If you're doing a new game, which I toatally respect and love you for it, there should be some signs of work in it. It's not a mod anymore, it's a game. an Indie game yes but a game nonetheless. please do updates or whatever, we are starting to loose interest. without interrest you'll never finish.
That's sad because I would gladly pay 20 bucks for a remade version of FO.
I mean, It's great that you're doing a new engine, but can you like kickstart it or anything? If you're doing a new game, which I toatally respect and love you for it, there should be some signs of work in it. It's not a mod anymore, it's a game. an Indie game yes but a game nonetheless. please do updates or whatever, we are starting to loose interest. without interrest you'll never finish.
That's sad because I would gladly pay 20 bucks for a remade version of FO.
posted on March 6th, 2014, 10:39 pm
To be fair, more people than post here have interest in fleet ops. A friend of mine as well as myself are a good example, my friend does not even have a forum account, and I do not exactly post here often myself
. Still both of us are great fans of this lovely project. So, while some may loose interest as indicated, others will not.
Please feel encouraged!

posted on March 8th, 2014, 5:04 pm
To be honest I'm a little worried to where the game's going, based on the information the devs post, the whole project could get very messy. 

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