Noxter an 8472 clone?

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posted on January 14th, 2009, 5:17 am
yep, Black Baron hit the point :)

The FO Universe emerged out of scenario we made up and developed long before Voyager found its way home, thats why the FO Universe and the StarTrek Universe have some differences in the Post-Dominion-War time. We included some events, but some we don't.

Species 8472 plays an important role in one or two events, too, but they do no longer invade normal space. The FO Storyline is focused around the Alpha, Beta and Gamma Quadrant and 8472 don't play a major role there. Besides that I think its much more interessting to have mapevents where fluidic gates open and super-"übermächtig" (didn't know thats a know term over there :D ) 8472 ships jumping out.

The nice thing about NP races is, that we can balance them with much less needs and restrictions to gamebalance then playable and buildable races.

To roughly summerize the Noxter Story: The Noxter are a space-living species who evolved in a large Bio-Mass-Expanse (also refered to as Biogen Nebula, although its not exactly a Nebula) in the Gamma Quadrant millions of years ago. The six large condensed matter structures who served as spawning grounds for most young Noxter should later be called "Mothers". They lived in peace (well basically in ignorance cause they didn't know any other lifeform, they never went to planets and the like). But at some time, another space-traveling species of shape-shifting beings evolved in the Gamma Quadrant. This species - later known as the Founders - thought of the Noxter as abomminations and killed most of them who left the Biogen Nebula. As time goes by the Founders started to analyze dead or captured young Noxter and were very interessted in the rapidly-morphing genetic structure of the Noxter, something they are still unique for in the 24th century. The Founders realized that this aspect of the Noxter comes very close to their own beings. Quite narcisstic as they were they began to fear and love that at the same time. In the following war the Noxter population was reduced down to about 10 percent and the mothers finally decided to leave the Gamma Quadrant and made their way out of their Nebula into the dark depths of the galaxy. Nobody knows where the 6 Mothers are now or if they are still alive. The Biogen Nebula vanished over time, only some small remains can still be found today.
With their first - and only - enemy gone the Founders begin to feel god-like and started to play with life itself. They analyzed the captured Noxter and remains of the Bio-Gen Nebula and learned much about manipulating the basics of live. A few centuries later they injected controlled-mutated Noxter DNA in the genpool of several planets. One of the planets evolved a species that was easy to manipulate - later known as the Jem'Hadar.
So basically, the Jem'Hadar are the only thing that remains of the Noxter's appearence in history - untill now! ^-^
posted on January 14th, 2009, 5:21 am
Last edited by Anonymous on January 14th, 2009, 5:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
ah ok. so the noxter part of the FO plot also entails that the Jem-hadar are Noxter hybrids. interesting twist.

uebrigens, uebermaechtig ist denjenigen bekannt, die das Wort gelernt haben. (Tut mir Leid. Leider funktioniert meine Tastetur mit den Akzenten nicht.) :)
posted on January 14th, 2009, 5:37 am
It gives the Jem'Hadar a bit of history, something the show didn't do. It also brings to mind a 'Jem'Hadar rebellion' avatar.
posted on January 14th, 2009, 5:40 am
Tyler wrote:It gives the Jem'Hadar a bit of history, something the show didn't do. It also brings to mind a 'Jem'Hadar rebellion' avatar.

They're going to kill you for suggesting another dom avatar. lol

he we could have another side called the Dom rebels. In this we can have a pure tech Jemhadar rebellion as you're suggesting and the other Avatar can be *you guessedit* the cardassians-dominion avatar.  :D

Optec's gonna kill us all lol  :sweatdrop:
posted on January 14th, 2009, 5:43 am
y would he kill you guys all? is there like some avatar limit, cus more would be cool, like 3 or 4 for each, could incoperate some other pats of different aliances, liek the remans for the romulans and stuff, but idk i havent seen it talked about, so its probably already been gone over i guess,
posted on January 14th, 2009, 7:20 am
Holy freakin' wow... I really liked the Noxtor as is, but with that little bit of backstory added to them...

I'm really pumped up for the Noxter now.
posted on January 14th, 2009, 8:52 am
Last edited by Anonymous on January 14th, 2009, 10:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
But yeah ppl still want to see the scimitar and I think there are some of us that want to see 8472. Don't u? I was merely hoping to see if people would be in a position to conceptualize and develop ideas of how they would like to see 8472 - if ever:)

In any case, seeing that we're going all over the place, forget about it.. When people set boundaries for themselves before even letting the idea take off the ground, it kinda makes any discussion on advancing anything here a moot point.
Yeah. Let's be happy with what we get, and keep posting for "more cool looking stuff" like nacelle leaks and Crates that do 1000 things (again from another game lol).

Well the team does actually consider a lot that we discuss here, just not these huge things that would change the whole universe as they imagined. I imagine its a far stretch for us to expect them to add this stuff.
Plus, Optec did say that Species 8472 will be in as a NPC and quite honestly, dont u think its better that way? How are they going to balance them, first they were almost invincible and then they were destroyed rather too easily. Well IDK, but Id much rather have a non-canon race with a good back-story and good game dynamics than a race that would be all but impossible to balance it properly (according to canon) and which does really have only 2 ships and no structures what so ever.
posted on January 14th, 2009, 9:13 am
Nope there is no Avatar limit, but they are quite a bunch of work for balancing and modeling the stuff for them, not to speak of new gameplay features. More Avatars are planed for greater content patches for v3 :)

Today the Jem'Hadar dont carry much Noxter DNA, but some very basic elements for their genetic code is still Noxter. There are rumors about "free" Jem'Hadar, where the Noxter remains got activated and rapidly changed their organisms. They are rumored to live with the Noxter Swarm now, but well, thats just a rumor, isn't it :)
The Noxter themselves do neither understand technology as we are used to it, nor was anybody able to communicate with a Noxter. Popular Federation scientists do still see them as a very interessting and unique stellar lifeform, but not as a real stellar and intelligent power. Let's see what the future holds  B)
posted on January 14th, 2009, 9:46 am
Last edited by Anonymous on January 14th, 2009, 1:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I'm curious to hear how Noxter sounds like...  :D
posted on January 14th, 2009, 7:44 pm
I'm thinking either telepathic stuff... or bug noises  :shifty:
posted on January 14th, 2009, 8:37 pm
Dominus_Noctis wrote:I'm thinking either telepathic stuff... or bug noises  :shifty: I have a vision of the Noxter talking to each other in cricket chirps in my head  ???
posted on January 14th, 2009, 8:55 pm
Dominus_Noctis wrote:I'm thinking either telepathic stuff... or bug noises  :shifty:

bug noises. Telepathy is again 8472!
posted on January 14th, 2009, 9:08 pm
Hehe, by the sounds of it the Noxter are pretty much giant space ants, which honestly is why I think they will come to be my favorite race. Ants are one of the ultimate forms of terrestrial life, working in perfect civilized unison despite the fact they are primal and non-sentient. I'm hoping the Noxter operate in a similar fashion.... that and I'd still really love to see their base as a single organism that grows add-ons rather then building unrealistic bio structures everywhere.
posted on January 14th, 2009, 9:44 pm
Last edited by Anonymous on January 14th, 2009, 10:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Undying Nephalim wrote:Hehe, by the sounds of it the Noxter are pretty much giant space ants, which honestly is why I think they will come to be my favorite race. Ants are one of the ultimate forms of terrestrial life, working in perfect civilized unison despite the fact they are primal and non-sentient. I'm hoping the Noxter operate in a similar fashion.... that and I'd still really love to see their base as a single organism that grows add-ons rather then building unrealistic bio structures everywhere.

Hey i mentioned the outgrowing base extensions thingy in ur thread for 8472. lol

would be interesting to see implemented tho.

but from what i saw they're not that ant-like... they remind me more of cockroaches.
posted on January 14th, 2009, 10:30 pm
serpicus wrote:
but from what i saw they're not that ant-like... they remind me more of cockroaches.

I meant more-so the society the Noxter operate under when I mentioned ants. Optec mentioned earlier that the Noxter have hierarchy and a social structure. Ants, Bees, and Termites on Earth are on the only insects that operate under such a manner. Cockroaches are usually solitary scavengers or travel in small packs, and they are very disorganized. Based on some of the units the Noxter had in V2 such as the Queen, I see them fitting very well into the category of social insects rather then refuse scavengers. The Zerg from Starcraft are similar to this, the only major difference is the Zerg have human-like sentience and are capable of grasping concepts such as math and science which the Noxter are not capable of because their intellectual evolution is so different from most sentient species like humans.

So essentially I see the Noxter as giant space ants in behavior. By 'human' standards they are primitive and non-sentient, though much like Ants on earth they are in their own way sentient through their course of evolution.
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