Noxter an 8472 clone?
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posted on January 14th, 2009, 10:46 pm
Last edited by Anonymous on January 14th, 2009, 10:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Undying Nephalim wrote:I meant more-so the society the Noxter operate under when I mentioned ants. Optec mentioned earlier that the Noxter have hierarchy and a social structure. Ants, Bees, and Termites on Earth are on the only insects that operate under such a manner. Cockroaches are usually solitary scavengers or travel in small packs, and they are very disorganized. Based on some of the units the Noxter had in V2 such as the Queen, I see them fitting very well into the category of social insects rather then refuse scavengers. The Zerg from Starcraft are similar to this, the only major difference is the Zerg have human-like sentience and are capable of grasping concepts such as math and science which the Noxter are not capable of because their intellectual evolution is so different from most sentient species like humans.
So essentially I see the Noxter as giant space ants in behavior. By 'human' standards they are primitive and non-sentient, though much like Ants on earth they are in their own way sentient through their course of evolution.
ok. I was only referring to their appearance - and that too only their appearance in beta, based on what they looked like when i played. Couldn't actually discern noxter social patterns from the game.

posted on January 14th, 2009, 11:50 pm
To nitpick, Undying Nephalim, ant, bees, and termites really are not the only insects that have heirachy and social structure (plenty of wasps do... not to mention zorapterans) 
The zerg also were composed of many different species whose genetic material was manipulated by the infectious nature of zerg and later the overmind.
.... and back on topic

The zerg also were composed of many different species whose genetic material was manipulated by the infectious nature of zerg and later the overmind.
.... and back on topic

posted on January 15th, 2009, 2:52 pm
Space Ants: Noxter
Space Termites: 8472
Space Bees: Borg
I can't remember precisely how analogies are set up
, but I've compiled all of this info from what people have been saying in the forums. Hopefully, this gets my point across.
To say something off-topic, Optec, you REALLY like the Cloak and Shifty-eyed smilies, don't you?
Space Termites: 8472
Space Bees: Borg
I can't remember precisely how analogies are set up

To say something off-topic, Optec, you REALLY like the Cloak and Shifty-eyed smilies, don't you?

posted on January 15th, 2009, 4:38 pm
Megaman3321 wrote:Space Ants: Noxter
Space Termites: 8472
Space Bees: Borg
I can't remember precisely how analogies are set up, but I've compiled all of this info from what people have been saying in the forums. Hopefully, this gets my point across.
To say something off-topic, Optec, you REALLY like the Cloak and Shifty-eyed smilies, don't you?
Why are 8472 Termites tho.
they have no single queen. in fact Boothby (not sure i got the name of the old guy right) mentioned several opinions and a fed govt style councilship, when he mentioned "superiors" accepting Voyager's peace proposal. the discord and individuality displayed by the individual 8472 members was more akin to humanoid species than Borg or any other hive/colony minded insects.
Not much order there.
In fact the only association that can come to mind for termites and 8472 is the texture on the ships. But that;s more a generic carapace effect.
posted on January 15th, 2009, 5:11 pm
serpicus wrote:Why are 8472 Termites tho.
they have no single queen. in fact Boothby (not sure i got the name of the old guy right) mentioned several opinions and a fed govt style councilship, when he mentioned "superiors" accepting Voyager's peace proposal. the discord and individuality displayed by the individual 8472 members was more akin to humanoid species than Borg or any other hive/colony minded insects.
Not much order there.
In fact the only association that can come to mind for termites and 8472 is the texture on the ships. But that;s more a generic carapace effect.
Better yet, they're a form of cockroach that has a hierarchy.
posted on January 15th, 2009, 6:36 pm
Megaman3321 wrote:Better yet, they're a form of cockroach that has a hierarchy.


posted on July 4th, 2009, 9:01 am
Galefury wrote: I'm curious to hear how Noxter sounds like...
And I am curious to know what Noxter tastes like...
Bumping this because of all the recent questions about the Noxter backstory that have been raised by the recent announcement that they're coming...
posted on July 4th, 2009, 9:51 am
i think they will sound like a mix of click and scream sounds, a bit zerg-like
posted on July 4th, 2009, 11:33 am
Due to the fact that space does not support Dolby Surround Sound... I would rather see a telepathic way or eh... signs as a language ^^
posted on July 4th, 2009, 5:35 pm
I really like the Noxter, and while they are completely separate, I think that there is some kind of connection between Species 8472, and the Noxter.
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