First Impressions, and some questions
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posted on May 1st, 2009, 10:59 pm
Okay i understand that but way back at the start people were saying the Excelsior was chosen because it was cheaper...
Now because it is a new design and thus more powerful and efficient...
We are going to keep going round in circles untill people decide which it is...
I'm saying the Galaxy is a large, multi purpose ship very capable at doing its job and more capable than all of the smaller ships at the exploration/ heavy command vessel duties. The Sovereign is a better warship but not so scientific.
Now if people want to say... "Excelsior II is a newer design, its a new hull frame and its better equiped if a bit more expensive..."
I can accept that argument
I can accept the other argument that the original Excelsior class is a better choice than the galaxy to upgrade... Though i'll disagree with it.
What i will struggle with is placing my points against people who are effectively saying the Excelsior II is both points at once... Give how expensive new tech and ship designs are... this will probably be a physical impossibility in this case.
Now because it is a new design and thus more powerful and efficient...
We are going to keep going round in circles untill people decide which it is...
I'm saying the Galaxy is a large, multi purpose ship very capable at doing its job and more capable than all of the smaller ships at the exploration/ heavy command vessel duties. The Sovereign is a better warship but not so scientific.
Now if people want to say... "Excelsior II is a newer design, its a new hull frame and its better equiped if a bit more expensive..."
I can accept that argument
I can accept the other argument that the original Excelsior class is a better choice than the galaxy to upgrade... Though i'll disagree with it.
What i will struggle with is placing my points against people who are effectively saying the Excelsior II is both points at once... Give how expensive new tech and ship designs are... this will probably be a physical impossibility in this case.
posted on May 1st, 2009, 11:12 pm
The excelsior II is cheaper to produce while at the same time being capable of much of what the galaxy can do. The galaxy is, as you say, a 30-40 year old spaceframe, and an extremely large one at that. That means that you have a dated design that costs a lot of resources to make, as opposed to new and cuttign edge ships that are cheaper and more effective. You wouldn't build a constitution class "because it is a good exploration ship" when you can build vessels like the intrepid and defiant which can out perform a constitution in all respect while being cheaper to make (at least in 2400).
posted on May 1st, 2009, 11:21 pm
The federation has no dreadnought sized ship and no need for one they are first a oragasion for exploring and peace. The biggest ships they have are battleships (which doesn't even make since because battleships are larger than dreads) Also after the dominion war starfleet started to move away from constructing large multipurpose vessels and toward smaller mission specific ships.
posted on May 1st, 2009, 11:47 pm
i still think thered be a good many ships around, we saw them being produeced in many episodes, including the last voyager, even a slightly different design, but theyd still be around
posted on May 2nd, 2009, 12:01 am
Thus the whole reason for warp-in!
posted on May 2nd, 2009, 12:56 am
Dircome wrote:The federation has no dreadnought sized ship and no need for one they are first a oragasion for exploring and peace. The biggest ships they have are battleships (which doesn't even make since because battleships are larger than dreads) Also after the dominion war starfleet started to move away from constructing large multipurpose vessels and toward smaller mission specific ships.
Almost every novel, fan fiction and website i've been to suggests otherwise with the things like the Titan, the Excalibur class ships. The Prometheus wasn't exactly small either.
I'd like to know where you have information saying that starfleet moved away from constructing large multi-purpose vessels.
As to the validity of the Galaxy hull frame being phased out 60 years earlier than expected. The Excelsior II being a cheaper hull despite being designed in under 10 years (if they are to be around enough to warrant a no restriction ship) and it still being cheaper than a reasonably modern, tried and tested hull frame...
Well i think we might have to agree to disagree on that one guys!! I think both of us have valid arguments from a certain view point and we could continue for quite a while? Which is fine but it might get quite off topic

posted on May 2nd, 2009, 1:06 am
yah, it is an endless argument, Like the Excelsior or not there will always be some treker, or trekie to disagree with each other. 

posted on May 2nd, 2009, 1:09 am
Adm. Zaxxon wrote:yah, it is an endless argument, Like the Excelsior or not there will always be some treker, or trekie to disagree with each other.
I like the Excelsior... Afterall the namesake was commander by Sulu

However i like the Galaxy far more

posted on May 2nd, 2009, 1:43 am
I recall reading somewhere (i think it was a starship spotter book or maybe the technical manual), that the federation moved to mission specific designs with vessels like the intrepid. Also, the prometheus is actually around the size of an akira...
posted on May 2nd, 2009, 1:51 am
RCIX wrote:I recall reading somewhere (i think it was a starship spotter book or maybe the technical manual), that the federation moved to mission specific designs with vessels like the intrepid. Also, the prometheus is actually around the size of an akira...
I know, i just thought i would throw it in... Its quite a capable ship and one of the "newer" "smaller" designs that i actually like. MVAM is such a cool idea!!
posted on May 2nd, 2009, 2:08 am
Yes but its so hard to get right... what do you do if one section is lost?
posted on May 2nd, 2009, 2:38 am
The Titan is a small ship.
posted on May 2nd, 2009, 11:31 am
Last edited by Anthony on May 2nd, 2009, 11:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
Rhaz wrote:The Titan is a small ship.
How do you know that? Every picture i've seen suggests its design is based of a kitbash of the old SFCB Dreadnaught and the Galaxy class... Both vessels were huge.
Given Rikers love of serving on large ships with capabilities similar to the enterprise as welll....
However i've not seen anywhere that says the Titan was "Small"
From memory Alpha showing one of the covers of the Titan novels... She looks big.
USS Titan - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki
Oh no, stand corrected. Shes smaller than a Galaxy but bigger than an Intrepid... Still thats not what i call small.
Small is Defiant, Sabre
Medium is Intrepid
Large is Excelsior, Akira, Prometheus
Huge is Galaxy, Sovereign
Silly huge is Borg Cube, Dominion Battleships etc
She's clearly a Medium largish ship, not exactly small at 450 meters length really is she!!
posted on May 6th, 2009, 11:45 am
Anthony wrote:I'm saying the Galaxy is a large, multi purpose ship very capable at doing its job and more capable than all of the smaller ships at the exploration/ heavy command vessel duties.
The Galaxy is not a Warship which is why it is a gigantic waste of resources in a war. You use the ones you already have, sure, (and you finish the ones already in production - see WW2 experimental vessels) but you don't build what is essentially a flying research-center that's woefully underpowered in the combat role relative to it's size and cost.
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