Ramming Etiquette

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posted on August 27th, 2009, 7:33 pm
I need to agree that ramming is really OP at the moment and currently just an impolite gesture. Nevertheless the problem was dedented by the devs and will be resolved.

As the etiquette discussion will thus become unnecesary (at least for this feature) with the next patch I'd like to ask of you doing something constructive:

Please all tell how much defensive-value a ship should have to be destroyed by a ramming. I'd vote for a defense-value of 22.

Nearly killing a Excelsior Warpin but only nearly, will kill a monsoon. (Hmm... still very dangerous for mny klingon romulan and dominion vessels)

(If the nerfing is already fixed and the devs dont need our opinion any more please tell and I'll revoke my call)
posted on August 27th, 2009, 7:40 pm
Well, I suspect that most of us that don't like playing as Federation would love to see the Saber put in its place, that is, medium range weapons and lower defense value OR sensibly increased their construction price. But that won't happen.

Talk about cookie cutter tactics, and yet, still trying to please all those Fed-lovers with moar ships.  :angry:

Honestly, a lot of people don't pick Klingon or Romulan for being "too weak" ( anyone sees an implicit IMBALANCE in here? ) and the borg in the hands of a IA or the borg in the hands of a human player are two entirely different things. So the only race that has chances of evening the odds against the Feds, the Dominion, gets cried "cheat" at every turn. I agree the Dominion Fighters have too much durability ( defense + system ) and that should be addressed. I don't know about the bugs, because I don't like kamikaze tactics, but playing against the IA (normal and hard) I didn't see the bugs as a threat. Of course, humans are more devious than the AI. :)

What will be next? "The Dominion player is CHEATING! He built a Shipyard!!! It's not fair!"  :sweatdrop:
posted on August 27th, 2009, 7:44 pm
ramming stations and civil vessels, or ramming with un-leveled attack destroyers wont be efficent in the next patch, so the etiquette will be enforced :thumbsup:
posted on August 27th, 2009, 8:13 pm
You imply there is no need for us to discuss a future strength of bugs, right?

If you think the feds are (besides the assim Borg IMO) a way stronger than all other races I do agree with you. But I think thats not a real problem as ther always has to be one slightly easier race for the noobs to have a little chance. (which doesnt mean that professional fed players do a noobish job, no way). see it as a challenge. When you defeated a good fed player you an be especially proud of youself.  :D  Believe in the founders and you will have success with a nerved ramming too.
posted on August 27th, 2009, 8:41 pm
hehe i remember game like that... i couldn't do anything  :crybaby:

no miners
no constructors
no warpins
posted on August 27th, 2009, 8:50 pm
Baleful wrote:SO????

i dont want to start anything with anyone, i think we are all here for the love of the game, but...

having read the title, and watching that halirious video, i gota say... 

Time to put on your big boy panties and GROW UP.

i dont pretend to be strategically gifted, hell, i cant even figure out how to play a real person online, but your stratagies were comical. no wonder you got spanked so hard, and so quick.

     1)     how about you DON'T decommission your ONLY Starbase. (just a thought)
     2)     decomisioning any station is a waste of time and resources, (you dont seem to get them back)
     3)     maybe BOOST your starbase's weapons so it doesnt take 6 shots to destroy a single bug.

again,  i dont mean to overly offend anyone, but sometimes you need to verbally smack someone to get their attention to listen.

Remember, a defeat is never truely a loss, so long as you LEARN FROM IT.

My starbase was pointless. As dominus said I had no resources. Upgrading the starbase doesnt work. Mort and I have tried that. The only thing I could do was build sabers to make it hard to ram.
posted on August 27th, 2009, 9:00 pm

There is nothing that says what is appropriate to ram! What, do I have to ask an AI "Is it okay if I ram this ship?" or "Is it okay if I spam you mining expansion?"

PLEASE! THINK BEFORE FIXING! This is getting to the point where I would rather give the enemy 50000 dil and 30000 tri and then ask them to spam myself instead! I'd rather do that than use a Ramming that has the etiquette thingy acutally put in.  >:(
posted on August 27th, 2009, 9:36 pm
Oh observe the irony at place. Do you all remember when the Norways were the be-all-end-all ships and everyone knew about it? Yeah, did the federation players stopped using the warpcoil? Yeah, not really. Well untill it was inforced in a patch, then they were forced to actually use their brain OMG!
And remember, with the warpcoil all you had to do is aim at the GENERAL direction of the enemy fleet and all ships were instantly owned :D With the ram ability, at least you have to use micro (a bit) lol
Remember the opposing argument from the Federation players? Spread your forces, HAHA. Well, now keep yours away from the bugs ;)

As we just heared from Optec, this supposed OPness will be fixed in the next patch. Also the next patch is supposed to be ready soon (as I heared) so untill then, the Dominion players, go wild and rape the Federation warp-in, IMBA exploiting basterds. Payback is a bitch ;)

Oh and on a side note, I couldnt care less for a video that shows an mediocre player going against one of the top. Of course he fricking lost. Make a video with Dom as the Romulans and you the Federation and lets see how well you cope, maybe then everyone will start whining about the Roms being OP.
I remember a time when the Dominion weren't finished as a race and they only had T15 and B5 available from the second yard. I was still able to go against anyone comfortably and win most of the time. So what does that prove, that they were unbalanced? Yeah, didnt think so. The skill is always more important than the races involved, remember than folks.

I dont mean to be harsh, but Im just a wee bit drunk atm and some statements just piss me off. Anyways, this will be resolved soon enough :)

Oh and BTW, quite some time ago I proposed an idea about the ramming ability of the bugs being automatic of the leveled up ships. It was in the wolf pack idea thread. I think that would fix everything and they would still be able to keep the ramming strenght high enough , so it wasnt UP. Too bad not enough peopople listened then, I guess :)
posted on August 27th, 2009, 9:57 pm
Dominus_Noctis wrote:Oh really? Because I think they'd say "Our shields were down:lol: ;)

Shh, you weren't supposed to notice!  :lol:
posted on August 27th, 2009, 10:17 pm
-=B!G=-The Black Baron wrote:Words full of wisdom.


As for your oh-so vulnerable mining stations and civilian ships, protect them better. :P
posted on August 27th, 2009, 10:32 pm
I actually do remember, and I also remember asking people to stop using them in numbers and I also remember many people complaining--many of them Federation players--about how overpowered the Plasma Coil was. And guess what--it was fixed because of that! ;) . Guess who made the video push to have the Norway fixed: oh no, it couldn't be! It was! Funnystuffpictures (Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations - Topic changed: Cascade Feedback; What can't it do? Worse than Norways!!!!)  :whistling: I think you owe a slight apology Baron, please?

Funnystuffpictures isn't a bad player, and this video was done merely for dramatic effect--to show what a typical "balanced" game of Federation versus Dominion can be like, so no hard feelings please  ^-^. Interestingly enough, the Federation suffers the least at the hands of this Dominion strategy. Romulan Rhienns die much more easily and can maneuver less easily (and are more expensive), B'rels can't even leave the scene of the crime (well, they do ok against this strategy... but only if you are able to destroy your opponent's expansion given some good luck).

Trust me, collision is quite painful, and of the several times that I've experienced this particular strategy myself, I would have lost all if I hadn't had capitalized on some micromanagement with a few leftover ships. If the opposing players had kept it up, and kept destroying my construction ships and mining, instead of failing to scout properly, I guarantee you that there would have been no way to win. Of course all this debate is pointless for affecting balance: it's about trying to get people to actually resist using exploits and indeed using their brain  :D.

Oh and BTW, quite some time ago I proposed an idea about the ramming ability of the bugs being automatic of the leveled up ships. It was in the wolf pack idea thread. I think that would fix everything and they would still be able to keep the ramming strenght high enough , so it wasnt UP. Too bad not enough peopople listened then, I guess

We listened, don't worry :) I still like the idea to be honest  :D
posted on August 27th, 2009, 11:04 pm
Last edited by funnystuffpictures on August 27th, 2009, 11:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
-=B!G=-The Black Baron wrote:Oh observe the irony at place. Do you all remember when the Norways were the be-all-end-all ships and everyone knew about it? Yeah, did the federation players stopped using the warpcoil? Yeah, not really. Well untill it was inforced in a patch, then they were forced to actually use their brain OMG!
And remember, with the warpcoil all you had to do is aim at the GENERAL direction of the enemy fleet and all ships were instantly owned :D With the ram ability, at least you have to use micro (a bit) lol
Remember the opposing argument from the Federation players? Spread your forces, HAHA. Well, now keep yours away from the bugs ;)

As we just heared from Optec, this supposed OPness will be fixed in the next patch. Also the next patch is supposed to be ready soon (as I heared) so untill then, the Dominion players, go wild and rape the Federation warp-in, IMBA exploiting basterds. Payback is a bitch ;)

Oh and on a side note, I couldnt care less for a video that shows an mediocre player going against one of the top. Of course he fricking lost. Make a video with Dom as the Romulans and you the Federation and lets see how well you cope, maybe then everyone will start whining about the Roms being OP.
I remember a time when the Dominion weren't finished as a race and they only had T15 and B5 available from the second yard. I was still able to go against anyone comfortably and win most of the time. So what does that prove, that they were unbalanced? Yeah, didnt think so. The skill is always more important than the races involved, remember than folks.

I dont mean to be harsh, but Im just a wee bit drunk atm and some statements just piss me off. Anyways, this will be resolved soon enough :)

Oh and BTW, quite some time ago I proposed an idea about the ramming ability of the bugs being automatic of the leveled up ships. It was in the wolf pack idea thread. I think that would fix everything and they would still be able to keep the ramming strenght high enough , so it wasnt UP. Too bad not enough peopople listened then, I guess :)

"I am drunk" Best excuse ever! I will forgo offense cause of that  :lol: Maybe I could play you cause I would have the advantage.
posted on August 27th, 2009, 11:06 pm
Last edited by Baleful on August 27th, 2009, 11:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
funnystuffpictures wrote:My starbase was pointless. As dominus said I had no resources. Upgrading the starbase doesnt work. Mort and I have tried that. The only thing I could do was build sabers to make it hard to ram.

in my humble opinion, you seriously squandered your resources.  

if you tell 3 different people to accomplish the same task, chances are they will find 3 different ways to get there.  it doesn't make one way 'better' than another, a lot of it is simply a matter of opinion.

and IN MY OPINION, you made grave tactical mistakes.

you squandered your resources early in the game on a 'fleet' of sabers you promptly sent off on a suicide mission.  

look, i dont want to write a novel on what I THINK of as mistakes you made,  no one likes a monday morning quarterback.
posted on August 27th, 2009, 11:08 pm
Actually, you'd be surprised then that the only viable counter I know of to fight this Dominion strategy is to use Mayson and spam Sabers with hyper impulse like there is no tomorrow.  :lol:
posted on August 27th, 2009, 11:19 pm
Last edited by funnystuffpictures on August 28th, 2009, 1:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
Baleful wrote:in my humble opinion, you seriously squandered your resources.  

if you tell 3 different people to accomplish the same task, chances are they will find 3 different ways to get there.  it doesn't make one way 'better' than another, a lot of it is simply a matter of opinion.

and IN MY OPINION, you made grave tactical mistakes.

you squandered your resources early in the game on a 'fleet' of sabers you promptly sent off on a suicide mission.  

look, i dont want to write a novel on what I THINK of as mistakes you made,  no one likes a monday morning quarterback.

Um? what else could I build!!!!!! ?Canaverals!!! No resources!!!  Plus those would just die. Sabers are cheaper and faster and harrder to ram.  And maybe you should watch the video again cause my sabers were not on a suicide mission. I can see why you mightt gett that confused as dominus was doing the sauicide mission. Also, what am I gonna do? Do nothing and die?
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