Ramming Etiquette
Here you can arrange online encounters and reminisce over past online battles.
posted on August 26th, 2009, 7:25 pm
Last edited by funnystuffpictures on August 27th, 2009, 8:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- B'rels
- Other Bugs
- Ok. After playin a few games againt the dominion, I was wondering,when is it ok to ram?
For example:
Warpins? You can ram them right. I say no. You may argue itss the Dominion's only edge, right? Instead of ramming everything, why dont you keep your bugs and use them in large numbers? Add a few Intercetpton creisers and you are realy powerfull! If you ram the federation warpins you have taken away their only production advantage and have most likely allready won.
This is what I think is ok to ram:
UPDATE: Here is a video of the worst possible etiquette:
- [li]Borg
- [li]And any ship that has a higher defense of 30
The purpose if this thread is to form a standard rule for raming, and to share each other's opinions on what is acceptabe
posted on August 26th, 2009, 7:48 pm
well, ramming is instant kill for destroyers and light cruisers. So ships like brels, kvorts, sabres, monsoons, intrepids, rhienn and shrike are most likely to be targeted for ramming. On larger ships it's a waste because even if you do substantial hull damage, the shields are intact and you'll still need to bring them down
posted on August 26th, 2009, 7:50 pm
ramming will kill larger ships engines
posted on August 26th, 2009, 8:35 pm
... Leaving the large ship motionless in the middle of a swarm of hostile ships.
As for the thread subject, I feel there's no need for "etiquette" in ramming. You do it when you feel like it will bring advantage to you.
As for the thread subject, I feel there's no need for "etiquette" in ramming. You do it when you feel like it will bring advantage to you.
posted on August 26th, 2009, 9:12 pm
Last edited by funnystuffpictures on August 26th, 2009, 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
DarthThanatos wrote:... Leaving the large ship motionless in the middle of a swarm of hostile ships.
As for the thread subject, I feel there's no need for "etiquette" in ramming. You do it when you feel like it will bring advantage to you.
Is a player getting mad and quiting an advantage? If you do not have etiquette they will ata quit.
posted on August 26th, 2009, 9:26 pm
So basically...it's not okay for the Dominion to use ramming because it gives them an advantage, but it's fine for the Federation to warp-in powerful ships for free and attack with them?
And no, a player getting mad and quitting isn't an advantage - it's just childish
And no, a player getting mad and quitting isn't an advantage - it's just childish

posted on August 26th, 2009, 10:04 pm
Last edited by funnystuffpictures on August 28th, 2009, 1:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
blazing_gig wrote:So basically...it's not okay for the Dominion to use ramming because it gives them an advantage, but it's fine for the Federation to warp-in powerful ships for free and attack with them?
And no, a player getting mad and quitting isn't an advantage - it's just childish
Cheating maybe an advantage but it not appreciated. If warpins cause you damage why not simply attack their mining. Dont ram them. And Quiting because someone is not fair and basicaly cheating is not being childish. It would be childish for them to continue.
posted on August 26th, 2009, 10:16 pm
Using ramming in an indiscriminate way is NOT cheating, I think it's too wasteful, but not cheating. I think the majority of players will agree with this.
Someone that gets pissed and quits because the battle takes an unexpected turn is immature. I've got my behind kicked several times, and every time I've acknowledged the defeat, pissed or not. Life has taught me that you can have an "undefeateable strategy" until someone else defeats it. It's just how things are.
Also, personally, I think that using the Dominion fighters for base defense is not cheating, but dropping them in a human player enemy base is. So for me defensive use is OK, offensive use is cheating. I feel I'm alone in this subject, though.
Someone that gets pissed and quits because the battle takes an unexpected turn is immature. I've got my behind kicked several times, and every time I've acknowledged the defeat, pissed or not. Life has taught me that you can have an "undefeateable strategy" until someone else defeats it. It's just how things are.
Also, personally, I think that using the Dominion fighters for base defense is not cheating, but dropping them in a human player enemy base is. So for me defensive use is OK, offensive use is cheating. I feel I'm alone in this subject, though.

posted on August 26th, 2009, 10:41 pm
funnystuffpictures wrote:
Ok. After playin a few games againt the dominion, I was wondering,when is it ok to ram?
Oh, please! Come on, guys

I really appreciate your thoughts about the feelings of your opponents but where does this lead us?
As DarthThanatos already said every race has its advantages and disadvantages.
If we start a discussion about when it is okay to use certain special abitilities like ramming we'll have to discuss when it is okay to warp in or to assimilate.
This is a game.
If someone feels pissed of because his opponent uses the special abilities of his ships I think of that as his very own problem.
If someone wants to crash his bugs into my ships, fine then. It sucks, but at least one bug is gone.
If someone assimilates my ships, that's okay, because that's what Borg usually do: assimilate.
If someone sneaks into my base, decloakes and wipes the floor with my stations, it's okay, because it was me in the first place who didn't manage to build a defense against cloaked fleets.
If someone feels annoyed because someone else uses the abilities he has, he or she should complain about balancing but not about his or her opponent.
And talking about balancing we often enough heard and learned that balancing is just fine. Keep improving your tactics instead.
posted on August 26th, 2009, 10:48 pm
Why would anyone consider ramming cheating is beyond me. How about Canaveral's sensor blackout, or maybe the all-powerful warpin?
Ramming is working as its supposed to, not dealing too high damage to buildings but considrable to ships. Untill its changed by the team I see no reason not to use it when it suits your needs. When the ship is about to ram it slows down and they have low defence, do the math.
I guess people are actually complaining when people build death squads of bugs, whose only purpose is to ram an enemy ship. Well if your enemy really is that stupid and will throw away ships just like that, Id rejoice to be honest.
Honestly, I can see people being pissed when others use an obvious exploit (aka the C11 cascade feedback atm), but to actually whine and even rage-quit because you cant deal with an unit, then your just not made to play online. Sorry to say so, but it is true.
BTW: While I was writing this another post was submitted, by The Old Man. He basically said just about everything I wanted to, but Ill post mine too, so I didnt waste my time
Ramming is working as its supposed to, not dealing too high damage to buildings but considrable to ships. Untill its changed by the team I see no reason not to use it when it suits your needs. When the ship is about to ram it slows down and they have low defence, do the math.
I guess people are actually complaining when people build death squads of bugs, whose only purpose is to ram an enemy ship. Well if your enemy really is that stupid and will throw away ships just like that, Id rejoice to be honest.
Honestly, I can see people being pissed when others use an obvious exploit (aka the C11 cascade feedback atm), but to actually whine and even rage-quit because you cant deal with an unit, then your just not made to play online. Sorry to say so, but it is true.
BTW: While I was writing this another post was submitted, by The Old Man. He basically said just about everything I wanted to, but Ill post mine too, so I didnt waste my time

posted on August 26th, 2009, 11:46 pm
if its a known bug and somebody is abusing it i wont play with him again. if its an ability that is a little OP then just counter it with your OP ability

posted on August 27th, 2009, 12:03 am
Last edited by funnystuffpictures on August 28th, 2009, 2:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
If ramming is ok then why is it getting nerfed nexed patch? And bugs are fast and hard to dodge? I have trouble enough avoiding them with a bunch of sabers! And how is losing an excellsior II (700 dil and 230 tri) to a bug (200 di and 60 tri) balanced? 

posted on August 27th, 2009, 12:10 am
Well, we know that the Bug's collision damage is getting drastically reduced next patch because of at least two major reasons/exploits Baron.
One, it can be exploited to kill off an opponent's mining and construction at the very beginning thereby winning the game with only 3-4 Bugs or it can be exploited later to kill of mining and construction with little hope of killing the Bug before it completes it task.
Two, it kills all vessels with a defensive value of 30 and below in one ram, thereby making it possible and efficient to only build Bugs the entire game. You don't need to tech up at all to win with them.
As the Devs have said, this was not intended. I'd call that reason enough to name incessant use of collision as a "balancing error". Calling it a bug is a bit tricky, because it wasn't a mistake like the Dominion Fighter's stats, or the C-11's cascade... but it was still not intended to be abused in the way it is right now.
One, it can be exploited to kill off an opponent's mining and construction at the very beginning thereby winning the game with only 3-4 Bugs or it can be exploited later to kill of mining and construction with little hope of killing the Bug before it completes it task.
Two, it kills all vessels with a defensive value of 30 and below in one ram, thereby making it possible and efficient to only build Bugs the entire game. You don't need to tech up at all to win with them.
As the Devs have said, this was not intended. I'd call that reason enough to name incessant use of collision as a "balancing error". Calling it a bug is a bit tricky, because it wasn't a mistake like the Dominion Fighter's stats, or the C-11's cascade... but it was still not intended to be abused in the way it is right now.
posted on August 27th, 2009, 12:32 am
Though I think in actuality that if you rammed something that it would do quite a bit of damage...
posted on August 27th, 2009, 12:44 am
Well, in Star Trek lore it shouldn't as shields should protect against anything that size. Even a Sovereign ramming didn't do *that* much damage.
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