Guide Problems/Errors
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posted on September 7th, 2011, 7:43 pm
On the "Adding a Ship / Station" tutorial page, the links to the "Ship ODF Template" and the "ODF Breakdown" - under the "Vessel and Weapon ODF Creation" section are linked wrong. The links point to, as an example, "ship-template", which, as it is now, it should be pointing to "tutorials/templates/etc.". I wasn't sure if you knew about it, but here's a heads-up either way.
posted on September 7th, 2011, 8:31 pm
Thanks :) Seems a bunch of links were broken on that page and never noticed  :sweatdrop:
posted on September 22nd, 2011, 11:52 am
Intelligence Report: United Federation of Planets:

The steamrunner is no longer a warp-in vessel, even though the description here says it is.

The title/header for the Teutoburg class: The font isn't Bold and the size isn't bigger.

The Teutoburg class isn't listed in the table of contents.

The Descent class isn't stated as warp-in in the apocrypha, while all the other warp-ins are stated as a emergency warp-in vessel. Is this intentional?

The Nebula refits are much more common warp-ins now. This is not stated in the Nebula description.

Is the Okinawa class still in the mixed-tech yards? Haven't seen it. I might have missed it though ;)

I hope this helps ;)
posted on September 22nd, 2011, 3:30 pm
Hiya :)

The Apocryphal section is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate inbetween versions etc, because it's more of a 'long-term' view thing :) . I also don't like to remove information until we decide that new stuff can be put up to take its place - especially if certain ships will have special characteristics in their redo (like for the Steamrunner) :). Consider the Apocrypha somewhat disjunct from gameplay, because often short term balancing takes precedence over longer storyline features which will be fleshed out in the redoes (like with the Nebula commonness).

It's not intentional to include or not include the Descent - the Ambassador and I think a few others don't have that expressly stated either. Since the Okinawa has already been publicly announced as for the mixed-tech, I thought it was best to describe it as such in the Apocrypha too.

Corrected the Teuto mistake, thanks :)

Eventually the Apocrypha will be replaced by a historical database of all things FO - for now the guide's version is largely just a frozen-in-time snapshot for enjoyment, rather than planning, purposes.  :sweatdrop:
posted on September 22nd, 2011, 9:07 pm
Alright. I was reading through it and that was what I noticed.
posted on September 22nd, 2011, 10:25 pm
Add this portion to the Bug/Crash Checklist under:

A unit does not show up as an icon in the construction vessel, yard, or refit it was supposed to build from

The ODF file does not have proper formatting for the newline character.  In Notepad++, click on the "Show All Characters" button and ensure that the newline characters are [CR][LF].  If they're not, then do a search and replace for one of the following conditions.

a) - If the character being displayed is [LF] for the newline character, replace n with rn.
b) - If the character being displayed is [CR] for the newline character, replace r with rn.

All of your newline characters should now read [CR][LF].
posted on September 23rd, 2011, 4:33 am
Denarius wrote:Alright. I was reading through it and that was what I noticed.
Denarius wrote:Alright. I was reading through it and that was what I noticed.

Yup, it's no problem - continue to point out what you see as mistaken. The feedback is always desired :) . The Apocrypha is kind of a stepchild creation....

TChapman500 wrote:Add this portion to the Bug/Crash Checklist under[...]

Erm... if you aren't using a new line for each command of course it won't work  ^-^ See here for more ODF syntax questions :)
posted on December 20th, 2011, 6:41 pm
I don't know if this the place to report this, but I found this broken link

posted on December 20th, 2011, 7:32 pm
I'd PM Dominus about it. It looks like that page has been moved to Modding Guidelines - The Hitchhiker's Guide to Fleet Operations

It was probably done during a redesign of the Guide.
posted on December 20th, 2011, 9:13 pm
Hi, where did you find the broken page? :)
posted on January 9th, 2012, 5:21 pm
Sorry it took so long but I didn't read your reply.

I was reading this Modding and Miscellaneous - The Hitchhiker's Guide to Fleet Operations in this exact location:

What sort of permissions do I need to mod Fleet Operations?
Please contact Optec first before redoing stuff from Fleet Operations, as Fleet Operations contains some third party work that they have exclusive distribution rights for, and therefore further permissions must be obtained. Optec has no problems with his textures being modified in the scope of a Fleet Operations mod, but there are other texturers involved as well. Always check the readme for credit information. If you want to make sure nothing is missed, feel free to send Optec a list of textures/files that you want to release that are based on FO material. Optec can then acknowledge that you have all the required permissions. If you are releasing work for Fleet Operations that is not based on Fleet Operations material, then you don't need permissions from our side: you are free to mod Fleet Operations, you just should talk with the original author if it’s not your own work that you want to release. The Fleet Operations staff does not ban people.

Here are some basic "rules" from Optec himself: Modding Guidelines    <======= Here is the broken link
posted on January 9th, 2012, 7:37 pm
Thanks, should be corrected now :)
posted on January 9th, 2012, 9:36 pm
:thumbsup: yup is corrected. Thanks
posted on January 24th, 2012, 2:59 pm
I noticed 2 things in the Dominion Unit Analysis page under the V-13 area. There it is described as a medium sized ship but the Dominion Database page has it as Large sized. Also the description of Excessive Strike on the Dominion Unit Analysis page talks about ships with Single Stage Energy Circuits but elsewhere they are called Conduits.
posted on January 24th, 2012, 4:26 pm
Sorry about that, a few careless mistakes - thanks for pointing them out :)
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