Web Browsers.

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Question: Which web browser do you use? (pick multiple if you use more than one)

Total votes: 87
Internet Explorer 8.013 votes (15%)
Internet Explorer 7.0 or lower3 votes (3%)
Firefox 3.0 or higher37 votes (43%)
Firefox below 3.01 votes (1%)
Safari4 votes (5%)
Google Chrome21 votes (24%)
Opera7 votes (8%)
Other (please post.)1 votes (1%)
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posted on September 26th, 2010, 7:04 am
Wow jet, all i said is that firefox and ie people should try it out.....

Cus google chrome is faster then ie and firefox in the speed tests and such

Also, have you actually tried google chrome, or firefox, or safari? cus most people are much much happier with these then ie

Ive used ie for a long time, until bout last year when i got google chrome, chrome is faster, downloads faster automatically updates, and just has a clean simple look, without having to use lots of ram like ie 8, and actually is compatible for xp, as opposed to ie9, and even ie 8 turns a blind eye to xp

Also, jet, ie isnt the best broswer....... and were not personally attacking you, were talking about interent broswers.... and why we use some over others, and we arnt disrespecting you, by talking about why we use broswers over another, in fact, that makes no sense, why am i wasting my time on this?

so....... cool your jets  :lol:
posted on September 26th, 2010, 7:39 am
Tyler wrote:Repeat yourelf all you want. If IE is the only one that worked for him, spamming 'Firefox Rulez' isn't going to change a thing.

What was with the 'Nah nah' at the end?

Sarcasm, humour, just posting for laughs.  I know jet isn't going to change his mind.  It was in response to his entire paragraphs of bolded text.  We had a thread not long ago where we got really silly with text effects because someone started overusing bold, font size and other effects.

Thread ended up being locked  :whistling:
posted on September 26th, 2010, 7:43 am
I remember that one... never seen so much color in a forum thread before.
posted on September 26th, 2010, 10:24 am
did someone say that ie8 handling 4 tabs is an accomplishment?

i regularly open 30 tabs in firefox and nothing changes. just uses more ram in the way you would expect, cos more tabs are open. but modern computers have way more ram than any browser can use.

i can open at least 7 youtube videos, in hd res, fully buffered, so all the data is stored on my computer and the ram usage is still far less than the available ram.
posted on September 26th, 2010, 6:42 pm
Well myles then your computer is just special, lol, i think i could get ten on google chrome before i got a big slowdown, but i only have 1gb of ram, actually, i think ive had more then ten open.

But ie 8 is definently ram intensive, it just uses it all up
posted on September 26th, 2010, 6:45 pm
lol my computer isnt special

core duo 1.87 ghz

2 gb ram

i945gm integrated with 224mb ram dedicated as graphics memory.

and i can open 3 rows of tabs with ease.

the only time i do this is when checking the forums. i open all the unread topics.
posted on September 27th, 2010, 3:15 pm
Yeah, I have a computer better than that and got mine up to like 100 tabs (chrome) before it started to slow my computer down.  It was fun. :D

I regularly have 6 tabs up on startup, and it loads 2x as fast as my firefox with only 2.  but addons could be the culprit for that. 
posted on September 27th, 2010, 3:26 pm
On some computers (like the ones at my college), Firefox with 2 addons can take 2 minutes to start if it's the first start after a boot. I'd be very surprised if that was the addons' fault.
posted on September 27th, 2010, 6:59 pm
this thread is really nice :) i personally use chrome. its mainly just an aesthetic choice. it has minimalistic gui and its overall now disturbing me when im browsing. my company provides soft compatible with ie8 and ff therefore i use those two at work. i have also used safari, opera, k-meleon, konqueror, epiphany and some other mutations of popular browsers for some time.
guys, really, in my opinion, it all comes down to personal preference. the fact that one browser is doing 5-10% better in speed test then the other is not so important. the web page will load in 0.8s or 0.85s, now thats 0.05 of life wasted. AND THIS STACKS UP WITH EVERY WEB PAGE :o. the only browser that sucks bad is ie6, ie7 is bad but bearable.

after reading a little flamewar and just for fun and educational purposes, i propose everybody give 5 reasons why you like your browser of choice and/or why you hate some browser (specific version).

here are my reasons why i like firefox:
1. it has a ton of extensions that make my life easier (rg. firebug)
2. its highly customizable, through extensions ^^, so i can have ff for specific purpose (dev, browsing,...)
3. i can have more then one ff on one computer
4. it follows the standards pretty well and doesnt break my web sites (thats not always true, but for the most part)
5. i dont really have 5th reason, i could think of something but im too tired

btw, the purpose of this exercise is to show you that its apple vs oranges battle. if you can come up with 5 reason that are not:
1 pretty colors
2 extensions
3 even more extensions
4 faster
5 better
then i envy you.
posted on September 27th, 2010, 7:43 pm
i like firefox because:

[list type=decimal]
[*]Security - Less issues, and those issues that are found get patched fast.
[*]Addons that are great, each addon should be its own point really.

i dont like most versions of ie because:

[list type=decimal]
[*]security vulernabilities that dont get patched, too highly integrated with windows.
[*]features generally get added as a response to other browsers innovations
[*]historically the way that microsoft raped netscape was disgusting.
[*]sites usually are better in firefox, like the guide.

chrome isnt bad, i like chrome, just its not as good as firefox. i wouldnt be sad using chrome, just im happier with firefox.
posted on September 27th, 2010, 8:04 pm
I like IE8 because,
[list type=decimal]
[*]It's Window's native browser; it's integral with Windows and thus gets updated through Windows, not itself.
[*]It does most everything I want without needing tons of addons; why create more clutter than necessary.
[*]It has a well organized GUI with quick access to major commands, but which is also customizable.
[*]It displays 98% of the sites I visit without issue; and if I have one, compatibility view fixes it.
[*]It's responsive.

tom wrote:guys, really, in my opinion, it all comes down to personal preference. the fact that one browser is doing 5-10% better in speed test then the other is not so important. the web page will load in 0.8s or 0.85s, now thats 0.05 of life wasted. AND THIS STACKS UP WITH EVERY WEB PAGE :o. the only browser that sucks bad is ie6, ie7 is bad but bearable.

Yeah, so if on average a person visits say 200 pages a day (that's a high average probably), then they will loose 10 SECONDS WAITING FOR WEB PAGES. :o What every could they have done with that extra 10 seconds? Blink?

I've tried Firefox and not found anything impressive enough to drag me from IE. I always found that it ran slower than IE and could take a terribly long time to load; web pages loaded equally fast. The only feature that I wanted in IE was the download manager, but IE9 will be getting one, so why bother. I've tried Safari and again, nothing impressive. I've used Chrome a couple times on school machines. I'm not a fan of the minimalist interfaces, and again there was no notable difference in performance.

The only browser which I find notably different is Opera, and it's not for performance reasons. I like it's ability to identify "Next" and "Back" links in pages like image archives, especially "Next" links. It then has a "Fast-forward" button which lets me move right to the next image without having to find the "Next" link. I also like that you can use mouse gestures to navigate. So between these two features I can flip through an image archive like a book and barely move the mouse.

Myles wrote:features generally get added as a response to other browsers innovations

There's nothing wrong with that methodology, Microsoft has simply chosen to lay back and let others experiment. If an idea becomes popular, then they can make their own interpretation. It's easier to add something once which is based off a popular model than to create it from scratch only to have it rejected and have to rip it out or change it.
posted on September 27th, 2010, 8:05 pm
hi since this is a browser threat i was wondering if anyone has the updated version of AdPlus ? it seems to not work with firefox 3.6.1 as i keep getting retarded pop ups and other advertisement ><

unless you guys know  of any other type of ad blocking

also wasn't google chrome suppose to be least secured cuz it's in beta and has high chance of attacks??
posted on September 27th, 2010, 8:13 pm
Atlantisbase wrote:There's nothing wrong with that methodology, Microsoft has simply chosen to lay back and let others experiment. If an idea becomes popular, then they can make their own interpretation. It's easier to add something once which is based off a popular model than to create it from scratch only to have it rejected and have to rip it out or change it.

translation: microsoft has no ideas of its own and just copies the innovations of others.

Arash8472 wrote:hi since this is a browser threat i was wondering if anyone has the updated version of AdPlus ? it seems to not work with firefox 3.6.1 as i keep getting retarded pop ups and other advertisement ><

unless you guys know  of any other type of ad blocking

also wasn't google chrome suppose to be least secured cuz it's in beta and has high chance of attacks??

i use a noscript, it blocks scripts like flash ads by default, u manually tell it to allow scripts from sites u want, like youtube.

it also has other security features which are configured well by default.

i also use adblock plus, it blocks youtube ads which noscript cant block.
posted on September 27th, 2010, 8:13 pm
Last edited by Dircome on September 27th, 2010, 8:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ok five reasons that i like chrome that isnt related to speed. hmm

1. Chrome is an html 5 complaint browser, which give me more options as a web developer. As a user it has built in video and audio tags, that means that websites how have another option besides flash.

2. Chrome has a very robust set of developer tools which i have used to help discover errors in my html code.

3. Its made by Google not Microsoft

4. Since its not as common of a browser it generally doesnt get hacked by virus as much.

5. The way that you can drag out a tab to create a new window is very nice (note i know that this isnt unique to chrome)

6. I prefer the way that incognito browsing is handled in chrome as opposed to the way its implemented in firefox and IE( I gave 6 points because point 3 is kinda weak)

Also this isnt everything its just that tom asked for things that wernt related to speed, its gui, or the extensions.

Why i dont like IE is because

1. I hate the way that HTML/CSS code has to be written because Microsoft refuses to follow WWW Consortium standards

2. There is a glaring security hole in IE. Thanks to Microsoft every computer has it so everyone who writes virus goes in and messes IE up.

3. I dont like the way that downloads are organized i much prefer firefox/chrome methods

I cant think of any other reasons other than lack of speed and lack of addons. I know i started a nice little war back there but that kinda of spilled over from a couple of other threads.
posted on September 27th, 2010, 8:52 pm
i just tried no scrip and it really lags my video's ... but sure does eliminate all the annoying ad and pop ups like when AdPlus did before the new firefox update...
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