How to make newbies advance in MP?
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posted on June 20th, 2010, 4:05 pm
If I may be so bold, there is a strategy guide for Fleet Ops You can follow it through my signature
Welcome to the forums mate
Welcome to the forums mate
posted on June 20th, 2010, 4:31 pm
yes, that was the one i was talking about. pretty nice. but my main problem is, that in mps are so many jobs to do at the same time, that i have to focus on a few. im most games (had 5 if im not wrong) i maybe read about 10% of the chat, because i tried to eco micro and build ships. i got also a lag with noticing enemy fleets.
something like ts would be nice for the game. so you can give more easy advices and noobs like me can listen more easy. would be also good for strategy.
i dont like the chatsystem, because if i lost something there is no way to get it back, even if noone else said something after that.
oh and dont get me wrong, i really like the mod.
something like ts would be nice for the game. so you can give more easy advices and noobs like me can listen more easy. would be also good for strategy.
i dont like the chatsystem, because if i lost something there is no way to get it back, even if noone else said something after that.
oh and dont get me wrong, i really like the mod.
posted on June 20th, 2010, 4:40 pm
Well, I occasionally use a mic to talk to people in the game - you could set that up with other folk as well . Of course, you will get better at micromanagement as time goes on
posted on June 20th, 2010, 4:48 pm
how? i never heard anyone talking ingame
posted on June 20th, 2010, 4:50 pm
Well, I use Yahoo Messenger (which is free) and plug my mike into it, voila! . Windows Live Messenger works as well . There is a teamspeak server for FO as well, but most people don't have mikes so what's the point
posted on June 20th, 2010, 9:15 pm
BlueGraxxon wrote:I just wanted to touch on something in response to what Arash said earlier, even though it has nothing to do with this topic.
I agree that when an opponent is defeated but hiding a scout somewhere cloaked, that that's when you say gg and quit the game. Unfortunately, he is referring to a game where the opponents had 5 tac cubes and about 3 or 4 spheres hiding in a blue nebula. I understand that some players may get a little prideful of their huge fleets of ships and may not want to sacrifice 5-10 ships to finish the game, but I enjoy a good last ditch fight to complete the fun I had in the game. I say if the winners have huge fleets, then they should give it a last hurrah and send them in to win the game. And if those players with the 5 tac cubes and that big rommi ship were newbs, then the game would have been over a lot sooner. Also, the enemy knew exactly where the cubes were, but refused to rush them. So the losing team was accused of keeping the game going for too long. LOL
I played Roms in that. I can't say whether I did well or not, but hiding my last ship (Tavara) just behind the blue nebula with a bunch of Cubes that I helped finance was fun. I never got why there was such hesitance to attack us though; its not like there were real people on real ships... nobody is going to chastise you for the needless loss of life after you win.
posted on June 20th, 2010, 9:29 pm
ERm ....
Well Cubes in a blue fluid Nebulae = lose for ANYONE that goes into that nebula. I think it sounds like the people who were "winning" were very concerned at the idea that if they walked their shieldless ships into a blue neb filled with Cubes, they might very well lose those ships and the game would be lost.
On the other hand: they could always just sit back and WAIT while they built up a fleet large enough to crush whatever was hiding. Either way doesn't sound very appealing.
Well Cubes in a blue fluid Nebulae = lose for ANYONE that goes into that nebula. I think it sounds like the people who were "winning" were very concerned at the idea that if they walked their shieldless ships into a blue neb filled with Cubes, they might very well lose those ships and the game would be lost.
On the other hand: they could always just sit back and WAIT while they built up a fleet large enough to crush whatever was hiding. Either way doesn't sound very appealing.
posted on June 20th, 2010, 10:03 pm
Yeah, the only way to avoid that really is to shell the nebula with Serkas or Hypers to try and force them to get out. Any other method is going to result in a tremendous kill rate for Borg.
posted on June 21st, 2010, 12:30 am
Last edited by Gorgo Primus on June 21st, 2010, 12:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
Boggz wrote:ERm ....
Well Cubes in a blue fluid Nebulae = lose for ANYONE that goes into that nebula. I think it sounds like the people who were "winning" were very concerned at the idea that if they walked their shieldless ships into a blue neb filled with Cubes, they might very well lose those ships and the game would be lost.
On the other hand: they could always just sit back and WAIT while they built up a fleet large enough to crush whatever was hiding. Either way doesn't sound very appealing.
They had about 100 ships + each, and once they actually went and attacked they killed us in less then 2 min with only 50 ships or less killed. Its also worth noting that that was all we had left - no buildings or anything.
Oh well.
posted on June 21st, 2010, 3:10 am
Phoenix wrote:Nah, tutorials aren't the answer. A tutorial can become outdated, can be outsmarted, lacks replay value and ulitmately is only a simulation of the very thing it's trying to teach. New players will advance by playing better players, if they are willing to learn from them.
We actually plan to do a series of videos that will be easy to maintain and update, but first we are going to start out by offering tips and to show what mistakes new players makes and how they can avoid making them.
Heres are some examples of what we plan to talk about
Staying cloaked while your ally engages in a big battle, and similarly cloaking when getting out of the battle (leaving only your ally's forces to be pounded).
Not focusing on the same big targets your ally focuses on (I.E. starbases, Cubes, Spheres)
Attacking the starbase first, instead of surrounding structures.
Attacking the strongest units first.
Not expanding and not expanding after having been pushed back. Mining with only 2 miners for non Borg or even 4.
Not looking at the minimap when someone says they are being attacked... and you say "where!?"
Not automatically giving you a few hundred dilithium and tritanium when your main base is under attack (to upgrade).
Not being stingy - i.e. giving resources with a delay (easier to give then to have to say "yes, I only want 145, I'll give you back the rest later I promise")
Never going out to attack and instead building a WALL of turrets.
Sending your entire fleet after a single target, even if it is just a destroyer or two.
So if you have any suggestions they are certainly welcome.
posted on June 21st, 2010, 3:24 am
If someone's new, they may not know about what's frowned upon in multiplayer. As far as I know, the guides list isn't a complete one.
posted on June 21st, 2010, 3:35 am
Tyler wrote:If someone's new, they may not know about what's frowned upon in multiplayer. As far as I know, the guides list isn't a complete one.
The list is complete (in the sense that it includes everything that is agreed upon right now) except for some particular abilities that are best not to bring attention to and are always avoided online anyway
posted on June 21st, 2010, 2:42 pm
New players just need a little guidance and encouragement. The more a new player plays in online mode the better they will become, I mean look at Butterbread as a example, hes turned into a great player.
posted on June 22nd, 2010, 12:45 am
Bigmachk wrote:New players just need a little guidance and encouragement. The more a new player plays in online mode the better they will become, I mean look at Butterbread as a example, hes turned into a great player.
The vets will always be there to help out. Sometimes there are times when the "old" players want to have a game with other very good players and that's ok. I hope no one takes offense to it . Coaching a new player takes a lot of focus and patience from the coach and it can be a very trying experience for both players (new and old ) , so there are times when it's fun for older players to have a romp with each other .
posted on June 22nd, 2010, 2:19 am
well said boggz! btw 1 more post till you hit 1700
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