3.1.1 Bugs

Program aborts? Network configuration? Graphic errors? Bugs? Post your question here.
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posted on February 7th, 2010, 3:28 pm
Dominus_Noctis wrote:Hm, so far I haven't had any problems with its functionality. Could you described exactly the steps you took with the fleet in question - I'd like to try to replicate it, the more the merrier  :sweatdrop:

At some point when you try to add ships to fleet 1 (let's just say you have 3/4 of a fleet) it will not let you add ships using (Ctrl+Shift+1). If you have a shipyard marked 1 producing ships, then they will add just fine. Yes, the work-around described before will still work, but we feel this is a bug none the less. This does not seem to affect any other fleet #'s just 1. We thought it was limited to just trying to add Warp-Ins, but it has also affected other ships you are attempting to add to fleet 1.

We will track down the cause of this yet. After all resistance is futile!  :borg:
posted on February 8th, 2010, 12:31 pm
Last edited by DOCa Cola on February 8th, 2010, 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
if this is caused by anything else than carrier vessels, please let me know, but the problem should be fixed with the upcoming patch
Dominus_Noctis wrote:Sorry to double post,

When you switch a player into "AI Takeover" all the players ships do a mad dash - which is fine - but no more are produced (and no more stations etc) and the AI goes dead for all practical purposes.  :sweatdrop:

that is how the ai works........  :rofl:
posted on February 8th, 2010, 9:38 pm
DOCa Cola wrote:that is how the ai works........  :rofl:

Hehe, I suppose so :D
posted on February 12th, 2010, 1:57 am
DOCa Cola wrote:if this is caused by anything else than carrier vessels, please let me know, but the problem should be fixed with the upcoming patch

I think that is the problem exactly. We have always had carriers in the fleet we were attempting to add to and thus that created problems. Case solved. Thanks DOCa Cola!  :D
posted on February 24th, 2010, 12:41 am
Something I noticed (and my sister!) in two separate instant action games.

Playing as Klingons - if you have any cloaked ships onscreen with asteroids/nebulas the 'roids/neb's disappear. If you decloak or move the view so that no cloaked ships are visible then they come back (From what my brother tells me this does not happen with the Rommies or Breen). :blink: Weird.
posted on February 24th, 2010, 12:46 am
The more cloaked ships that are on screen, the more likely that bug occurs - just one of those graphical nastinessess that seems to have become much more prevalent since 3.1.0 sadly. Probably the engine upgrades will fix it :)
posted on February 24th, 2010, 1:33 am
Optec wrote:yep stats and costs of all turrets got slightly adjusted

So, it's OK that the Dominion Sensor Platform ( Purebreed Avatar, haven't tried Breen ) is more expensive than the Perimeter Defense?

Or is it a bug?
posted on February 24th, 2010, 2:04 am
It's 3 times the cost of everyone else's sensor platform, but 3 times as powerful as well.  So you really only need to make one of them.  I think they have plans to change how cloak detect works, which will lower the cost for those poor dominion who aren't rolling in dilithium.
posted on February 24th, 2010, 3:42 am

Just for the sake of thoroughness, I checked the Breen Avatar and it's the same:

Perimeter -> 642 dil, 233 tri, 69 sup
Sensor -> 660 dil, 462 tri, 79 sup

At those prices, it better have kick-ass, game-turning performance. A sensor platform more expensive than an upgradeable, armed defense station that also doubles as sensor station and you have a limit of three of those?

What does it do? Jedi mind tricks on any enemy ship in range?
posted on February 24th, 2010, 4:14 am
Well, you need the graviton cloak detect to get vessels that try to run away using cloak.  So you kind of need it regardless.  The dominion sensor can be used 3 times before it runs out of energy, which is better than the other races.  The passive ping has a long range, which means it's actually useful against cloaked ships, unlike the dinky short ranged stations where you can decloak on your target, then move slightly away if you want to cloak.

It's definitely lame, because I really want my Hyperspace sensor, with its sexy graviton passive ping B),  and sadly I have to buy the normal sensor to get it.  Luckily, I'm pretty sure they're changing all of it and life will be good.

What does it do? Jedi mind tricks on any enemy ship in range?

These are not the targets you're looking for..... :shifty:
posted on February 26th, 2010, 12:23 am
I'm reposting this because some people didn't see it before, so I wanted to make sure it wasn't lost.  Dominion Puretech is not getting the full bonus for it's small yard.  Instead of 25% reduced construction time, it appears to be about 15% right now.
posted on February 26th, 2010, 10:58 am
yep has been adressed :) it was not exactly a bug, but a problem on when the construction time reduction is applied math wise. but as the average player has no insight in the precise mechanics, we changed it so that avatar (and similar) bonuses are always applied last, to make their effects most obvious :)
posted on February 26th, 2010, 10:53 pm
So does that mean the bug fix will bring it back up to 25%? :P
posted on March 5th, 2010, 6:35 pm
I recognized the return of an old bug.

The Federation Repair Ship behaves like a destroyer again.
Meaning it does not repair damaged ships and stations but chases after ships of your opponent and shoots at them.
Even after the retreat of your enemy it is relatively useless, in most cases it repairs nothing on its own if not ordered specifically to do so. And yes I checked, it is set for total freedom of movement and use of special weapons.
posted on March 5th, 2010, 7:34 pm
shadow_from_afc wrote:And yes I checked, it is set for total freedom of movement and use of special weapons.

Erm ... but if you DON'T want it to behave like a destroyer then you should set it to NO freedom of movement...  the way you say you have it right now will let it run willy nilly.

  Set everything to green.
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