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posted on January 12th, 2012, 9:12 pm
The only ship i saw as a spellcaster is the leahval an OP one at that like having of OP wizzards that can cast a spell to insta heal themselves as well guh id really like to find out what's happening with them.

Exciting stuff tho.
posted on January 12th, 2012, 9:27 pm
They gain an extra phaser array for a short time, free of micromanagement hassle

Thanks for the clarification.
posted on January 12th, 2012, 9:29 pm
And people were already complaining about the nova special...
posted on January 12th, 2012, 9:39 pm
Arash8472 wrote:YES!!!! More ways to kill Borg Fragile Scube/Probes who have no repair facility and have very little regeneration ability with little or no effort on the federation's part!


  I'm sure Borg will get some new nasty things that will have the Fed players screaming "Oh Nooooooooo!" :D
posted on January 12th, 2012, 9:50 pm
Boggz wrote:

  I'm sure Borg will get some new nasty things that will have the Fed players screaming "Oh Nooooooooo!" :D

Or perhaps the devs will wait 2-3 patches for the Borg to catch up.
Let's face it: beating up Borg is about the best thing in FO
posted on January 12th, 2012, 10:20 pm
Cathartic, innit?

Andre27 wrote:And people were already complaining about the nova special...

Well, to be honest, Photon torpedos do far more damage than phasers. If they hit.
Though, I guess it would be hilarious if the Can would get a few minutes of bloody glory before being nerfed back into oblivion with the next patch.
posted on January 12th, 2012, 10:54 pm
Nutter wrote:Cathartic, innit?

Well, to be honest, Photon torpedos do far more damage than phasers. If they hit.
Though, I guess it would be hilarious if the Can would get a few minutes of bloody glory before being nerfed back into oblivion with the next patch.

It'd be nice if the borg got somthing like that EVERY patch, oh wait,
thats what 3.2.5 was for. lol.
posted on January 12th, 2012, 11:34 pm
Boggz wrote:I'm sure Borg will get some new nasty things that will have the Fed players screaming "Oh Nooooooooo!"

the only thing the fed will be saying when they face the borg will be "Ah Oh Yes ooo more more plz more *BOOM* Borg Ship Destroyed"

Here I made  a video if you are having a difficult time understanding what I Mean.....


AND what i WANT is this . . .


posted on January 12th, 2012, 11:38 pm
lol that would be an awesome special weapon for the vet intrep. fly close and invade the enemy personal space, then self destruct, but don't die.
posted on January 12th, 2012, 11:40 pm
Nutter wrote:Cathartic, innit?

Well, to be honest, Photon torpedos do far more damage than phasers. If they hit.
Though, I guess it would be hilarious if the Can would get a few minutes of bloody glory before being nerfed back into oblivion with the next patch.

But heavy torpedo engagements are usually mid-late game. Boost phasers for the feds and other sides have a potential nightmare on their hands.

Right now it all depends on what tricks the Rommies, Klingons and Dominion can bring to counter the federation onslaught. The Borg can take phasers pretty good, but the other races..
posted on January 12th, 2012, 11:56 pm
only larger borg ships are able to take phaser hits and not care but when there are many phasers it hurts...
posted on January 13th, 2012, 12:10 am
Unless i am mistaken and/or this will change in the next patch, the Borg only have a single vessel with a small chassis. Everything else is medium/large sized which in turn means that beam weapons are less effective against those chassis.

Add a decent to good system value and the option to add regeneration to almost each vessel and you have a pretty damn good resistance against beams.

I've never seen a beam based fleet win against a borg opponent. Torpedoes are a necessity against the borg.
posted on January 13th, 2012, 12:14 am
Looks Awesome  :thumbsup: Cant wait to play it!
posted on January 13th, 2012, 12:15 am
beams arent less effective against large sized stuff, they do the same damage to all sizes. the difference is that torps are less effective against small, and keep all their effectiveness against large.

this will probably all disappear in the next patch with profiles. torps will hit defensive ships more, as these ships are trying to get shot to cover the other ships.

presumably offensive ships will get the dodge rate against torps.

if you beam spam against borg you run the risk of them putting a 3 beam sphere up front to tank. i tested a 3 beam sphere against b5s once, it worked really well.
posted on January 13th, 2012, 12:18 am
We'll see how it turns out, but i think that we'll see a lot of complaining about the feds in the next patch and mostly by those who now hail the new Canaveral specials.
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